
Sadhguru confirms God is not the end.

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"God-Realization" still more dreaming.


part 1https://imgur.com/a/fPwgejj

part 2https://imgur.com/a/hC2iAkO



Almost No one understands what really Liberations means. Is going beyond EVERYTHING. Including God, Dream, or Existence. 

That´s why most people in this forum will re-incarnate and keep entangle themselves. Until they get tired of it. 


When you trip and have full breakthrough and you think that is the End, Guess what, that is still Entanglement. That is still Maya.


Nobody understand what really means to be FREE. Is not "God-realization".

Edited by Javfly33

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sadhguru does not ever say that god is more dreaming. he says that liberation is disidentification from even god. he never invalidated the existence of god in any way, quite on the contrary he confirmed god many times

Edited by emil1234

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

"God-Realization" still more dreaming.


part 1https://imgur.com/a/fPwgejj

part 2https://imgur.com/a/hC2iAkO



Almost No one understands what really Liberations means. Is going beyond EVERYTHING. Including God, Dream, or Existence. 

That´s why most people in this forum will re-incarnate and keep entangle themselves. Until they get tired of it. 


When you trip and have full breakthrough and you think that is the End, Guess what, that is still Entanglement. That is still Maya.


Nobody understand what really means to be FREE. Is not "God-realization".

The one who experience the god or become God is an illusion in first place.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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On 22/06/2024 at 9:27 AM, emil1234 said:

sadhguru does not ever say that god is more dreaming. he says that liberation is disidentification from even god. he never invalidated the existence of god in any way, quite on the contrary he confirmed god many times

Im not denying god. Im saying God is another creation of ego. 

On 22/06/2024 at 9:59 AM, James123 said:

The one who experience the god or become God is an illusion in first place.

@James123 exactly,

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Posted (edited)

From my research on it via Sadhguru and others, in Yoga they invented or created the Deities &Yantras they call them, in our language these are just devices to be used to go beyond or as he says to be Liberated, that is the end goal, so you use whatever means it takes to get there, You can Use the God/Deity/Yantra or not use it, but God is not the Goal that is the main thing...

You are God, that is true in the sense that You are Both Creator and Creation, Your here to work all of this out, play the game of this life as it is on this Earth and Dual plane, but know within that You are the Creator and a part of it always in connection with it, by saying "Creator" I am not implying that You are creating a dream of existence and that You are the only one here, lol, that's not it, You are here Embodied in Body/Mind complex but this is not You, You are beyond all of this, but Your here playing out this game of Individuality in a Dual realm but can experience Oneness as Your True Nature...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Posted (edited)

On 6/22/2024 at 2:45 AM, Javfly33 said:

"Amost No one understands" 

"That´s why most people in this forum"

Interesting post but this language is so arrogant and cringy. And is what's wrong with this forum. (Even Leo admits this in his latest video)

With outlandishly esoteric topics obviously there's going to be little consensus. No need to make people feel bad about it. 

Edited by enchanted

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Do you need Sadguru to validate or invalidate any insigth? Lets grow out of this need for some Guru or even Gura validate something for us. Go trip more deep. 

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Posted (edited)

10 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Do you need Sadguru to validate or invalidate any insigth? Lets grow out of this need for some Guru or even Gura validate something for us. Go trip more deep. 

The point it to Use Sadhguru to get there, he even says this of himself, he wants ppl to use him for their own liberation, so that is why Guru's and Teachers are here, if all of us could do it on our own then we would but most cannot they need assistance, as long as you can see it this way then its fine, when You raise them up on a pedestal then it gets dangerous and disempowering...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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20 minutes ago, enchanted said:

Interesting post but this language is so arrogant and cringy. And is what's wrong with this forum. (Even Leo admits this in his latest video)

With ourlandishly esoteric topics obviously there's going to be little consensus. No need to make people feel bad about it. 

