
Sadhguru confirms God is not the end.

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18 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

If this is true, what determines how one is feeling, Bliss or Misery,



18 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

or are we able to invent a "rudder" and learn to use the power of the wind to direct us where we want to go??

It is going on it's own without any input from you. That's an illusion.


19 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Before my Mom died she suffered Depression, as many ppl do nowadays, it was a constant thing, so i realized then and there that if ppl can feel depressed on a consistent daily basis, they can as well feel Bliss or Happiness on a daily basis, its just with Bliss its more life empowering than depression.

I said nothing about not having feelings of happiness on a daily basis. They are still short lived when they arise even if they are frequent. Everything is in motion. So are thoughts. Constant negative thoughts in motion can bring upon depression if kept alive and believed in. The bliss being more life empowering than depression that you talk about here is still just a belief, a human belief. A thought. The very mere thought that happiness is good and sadness is bad is the very thing that creates more sadness because the thought seeks for more happiness because it thinks it's a better sensation. If all these sensations were to be left alone and not come with them judgements of good or bad, right or wrong and just move through the body on it's own; there wouldn't be an imbalance where depression arises. Each time one experiences happiness, UT tries to hold on to that feeling and now a default mode gas been created where the sadness gets deeper and gets stuck in the body as unwelcom


31 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Analysing Your posts, which is what happens when we read what others write and make a judgement, I would say Your in a stage of Absolute Acceptance of What is, Sadhguru call this "This moment is Inevitable", nothing can be done about it to change what already is, other than Accepting or not Accepting, with Acceptance Your more available to the possibility of the next moment, with non Acceptance You are not available to it, your trapped and enslaved by the past, that is all.

You guys keep interpreting what was said with your own train of thought processes and not seeing it for what it is. It's a natural occurrence and cannot be helped, because of your constructs so I understand. Nothing in my comment said anything about acceptance. There's nothing to accept and no one doing any accepting. Those are just thoughts arising and being claimed to be accepting something when the truth of the matter is that's another illusion. There's no free will and choice but only within the dream of separation.

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16 minutes ago, bambi said:

Speaking from the Absolute perspective is nonsensical! Lol

Its like speaking about life from the perspective of death

Im sorry if Im being direct with you. Your posts are just highly misleading for me, and serve no purpose (sorry)

You can literally cut all the shit by doing some of the real work, its a much better strategy

I'm not the one on here passing judgements. I'm not the one on here attacking anyone. I'm not the one on here getting triggered nor am i the one on here not respecting others' perspectives and lashing out. 

Maybe you're the one that needs to do some work. Being direct and lashing out criticizing, trying to demean and attack are different things. That's not being direct, that's fear. Of what, idk. Your work might reveal that to you.

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Posted (edited)

15 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Im sorry if Im being direct with you. Your posts are just highly misleading for me, and serve no purpose

I've had people say to me they enjoy my posts, including one as recent as yesterday. Also people like you who doesn't. There are plenty that I don't like and plenty I do like. What gives me the right to want life to go my way at all times. You have demonstrated here one of the reasons why the mind suffers. It wants to be in control and think life is about it. It sees everything that opposes it's construction, beliefs and world views as the enemy and the contrary it's friend.

This forum is not about you. We're not here to temper your temper tantrums in life to make your life a better place to live and feel oh so comfy. You say my posts are highly misleading FOR YOU. Well, block or ignore me if you don't like my posts. Hollering and shouting at me isn't the answer. Maybe another call to action could be to analyze why this is the case and that maybe, just maybe you are so attached to your pov's that they have made you their slave. 

You call what I've said bullshit but at the same time were not in control of your feelings and responded negatively when the truth of the matter is you were not doing that on your own accord; if you were you would be in heaven 24/7, 365 because that is the desired state but impossible because the choice isn't yours to have. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

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I’m going to piss off a ton of people, but here goes nothing:

Sadhguru is NOT AWAKE! 

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6 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I’m going to piss off a ton of people, but here goes nothing:

Sadhguru is NOT AWAKE! 

@Yimpa That's because Sadhguru does not exist. Is part of your mind ;) 

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8 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I’m going to piss off a ton of people, but here goes nothing:

Sadhguru is NOT AWAKE! 

There's no one asleep because no one wakes up. 

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I have lost my mind and will take a trip to India to find it :P

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18 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I've had people say to me they enjoy my posts, including one as recent as yesterday. Also people like you who doesn't. There are plenty that I don't like and plenty I do like. What gives me the right to want life to go my way at all times. You have demonstrated here one of the reasons why the mind suffers. It wants to be in control and think life is about it. It sees everything that opposes it's construction, beliefs and world views as the enemy and the contrary it's friend.

