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Evan Gill

you still suffer consequences for actions in the dream world

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Everything that we perceive is an unreal dream, but one should not then think, “Since everything is unreal, I can do what I like”. There are dream consequences for the bad acts committed in the dream, and while you still take the dream to be the reality, you will suffer the consequences of your bad behaviour. Do no evil and have no hate. Have equanimity towards everything.

-Annamali Swami (disciple of Ramana Maharshi)





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Of course you do. 

Some people took lsd and thought they can fly. They jump out of building. Some even died jumping out of 3rd storey high building because they are still hallucinating and not protecting themselves.

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Karma means we are the makers of our Life! I don't use this "Dream" Terminology, its contradictory, first You are in a Dream and its unreal, but You can still Suffer? If its unreal, why worry or be concerned about Suffering? It makes no sense and lead ppl to stupid ideologies and inner experiences, soon they begin to think they are the "only" one to exist lol...

If you master Karma, You will be Free to determine how You Experience this Earthly Life and Life Beyond this Body/Mind/Earth complex, so much so that You can choose to come back again and choose which family you are born into or too completely lose Individuality and merge with Absolute, the choice is there...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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The rules are the ones which enhance the experience of life, and creates the possibility for a beautiful journey,

from one that of lust and pleasure, to that of bliss,

from that of fear to fearlessness,

from that of an animal to that of a god,

from that of ego to that of unity, 

from that of a slave to that of a master,

From that of brahma to that of Brahman.

Edited by An young being

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While we are unaware of how consciousness constructs the world and others, we should tread lightly.

Before jumping out the window to fly, try levitating in the room.

When we fully encompass our reality and feel each part of it, we can choose to behave any kind of way.

But since we become everything, any harm projected can only be directed to and experienced by us.

And that creates profound self-understanding, since we are the actor and object of our expression.

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