@enchanted You are completely right. I got that from Leo LOL i swear


14 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Do you need Sadguru to validate or invalidate any insigth? Lets grow out of this need for some Guru or even Gura validate something for us. Go trip more deep. 

Hahaha... good luck thinking you are going somewhere just by tripping and more tripping.

You do not understand what a Guru is.

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If you think you have reached any end to this you are fooling yourself.

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31 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@enchanted You are completely right. I got that from Leo LOL i swear


Hahaha... good luck thinking you are going somewhere just by tripping and more tripping.

You do not understand what a Guru is.

Don't know about other benefits of a guru, but a guru helps us to remain humble by being devoted to him. If somebody misuses that devotion, then hr cannot be a proper guru

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19 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

If you think you have reached any end to this you are fooling yourself.

Hahahah...you dont know what liberation is.

Is ABSOLUTE consciousness.

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Same here as with Tate Thread. When a Thread is opened with a certain intention and energy the thread goes on with no productive outcomes. i know this by some threads I had opened myself and had checkes that this is the case. Depend on the way it starts I a cascate of shi#*

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The absolute is beyond God, it is the very essence of reality, what we are. enlightenment is to be one with it. God is creation, form, cosmos. but god itself is also the immutable substance in its essence. 

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This is already liberation. This is already freedom. So much so, that it can appear as not. So much so, that it's freedom to appear as enslaved and unliberated. There is no liberation or/and freedom for the individual. It's automatic. The individual separate self, that thinks it's the "wave" cannot be freed nor liberated. Why? Because it doesn't exist in the first place.

Freedom and liberation doesn't mean the end of suffering. If it did, it would be freedom and liberation, that's a condition. Freedom and liberation is unconditional love where nothing is excluded. That's Absolute. How can it be totally free and excludes suffering and pain. It also includes people who think God Realization is the end. People who do psychedelics. People who feel lost. People who post on forums telling other people that a guru says God is not the end; and people who oppose this message. 

That's the freedom. Not some airy fairy idea of what you think freedom/liberation is. Like bliss/happiness/joy/fulfillment. This is already that and also sadness/misery/hopelessness etc. It's all energetic. Energy in motion. Appearing as misery and bliss. This is neutral. Empty. There's nothing to hold unto. Nothing to gain, nothing to get. Nothing. It's all appearances. Anything can appear. The individual is an illusion. That's why "noone" makes it out "alive". This is already death.

Know thyself....

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1 minute ago, Princess Arabia said:

This is already liberation. This is already freedom. So much so, that it can appear as not. So much so, that it's freedom to appear as enslaved and unliberated. There is no liberation or/and freedom for the individual. It's automatic. The individual separate self, that thinks it's the "wave" cannot be freed nor liberated. Why? Because it doesn't exist in the first place.

Freedom and liberation doesn't mean the end of suffering. If it did, it would be freedom and liberation, that's a condition. Freedom and liberation is unconditional love where nothing is excluded. That's Absolute. How can it be totally free and excludes suffering and pain. It also includes people who think God Realization is the end. People who do psychedelics. People who feel lost. People who post on forums telling other people that a guru says God is not the end; and people who oppose this message. 

That's the freedom. Not some airy fairy idea of what you think freedom/liberation is. Like bliss/happiness/joy/fulfillment. This is already that and also sadness/misery/hopelessness etc. It's all energetic. Energy in motion. Appearing as misery and bliss. This is neutral. Empty. There's nothing to hold unto. Nothing to gain, nothing to get. Nothing. It's all appearances. Anything can appear. The individual is an illusion. That's why "noone" makes it out "alive". This is already death.

LOL youre a crazy character, have you ever done any spiritual work in your life or you simply sit at home mentally masturbating and lieing to yourself?

You certainly can increase or decrease suffering, this is obvious as soon as you start to introspect or meditate. Your whole sense of self, behaviours, actions, intentions, world view and paradigm comes with different degrees of suffering.

