
How To Express Your Authentic Self To Women

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I recently saw a YouTube video of Leo talking about being authentic with women.

That authentic self has to be discovered, of course, but how?

Do we just approach women? We just go and talk to women?

How does it work?

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Well there are many reasons,but what i noticed with you is that you said in one thread, that you had many approaches,girlfriends,sex then in other thread asking for lines to say to a woman,doesnt add up.

So for you to be authentic is to embrace your current self and avoid the mindset of being more than you are, it really hurts you since you think you are not good enough.When you think you not good enough  you look to present yourself like somebody you think women will like, but you are not actually that(person you constructed in the mind).So every action,words will come from place of lie and you know to keep lying is really hard, because you need to come up with the things that are not actually true all the time on a fly thaa-daa😆..

But when you accept you and speak from actual truth of your life situation and who you are, words,actions become so smoother and easier..


If for example woman asks you what you do in free time and to be authentic you say the truth.If you play video games ,watch porn you say that,if she really feels you she wont mind.Not like looking for some magical answer where she will  be blown away.She will be blown away if you start living authentic life towards your full potential.That can't happen if you keep playing around in your head the lies of the guy you are not.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 hours ago, eTorro said:

That authentic self has to be discovered, of course, but how?

The whole self-actualization and spiritual process is self-discovery.

And pickup is also that process.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The whole self-actualization and spiritual process is self-discovery.

And pickup is also that process.

If I talk to women on the streets, I make them uncomfortable momentarily.

I don't care if or when I get uncomfortable — the issue is that I don't want to make those girls uncomfortable.

But if I go with what @Leo Gura is saying, I'd approach many women on the streets regardless of how I'm making them feel. 

The only solution that would work is TO NOT CARE HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL AT THAT MOMENT.

In other words, I just approach people without caring about the outcome or how they'll feel.

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