
Trump is going to win the election

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Posted (edited)

5 hours ago, BlueOak said:

America took a further step towards dictatorship, which clears the path towards his rule for another 4 years.

If something can be argued to be an official act, it's okay. So anything a half-competent politician can remember to say, or a lawyer can argue is under the mandate of an official act is okay. The courts power over politicians in America just fell on its face, which is exactly what dictators require.


5 hours ago, BlueOak said:


The Supreme Court is effectively giving Trump all of the tools he needs to be America's version of Putin.

Edited by DocWatts

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I am from Germany and this all is too unreal for me to watch what happens in USA.

This would even be too unrealistic for a Netflix serie. It is insanity. Both trump and Biden in it's own way. I question reality now.

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6 minutes ago, OBEler said:

I question reality now.


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I would vote for Biden because of the principles of his campaign. Trump just points fingers at somebody else, makes impossible claims and blatantly lies.

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26 minutes ago, Applegarden8 said:

I would vote for Biden because of the principles of his campaign. Trump just points fingers at somebody else, makes impossible claims and blatantly lies.

On the whole, Biden has been a good president whose legislative accomplishments have done more good for ordinary Americans than any administration in the past 50 years.

The problem is that he's failed to build a sustainable democratic coalition that can bulwark against the far-right's efforts to turn America into an autocracy.

If Biden loses against Trump that is the only thing he'll be remembered for.

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I cannot ever forgive the democrats for letting the Russo-Ukraine war happen. It was totally unnecessary. And their interference in foreign elections.

Around 400,000 families have lost their fathers, just for America's arrogance.

Trump seems to be the guys who could get these two things in order.

CIA backed Coups and US backed NATO.

Yes, Trump is a monster. But you need a monster like him to keep the American empire wrecking havoc accross the world. America is the bigger monster here, which most Americans fail to recognise.

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42 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

On the whole, Biden has been a good president whose legislative accomplishments have done more good for ordinary Americans than any administration in the past 50 years.

Maybe. But it was disastrous for people living abroad.

This is why it's high time for a "conservative" leader. Stop your operations abroad and get back to handling local matters like a normal country.

Biden givens a blank check to the CIA for foreign election interference and toppling of democracies simply because there are only two genders. How do you think you will get it back in order? Of course that's where the relevance of Trump is.

3 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:


Even if he is a fascist electing him would enable Russia to end the war is enough reason to back him.

Unless dems self reflect and change their stance, which isn't happening.

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4 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Even if he is a fascist electing him would enable Russia to end the war is enough reason to back him

Are you sure?? This stuff is counter-intuitive. 

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Even if Trump wins, I won’t let that stop me from living the most authentic and badass life I develop.

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Posted (edited)

10 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Are you sure?? This stuff is counter-intuitive. 

Sure. Trump would defund NATO. 

There is no point in NATO existing anyway.

Edited by Bobby_2021

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Posted (edited)

If Trump defunds NATO and Russia is given time to rearm, Russia invades Eastern Europe and we are in WW3. 

Russia has sustained significant losses now, so there is a possibility Putin will be dead before he can rearm sufficiently. However without NATO guaranteeing Europe, and the right's ascendency in Europe, we may see a switch to counter aggression toward Russia from Europe now. Both sides are posturing for a fight.

What the Anti NATO crowd don't understand is, NATO has guaranteed peace among some of the most powerful countries on the planet for a hundred years. Whatever you think of them personally.

Edited by BlueOak

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Hearing this hyperbole about “fascism” makes me distrust anything these political pundits say.  Trump was already president and actually was the only president in recent times that didn’t get the US into a war.   What will actually happen from a practical standpoint if Trump is elected is that the Supreme Court will become even more conservative.  I doubt that Trump can even stop illegal immigration.  All this rhetoric is smoke and mirrors.  The real issue is the massive inequality of wealth, with the rich getting richer and the middle class shrinking.  This is the real issue and the uniparty doesn’t address it because the US is really an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Trump sensed that the mainstream thinks of Israel the same it thinks of Russia and anti-vaxers, and he immediately pounced, being a sociopath.

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12 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

If Trump defunds NATO and Russia is given time to rearm, Russia invades Eastern Europe and we are in WW3. 

Absolutely zero evidence for this. 

As far as as ww3 is concerned, as are already alarmingly close to it right now. Thank God Putin has some restraint.  

13 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

What the Anti NATO crowd don't understand is, NATO has guaranteed peace among some of the most powerful countries on the planet for a hundred years. Whatever you think of them personally.

NATO served a purpose during the cold war, to counter the USSR. After it's dissolution there is no threats anywhere of some kind. 