You think everyone suffers the same, or has an equal experience of life? This is idiocy. People addicted to opiates on the street are suffering much deeper then someone like Sadghuru. Theres a clear path, a clear continuum of progressive purificaiton of self (including behaviours etc), other and world view, that does lead to more peace, love, joy and serenity, i.e. less suffering

Whatever  neo-advaita trash your parroting is a complete misunderstanding from a lack of authentic experience. What is the purpose here? You think constructing some type of pseudo intellectual framework and repeating it to yourself and others helps anything? Do you think telling what you wrote to drug addicts or other people who are suffering has any utility or value?

No offence but have you ever meditated or done any psychedelics or any other spiritual work in your life? The freedom you speak of but dont experience, is the end result, it isnt a lived reality for 99.99% of humans. You clearly have no idea of the interdependant and interconnected nature of your self, your actions, your world view, your level of conciousness, your perspective on life and the amount of emotional suffering you experience. 

The day you stop bullshitting yourself and others, and actually face yourself (meditaiton and psychedelics are good tools), you're going to be in for a huge awakening my friend. If you are as enlightened and as realised as you posture to be, psychedelics wont work on you, so you have nothing to fear, right?


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8 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

This is already liberation. This is already freedom. So much so, that it can appear as not. So much so, that it's freedom to appear as enslaved and unliberated. There is no liberation or/and freedom for the individual. It's automatic. The individual separate self, that thinks it's the "wave" cannot be freed nor liberated. Why? Because it doesn't exist in the first place.

Freedom and liberation doesn't mean the end of suffering. If it did, it would be freedom and liberation, that's a condition. Freedom and liberation is unconditional love where nothing is excluded. That's Absolute. How can it be totally free and excludes suffering and pain. It also includes people who think God Realization is the end. People who do psychedelics. People who feel lost. People who post on forums telling other people that a guru says God is not the end; and people who oppose this message. 

That's the freedom. Not some airy fairy idea of what you think freedom/liberation is. Like bliss/happiness/joy/fulfillment. This is already that and also sadness/misery/hopelessness etc. It's all energetic. Energy in motion. Appearing as misery and bliss. This is neutral. Empty. There's nothing to hold unto. Nothing to gain, nothing to get. Nothing. It's all appearances. Anything can appear. The individual is an illusion. That's why "noone" makes it out "alive". This is already death.

If this is true, what determines how one is feeling, Bliss or Misery, are we just Sailboats in the wind, going by where the wind wants us to go, or are we able to invent a "rudder" and learn to use the power of the wind to direct us where we want to go??  Before my Mom died she suffered Depression, as many ppl do nowadays, it was a constant thing, so i realized then and there that if ppl can feel depressed on a consistent daily basis, they can as well feel Bliss or Happiness on a daily basis, its just with Bliss its more life empowering than depression...

  If Misery is possible in the Absolute, then Bliss is possible, why are these possibilities available to us, for us to just let it all happen as Absolutes Will or are we able to do that ourselves, all is Possible in the Absolute, the only thing is can we determine how we experience Life, imo Yes we can that is why we are here, its the same argument back and forth.. Ppl label You an Absolutist, or Non Dualist for this reason, that is what is means to be those labels, and its half correct..

Analysing Your posts, which is what happens when we read what others write and make a judgement, I would say Your in a stage of Absolute Acceptance of What is, Sadhguru call this "This moment is Inevitable", nothing can be done about it to change what already is, other than Accepting or not Accepting, with Acceptance Your more available to the possibility of the next moment, with non Acceptance You are not available to it, your trapped and enslaved by the past, that is all. 

With this its not an intellectual formula to try to figure out, Acceptance has to be natural, as a Realization that Existence as it is right Now (where Life is found!) is just as it is, stressing over it makes things worse...This is one of the steps to realizing that as Human Beings we have Free Will, that is another reason why we are here to work this out in everyday life and live to our highest possibility... Yes these are just words, makes no difference one way or another, but sometimes words do make change or at the least are the start of change...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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11 minutes ago, bambi said:

LOL youre a crazy character, have you ever done any spiritual work in your life or you simply sit at home mentally masturbating and lieing to yourself?