This forum is not about you. We're not here to temper your temper tantrums in life to make your life a better place to live and feel oh so comfy. You say my posts are highly misleading FOR YOU. Well, block or ignore me if you don't like my posts. Hollering and shouting at me isn't the answer. Maybe another call to action could be to analyze why this is the case and that maybe, just maybe you are so attached to your pov's that they have made you their slave. 

You call what I've said bullshit but at the same time were not in control of your feelings and responded negatively when the truth of the matter is you were not doing that on your own accord; if you were you would be in heaven 24/7, 365 because that is the desired state but impossible because the choice isn't yours to have. 

This is not a personal judgement on You just saying:)

I think ppl are attracted to Your Posts and Non Duality/Absolutist sort of Spirituality is because it doesn't require any work or responsibility on the persons part, which in the end means No Doing is required, its like a lazy mans way to Realization, but there are drawbacks and consequences to it all as there is with anything..Its great to think and understand that "I" does not exist, that nothing has to be done and things are just as they are, lol. Personally I don't understand it or Realize it to be this way but to each their own, the Karma will work its way out regardless:)

The other side of Spirituality, like Yoga and Buddhism require Work and Responsibility to make Realization Happen, which some may not be willing to do, that is why there are all sorts of ways to perceive it, view it, understand it and so forth...Karma means "My Life is My making", for me there is Me, Myself and I, but in my experience it is possible to include all others within that Me, Myself and I situation Experientially,, Body and Mind wise there are individual entities existing, but we are not the Body or Mind right:)

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga I definitely lack in the hard work department and am looking forward to focusing on that one further.

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13 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

@Ishanga I definitely lack in the hard work department and am looking forward to focusing on that one further.

But also, become aware of all the hardships you’ve overcome. It’s truly a miracle.

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58 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I’m going to piss off a ton of people, but here goes nothing:

Sadhguru is NOT AWAKE! 

Eat 8 gr dried shrooms with lemon take. You will go before big bang. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

I think ppl are attracted to Your Posts and Non Duality/Absolutist sort of Spirituality is because it doesn't require any work or responsibility on the persons part, which in the end means No Doing is required, its like a lazy mans way to Realization, but there are drawbacks and consequences to it all as there is with anything..Its great to think and understand that "I" does not exist, that nothing has to be done and things are just as they are, lol. Personally I don't understand it or Realize it to be this way but to each their own, the Karma will work its way out regardless:)

This is such a total misunderstanding of what I talk about. Never have I said there's no work to be done or work to be done or there's no responsibility on the person's part. Nor did I ever say no doing is required. All I'm simply saying is there's no one doing it. No one making these choices. These are just happenings being done by no one. Simply energy in motion. 

You are saying these things as if I'm saying there's someone making these choices and that they choose to be lazy and not do anything, or they choose to be active in the pursuit of achievement. There is no one deciding these things, not even your comment was a decision by Ishanga. There is no Ishanga but a body responding to outside stimuli. What it's programmed to do. Receiving information and outputting it via functionalities. 

If I was to say I'm going to stop doing spiritual work because I see no point since there's no me making choices, or it's just simply what's happening, that's just a dream. Also the opposite as in saying I need to do Spiritual work because it's essential for whatever reason, that's still within the dream. There's no one there making either choices, they are both energetic responses. That's all that's happening here. Responses to stimuli. You are being lived. No one is living their own life. It certainly appears that way and I'm not saying I'm not here saying I don't have a life. It has become obvious to me that this us the case. 

You will never realize it to be this way, and neither do I. There's simply something within the energy that recognizes this to be the case and resonates for reasons I don't know. When I had another belief, there was something there that believed that also, then the belief turned into another belief, into another belief and into another. Your whole life is built upon beliefs. If you had a choice in what you believed, you would believe nothing but the best, nothing but good stuff, nothing that wasn't in your favor and even if you did why would you have faith in a belief that was in your favor if it was already the case. If you had $1000, there would be no need to believe you had $1000, you would know. Just like you don't believe you have a hand, you know it. 

If I was a real person making my own choices and living my own life, why am I sad sometimes, why am I not rich, why do I stumble and fall at times, why don't I know what tomorrow brings, why don't I make my own heart beat, why am I not happy all the time. Why do I have to search for meaning and purpose, why do we not know what are thoughts, who am I. You might have answers for these, but that's all tought to you. Knowledge brought down from others. 