Europe should take security into its own hand. But these countries have significant differences and disagreements brewing among them. Once US leaves the scene or takes a passive stance, which seems increasingly likely with president Trump, they will not be a able to take a unified stance on anything.

13 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

The real issue is the massive inequality of wealth, with the rich getting richer and the middle class shrinking.

Well, the first issue is that all these wars have to stop. That would put an end of Defence contractors getting $100B to manufacturing weapons to bomb people. 

The rich got richer by $100B by merely passing a bill. And with zero returns to the economy. They charge around $50k for a small packet of bullets. It's a scam that dems have allowed to continue recklessly. 

And the CIA backed US interference in elections in foreign countries is also a huge pain in the ass especially for countries like India. It has become a psychopathic game at this point for the CIA. It's poetic justice to see their own democracy being in peril because of the Orange clown.

18 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

This is the real issue and the uniparty doesn’t address it because the US is really an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy.

The US was never a true democracy even in theory. As long an average person in the US cannot run for prez, it's not a true democracy. 

You need to grow the ranks in the parties to get a real chance of winning. Parties gatekeep democracy. And there are only a handful of parties at that. You need to be rich and influential to even have a shot at winning. This is fundamentally undemocratic.

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2 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Absolutely zero evidence for this. 

As far as as ww3 is concerned, as are already alarmingly close to it right now. Thank God Putin has some restraint.  

NATO served a purpose during the cold war, to counter the USSR. After it's dissolution there is no threats anywhere of some kind. 

Europe should take security into its own hand. But these countries have significant differences and disagreements brewing among them. Once US leaves the scene or takes a passive stance, which seems increasingly likely with president Trump, they will not be a able to take a unified stance on anything

Plenty of evidence Bobby we repeatedly discussed it. You may not like it, but I keep presenting it. Let's not go around it again here else we'll derail the American's political thread, the Ukraine thread is still active again for that if we want another round.

Thank god NATO has restraint. If England was far right at the moment our troops would be in Ukraine and our assassins active in Russia taking people out, just like Russia does. Russia has threatened to nuke us repeatedly, threatened our monarchy, and our people, killed people on our soil with assassins, and generally tried to provoke a rise out of us every chance it gets.

If Europe takes security into its own hands, troops would already be in Ukraine. America isn't the most hawkish, because as you say many Trump's supporters, and many on the left wing want to stop aid. Russia isn't much of a threat to America anymore, they are more concerned about China. So America, the collective country is nowhere near as pro-Ukraine as Eastern Europe, Poland, the Baltics, England, France, Finland etc. Without America stabilizing the response, some countries would already be in Ukraine. Sure America don't want Russia to win, because Europe is their main trading partner, and if Europe starts to either break down or go into a war footing, America looses money.

So please understand what you are asking for. Without NATO there isn't one pole of power, or two poles, many powerful countries would be active and maintaining a larger military, which is not a step toward world peace.

Anyway let's take this to the Ukraine thread if you want to go further.

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1 hour ago, BlueOak said:

Plenty of evidence Bobby we repeatedly discussed it

Half of it I debunked and the other half didn't register as proper evidence, but whatever makes you feel good.

Russia isn't a threat unless you go up in it's doorstop which NATO did in its lack of restraint.

1 hour ago, BlueOak said:

Without NATO there isn't one pole of power, or two poles, many powerful countries would be active and maintaining a larger military, which is not a step toward world peace.

I totally understand, but there are costly trade-offs to outsourcing security. As long as US backed CIA is in the mix, Europe will live in threat of war because they have no restraint. They will keep expanding it to seel their weapons. Trump will keep it at bay for the time being, if he is elected.


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8 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Half of it I debunked and the other half didn't register as proper evidence, but whatever makes you feel good.

Russia isn't a threat unless you go up in it's doorstop which NATO did in its lack of restraint.

I totally understand, but there are costly trade-offs to outsourcing security. As long as US backed CIA is in the mix, Europe will live in threat of war because they have no restraint. They will keep expanding it to seel their weapons. Trump will keep it at bay for the time being, if he is elected.


   Are you hoping Trump will win the elections? I don't mind.

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@Bobby_2021    Plus I don't like the latest blog posts. Sounds like he's off his meds or something, Jesus.

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Trump seems to be the guys who could get these two things in order.

CIA backed Coups and US backed NATO.

Yes, Trump is a monster. But you need a monster like him to keep the American empire wrecking havoc accross the world. America is the bigger monster here, which most Americans fail to recognise.

This is foolish.

If you think American foreign policy is bad now, under Trump it will only get worse.

Edited by aurum



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