You certainly can increase or decrease suffering, this is obvious as soon as you start to introspect or meditate. Your whole sense of self, behaviours, actions, intentions, world view and paradigm comes with different degrees of suffering.

You think everyone suffers the same, or has an equal experience of life? This is idiocy. People addicted to opiates on the street are suffering much deeper then someone like Sadghuru. Theres a clear path, a clear continuum of progressive purificaiton of self (including behaviours etc), other and world view, that does lead to more peace, love, joy and serenity, i.e. less suffering

Whatever  neo-advaita trash your parroting is a complete misunderstanding from a lack of authentic experience. What is the purpose here? You think constructing some type of pseudo intellectual framework and repeating it to yourself and others helps anything? Do you think telling what you wrote to drug addicts or other people who are suffering has any utility or value?

No offence but have you ever meditated or done any psychedelics or any other spiritual work in your life? The freedom you speak of but dont experience, is the end result, it isnt a lived reality for 99.99% of humans. You clearly have no idea of the interdependant and interconnected nature of your self, your actions, your world view, your level of conciousness, your perspective on life and the amount of emotional suffering you experience. 

The day you stop bullshitting yourself and others, and actually face yourself (meditaiton and psychedelics are good tools), you're going to be in for a huge awakening my friend. If you are as enlightened and as realised as you posture to be, psychedelics wont work on you, so you have nothing to fear, right?


Hi Bambi. I see you're at it again. How's your day going. I see I've triggered something in you again as usual. Might want to take a deep look at that and why. If you really took a look at my post you'll see I never said people aren't suffering, quite the contrary. Nor did I say suffering cannot be increased or decreased. 

Matter of fact your whole response is an interpretation of what you believe I'm saying, nit what I actually said. Maybe your psychedelic use isn't working for your temperament and triggering responses to someone's ideas, thoughts and comments. If you don't agree, you don't agree. No need for attack and insults, which you constantly throw at me everytime you get a chance.

I was speaking from the Absolute perspective. I don't need Spiritual practices to recognize what was said. Observation, curiosity, resonance and something that can be recognized within can be enough. There's simply energy responding to energy and all that drugs and suffering and all you're saying has nothing to do with what was said. The Absolute doesnt carry with it a pity party and doesn't see humans. It's the human that sees other humans and can only relate as such. Feel free to come at me some more, as that energy needs a place to vent. I don't mind.

Know thyself....

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Just now, Princess Arabia said:

Hi Bambi. I see you're at it again. How's your day going. I see I've triggered something in you again as usual. Might want to take a deep look at that and why. If you really took a look at my post you'll see I never said people aren't suffering, quite the contrary. Nor did I say suffering cannot be increased or decreased. 

Matter of fact your whole response is an interpretation of what you believe I'm saying, nit what I actually said. Maybe your psychedelic use isn't working for your temperament and triggering responses to someone's ideas, thoughts and comments. If you don't agree, you don't agree. No need for attack and insults, which you constantly throw at me everytime you get a chance.

I was speaking from the Absolute perspective. I don't need Spiritual practices to recognize what was said. Observation, curiosity, resonance and something that can be recognized within can be enough. There's simply energy responding to energy and all that drugs and suffering and all you're saying has nothing to do with what was said. The Absolute doesnt carry with it a pity party and doesn't see humans. It's the human that sees other humans and can only relate as such. Feel free to come at me some more, as that energy needs a place to vent. I don't mind.

Speaking from the Absolute perspective is nonsensical! Lol

Its like speaking about life from the perspective of death

Im sorry if Im being direct with you. Your posts are just highly misleading for me, and serve no purpose (sorry)

You can literally cut all the shit by doing some of the real work, its a much better strategy

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