All that is, is what appears. There's no real knowing. There's just memory from what you already know and how you're able to decipher what from what. There's no person there that knows anything. It's all memory separated by thoughts - dead thoughts. I could go on, but I'll stop here. This is too magical to comprehend if your beliefs are too embedded and the program doesn't have room to change.


Edited by Princess Arabia

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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

That's the freedom. Not some airy fairy idea of what you think freedom/liberation is. Like bliss/happiness/joy/fulfillment. This is already that and also sadness/misery/hopelessness etc. It's all energetic. Energy in motion. Appearing as misery and bliss. This is neutral. Empty. There's nothing to hold unto. Nothing to gain, nothing to get. Nothing. It's all appearances. Anything can appear. The individual is an illusion. That's why "noone" makes it out "alive". This is already death.


the absolute is now and all that appears to be are mirages. but the movement of the cosmos must continue, the dance never stops, it is impossible. Infinity is total love, energy of total existence. That energy dances on itself, springs up like a fountain, on itself. It is immutable in its essence but in appearance eternal mutation. cycles upon cycles, always here, now. There is no death, as you have said, because this is already death. This, although it may not seem like it, is eternal reality. and you are the absolute, what exists, and from you springs the essence of existence. It has the same meaning as, for example, a species of birds that reproduces exactly the same for 20 million years. It exists, it is, it is full, it is never scarce, nothing is ever missing. It begins and ends eternally, and is always total, new, never gets old, gets tired of itself, because it rejoices in itself infinitely. It seems incredible that infinite existence is not a horrible condemnation, a horrible unimaginable. absolute hell. without scape. but it is eternal heaven because it opens its heart. His love has no bottom, its light never diminishes, its intensity is total. It smiles, it opens, it has no limits, it is free. Your freedom is infinite.

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

I think ppl are attracted to Your Posts and Non Duality/Absolutist sort of Spirituality is because it doesn't require any work or responsibility on the persons part, which in the end means No Doing is required, its like a lazy mans way to Realization,

Just so you know, I'm realizing more and more by not trying to achieve anything Spiritually. By not adding more and more knowledge and filling my head up with all these insights and perspectives. By "allowing" certain things to just fall away and revealing life's true essence. By seeing life as it is and not what my thoughts are saying about it. (even though I do have thoughts about it, but with the recognition that they are only stories about life/.

It's like less is more and doing without doing. Life is right here, right now, not in the past or future. Not hoping for or wishing for. Not in practices or processes. Those are done for their sake and not in trying to get somewhere. Not in seeking liberation or freedom because there's nothing outside of you. So those things are already the case. It's in the doing of these things that hides this revelation. Not saying I don't do certain things, but it comes from a place of love and not wanting. It's already here, I just need to stop looking for it and notice it, which I have. Now, all that's happening is love for what I do and a celebration of life however it unfolds because there's nothing but. I will never experience death because the body won't know it's dead, it doesn't even know it's alive it's just functioning and responding to the stimuli it's fed, until it doesn't.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:


the absolute is now and all that appears to be are mirages. but the movement of the cosmos must continue, the dance never stops, it is impossible. Infinity is total love, energy of total existence. That energy dances on itself, springs up like a fountain, on itself. It is immutable in its essence but in appearance eternal mutation. cycles upon cycles, always here, now. There is no death, as you have said, because this is already death. This, although it may not seem like it, is eternal reality. and you are the absolute, what exists, and from you springs the essence of existence. It has the same meaning as, for example, a species of birds that reproduces exactly the same for 20 million years. It exists, it is, it is full, it is never scarce, nothing is ever missing. It begins and ends eternally, and is always total, new, never gets old, gets tired of itself, because it rejoices in itself infinitely. It seems incredible that infinite existence is not a horrible condemnation, a horrible unimaginable. absolute hell. without scape. but it is eternal heaven because it opens its heart. His love has no bottom, its light never diminishes, its intensity is total. It smiles, it opens, it has no limits, it is free. Your freedom is infinite.

BEAUTIFUL. Gave me goosebumps reading it. 

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Just so you know, I'm realizing more and more by not trying to achieve anything Spiritually. By not adding more and more knowledge and filling my head up with all these insights and perspectives. By "allowing" certain things to just fall away and revealing life's true essence. By seeing life as it is and not what my thoughts are saying about it. (even though I do have thoughts about it, but with the recognition that they are only stories about life/.

