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Keryo Koffa

I want to know how I know and maybe that's a problem

1 post in this topic

Psychedelics, Meditation and Yoga can propel one into states of Oneness, Emptiness, Ego Death. Unfocus one's mind and bring it into the field of infinity from which everything forms. Separations breaks down, constructs are revealed as such, distance dissolves, need is seen as it arises for itself before it becomes entangled.

But there's this desire to understand it, to wield it, to nonetheless keep a sliver of separation that lets one experience the process instead of becoming so one with it that any experience ceases.

The experiencer is constructed but the experiencer is the experience that constructs itself, on an absolute level experience does exactly what it wants to do, though in the process of wanting, ties itself down to respond to that need. Though even nothingness is an identity that seeks to remain unentangled, the need to perceive infinite possibilities might be a need, desire, conditioning, or just a state of being. Maybe desires are to be navigated like waves, as a journey that arises and ends as waves in the ocean.

I am biased to context, to remember, integrate and navigate experiences, not to get lost or stuck in a loop or suffer in ignorance. But the way I navigate this bias may limit new experience, the expanding of consciousness, the awareness of more.

I have this idea that when all becomes one, experience, understanding and awareness ceases, yet I want to experience and know the process, how reality forms as it does, how it takes on forms, the infinite intelligence that constructs this infinitely detailed fractal reality, the body, the mind, the senses, all experience.

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