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Africa is big but it isn’t the biggest continent

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This might be a useless post but the blog post Leo shared has one flaw that I and many others easily overlook. For some reason, we assume Africa is a country and not a continent. What that blog post did was compared countries to the continent.

If you actually compare North America to Africa, you will see that they are closer in size. 
Africa is about 12 million square miles and North America is 10 million square miles.

Asia is 17 million square miles.

This does demonstrate how big Africa is because it is almost the size of Asia, but I wanted to point out the logical fallacy of comparing countries to the continent when I think it should be comparing continents to continents.

It just seems a little misleading. 

Either way, I didn’t realize that Africa is bigger than North America. That blows my mind.

Edited by r0ckyreed

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