It's like less is more and doing without doing. Life is right here, right now, not in the past or future. Not hoping for or wishing for. Not in practices or processes. Those are done for their sake and not in trying to get somewhere. Not in seeking liberation or freedom because there's nothing outside of you. So those things are already the case. It's in the doing of these things that hides this revelation. Not saying I don't do certain things, but it comes from a place of love and not wanting. It's already here, I just need to stop looking for it and notice it, which I have. Now, all that's happening is love for what I do and a celebration of life however it unfolds because there's nothing but. I will never experience death because the body won't know it's dead, it doesn't even know it's alive it's just functioning and responding to the stimuli it's fed, until it doesn't.

Yes I understand logically what You are saying, this is the fastest way, but its not the only way because still someone has to realize it, can one realize it as You say above? If not then what, if they are reading this but still feeling like shit inside everyday, then what? Then doing is required, so again this is all a play on different levels, in Absolute level there is exactly as You write above, no doing, no doer just energy or whatever as it appears... but something has to realize it, if You are in realization of it and I am not then what does it mean? For me it means there is a sense of Individuality at a certain level, maybe this is a mistake on my part in the whole process but its a process until one realize it for themselves,

Its no different than when someone says Suffering is a part of this process or a part of Life, that may be so up to a point, and that point is when one is experiencing beyond Suffering then it is  no longer needed, the whole path or whatever this is is like this, we all want to I think get to that point of non doing, just beingness and realizing this.

If there were no others then what is Leo doing posting vids and creating this forum, if no others exist on some level of Absolute?

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Posted (edited)

8 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

not then what, if they are reading this but still feeling like shit inside everyday, then what?

Anyone who feels this way and wants that to change has to make an extremely serious effort to open up, to dissolve their psyche, to free themselves from their chains. to seek total purity in the mind, total openness. have an open heart, without thorns, without fear. open your eyes to the absolute, and keep them open all the time. Anything else is misery . But it's very difficult, because there is a lot of lack. Life is war, is designed in a not so nice way😅. You need food, money, sex, reproduction, connection with the others, are sickness, misery, death. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

Anyone who feels this way and wants that to change has to make an extremely serious effort to open up, to dissolve their psyche, to free themselves from their chains. to seek total purity in the mind, total openness. have an open heart, without thorns, without fear. open your eyes to the absolute, and keep them open all the time. Anything else is misery 

Agreed, not many can do this all at once, so there are steps, systems developed to make this happen over time, the 8 limb yoga system is just what this is, its set up to deal with all of this so the path is done with as little strain and stress as possible, for others it come easy for them, this is dependent on ones karmic substance and make up..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Posted (edited)

8 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Agreed, not many can do this all at once, so there are steps, systems developed to make this happen over time, the 8 limb yoga system is just what this is, its set up to deal with all of this so the path is done with as little strain and stress as possible, for others it come easy for them, this is dependent on ones karmic substance and make up..

The problem for me is the lack. There are many things necessary. You want a full, connected human life, doing what you like and not a work that disgusts you, in misery, illness, total loneliness. We are human, we have to dance the human dance and it is extremely difficult. But the only way to do it wisely if from the openenss. If not the thing could become very twisted 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Yes I understand logically what You are saying, this is the fastest way, but its not the only way because still someone has to realize it, can one realize it as You say above? If not then what, if they are reading this but still feeling like shit inside everyday, then what? Then doing is required, so again this is all a play on different levels, in Absolute level there is exactly as You write above, no doing, no doer just energy or whatever as it appears... but something has to realize it, if You are in realization of it and I am not then what does it mean? For me it means there is a sense of Individuality at a certain level, maybe this is a mistake on my part in the whole process but its a process until one realize it for themselves,

Its no different than when someone says Suffering is a part of this process or a part of Life, that may be so up to a point, and that point is when one is experiencing beyond Suffering then it is  no longer needed, the whole path or whatever this is is like this, we all want to I think get to that point of non doing, just beingness and realizing this.

If there were no others then what is Leo doing posting vids and creating this forum, if no others exist on some level of Absolute?

You are still missing what I'm saying. Leo isn't posting anything. Life is. Life is at play posting through Leo's avatar. Life is energy. Energy is in motion. It is typing happening. Posts happening. The Absolute is posting and typing. It is alive and doesn't have a reason to not appear as it does. You just gave a reason why Leo shouldn't be posting and thats because there are no others so what's the point. The Absolute is you saying this, the Absolute is me responding and the Absolute is Leo posting. It makes no sense to the individual's human thinking processes because it doesn't line up with how it thinks things should be. That's also the Absolute thinking that. Thinking is happening but by no one. Just mouths moving, fingers typing, sense making happening. Appearing as humans and typing and posts and trying to make sense of itself. It is so free it can do that because it's unlimited, impersonal, absolute, and everything with no reason or purpose, it just is. Life goes on. It's illogical.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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