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Mathematics is imaginary.

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@Leo Gura initially I thought it was hilarious when u said mathematics is imaginary. Later I had an insight where I realized 1+1 can equal one for example when a couple has sex they only produce one offspring. Also it can equal to 3 since it is a family of 3 now. It could also equal to 4 and 2 if the babies are twins. This is just one example. Also when two atoms collide it becomes one molecule. Fuck my mind was blown the non dual aspect of maths.

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The key to math is that your units are always relative and subjective. You dictate what the units are which you care about.

No objective units are ever found.

Is a human one unit or a trillions units, or anything in between? That's up to you to select. It's a matter of perspective. But whichever perspective you select, you better be consistent with it from then on.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Imaginary numbers are interesting because they imply numbers are not imaginary. As in, how to represent the square root of a negative number, only being possible with a combination of numbers that aren't mathematically possible. The nomenclature imaginary was established because of how insulting an early mathematician found the concept to be. There is a statistical bias on real numbers existing. 

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@Antor8188 Math is a conceptual overlay we use to tune our awareness to the structure of physical reality through ratios. That reality on a deeper layer is imagination and the math a further self-reflective layer of abstraction, though it points to the shape of what we see in actuality.

Math might be an indispensable part of consciousness, as it describes how forms within it relate and can coexist in this infinite substrate. But it is a limited lens that analyzes spatial structure and quantic relationships. Biology, philosophy and art are other ways to understand the relationships of forms within consciousness, math might very well not be essential after all but another perspectival limitation that points to a far greater discipline of metaphysics.

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the job of maths in 1+1= is to tell you what is 1, what is + and what is =

they can have any meaning you please

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Here is the proper way to do math:

“How many boxes are there?” 

A bunch of illogical events occurring in perfect synchronicity.


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