
Help me with shrooms

28 posts in this topic

I'm about to take shrooms today and it just so happens that the next weekend would be also an ideal time to take them. 

Now I know that you should wait 2 weeks in between trips to get the full effect and I always did that, but what would happen if I took them next weekend too?

Would it be completely wasted? Or would it be just a little less effective? Or a lot? 

(I'm asking only because of my schedule. I'll see if the time will feel right etc, and I advise everyone to do the same.) 


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The extent to which your tolerance is still there is highly individual and circumstantial so it’s impossible to determine precisely. You could have a weaker trip. You could not have a weaker trip.

And what do you consider wasting it? If you have 85% of the strength of the previous trip due to tolerance is that wasting it?

Shrooms are also highly unpredictable when it comes to potency.

Test it out 1 week apart and come back to tell us! Was it weaker or not?

Sailing on the ceiling 


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I had one trip on LSD and three trips on 4-ACO-DMT in the last seven days.


I didn't notice any tolerance. 4-ACO-DMT is supposedly the same as mushrooms.


Test it out. Maybe you are also lucky.

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Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, Sandroew said:

you should wait 2 weeks in between trips

I heard from a researcher (who self-experimented with LSD over months) that 2-3 weeks is actually the ideal period. You can still develop tolerance with 2 weeks if done consistently, but not with 3. Of course that was his body, and with LSD. With mushrooms, I'd naively guess tolerance is less pronounced due to the psylocibin being more quickly cleared from your system.

4 hours ago, Sandroew said:

Would it be completely wasted?

No, IME. I've done mushrooms 2 days in a row because I was in the NL and didn't have much time. My second trip was quite strong, I didn't notice any difference.

Edited by PsychedelicEagle

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Hello everyone, thank you for the answers! (sorry for getting back to you so late) 


I'm going to test it this weekend and I'm going to write a little trip report too after work today. 

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@Sandroew Nice, 

You could experiment in this way. But, also consider your own integration needs before tripping again. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 6/25/2024 at 9:15 AM, Sandroew said:

Hello everyone, thank you for the answers! (sorry for getting back to you so late) 


I'm going to test it this weekend and I'm going to write a little trip report too after work today. 

When you consume them eat a lemon.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 A lemon? Why? You know what, don't explain let it be a surprise! Lol But surely you don't mean a whole ass lemon do you? 

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26 minutes ago, Sandroew said:

@James123 A lemon? Why? You know what, don't explain let it be a surprise! Lol But surely you don't mean a whole ass lemon do you? 

Eat all the lemon. And fasten your seatbelt. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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53 minutes ago, Sandroew said:

@James123 A lemon? Why? You know what, don't explain let it be a surprise! Lol But surely you don't mean a whole ass lemon do you? 


The acid in Lemon is suppose to mimick stomach acid and help expedite the conversion of psilocybin to psilocin, theoretically making the onset quicker, stronger and the overall duration shorter

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28 minutes ago, bambi said:


The acid in Lemon is suppose to mimick stomach acid and help expedite the conversion of psilocybin to psilocin, theoretically making the onset quicker, stronger and the overall duration shorter

I wonder if this could be done with 4-ACO-DMT.

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I do find lemon speeds it up. So does making a tea with the shroomies and lemon. Almost too fast hahah

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

I do find lemon speeds it up. So does making a tea with the shroomies and lemon. Almost too fast hahah



What the fuck was this!?





Edited by shree

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@shree I gave your question Chatgpt4o:

"When considering 4-AcO-DMT (4-Acetoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine), it's important to understand that it is a synthetic prodrug to psilocin. Upon ingestion, 4-AcO-DMT is thought to be metabolized into psilocin, which then produces its psychoactive effects.

Given that both psilocybin and 4-AcO-DMT ultimately convert to psilocin in the body, it is plausible that an acidic environment, like that provided by lemon juice, might also influence the metabolism of 4-AcO-DMT. However, the exact mechanism and efficacy of this process with 4-AcO-DMT compared to psilocybin are less well-documented.

Key considerations include:

1. **Chemical Stability**: 4-AcO-DMT might have different chemical stability in acidic solutions compared to psilocybin. Research into the specific reactions of 4-AcO-DMT in acidic environments would be necessary.

2. **Metabolism Pathway**: The conversion pathway for 4-AcO-DMT to psilocin might be more straightforward or different compared to psilocybin. Understanding this pathway would help in predicting how acidification might affect it.

3. **Bioavailability**: The impact of acidity on the bioavailability of 4-AcO-DMT versus psilocybin could differ, potentially altering the expected effects.

Without specific studies or data on this exact process for 4-AcO-DMT, any conclusions would be speculative. For those interested in experimenting with this method, it would be essential to proceed with caution, understanding that individual reactions can vary and that anecdotal evidence should not replace scientific research."

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5 hours ago, Thought Art said:

making a tea with the shroomies and lemon

The classic lemon tekk! It does speed up absorption, increasing the peak at the cost of shortening the trip. Once I did 5g mushrooms lemon tekk and it was a very intense trip. I think best if you powder the mushrooms as much as possible so the surface area of the lemon juice interacting with the "spice" is larger. We put the powder in the lemon juice and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Search online and you'll find many tutorials.

8 hours ago, Thought Art said:

consider your own integration needs before tripping again

Great point.

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Hey, so here are my thoughts about me tripping 2 weekends in a row.

First of all I would not call this a trip report, I did both times only about 2 grams which was not sufficient for me to get relevant insights. I will talk about the circumstances of them though.

1. Tripp: I went hiking in the countryside. Had a good time overall. At some point I sat down at the riverside and I could have gotten contemplative here. It was supposed to be raining so the annoying mosquitos would go away. But they did not bother me that much. On the other hand I could not concentrate because I was constantly thinking about how hungry I am.
I am doing a diet and I barely ate anything that whole day. I do not recommend! Definitely eat something if want to go tripping. Just don't eat a heavy meal before you take shrooms. It's interesting tough because usually I can get away with feeling hungry, but this this I could not.

2. Tripp: I went to see the north sea here in Germany. Had a great time again. This time I decided to take the shrooms on the beach. I ate a bit of a lemon beforehand. It really helps! So this was just 7 days after the first Tripp. Did not feel any less potent than the first one! If anything it was even more potent. I don't know if that was entirely because of the lemon, but yeah. Again, it was only 2 grams thought so I was not tripping my balls off anyway. I got a little bit anxious though getting high on the beach. I'm usually anxious around a lot of people anyway. Shrooms did not help that. I was pretty tired too (somehow I walked 34 km that day). So I decided to leave. Anxiety went away a little bit later and I got in a great mood like most of the time I do when I do shrooms. Again did not get any insights though.

So even though I did not get anything worthwhile out of these tripps - except good times and the experience - I don't think It was completely a waste of time. I learned that eating lemon boosts your Tripp, you don't necessarily have to wait 14 days inbetween tripps and not to do them completely starving, especially if you are hiking lol. (And they are beneficial for me even without the insights, because it helps with my mood)

So that was my experience, I know I could have been more "serious" about it and the next time I'm tripping I will make sure to be able to contemplate more. (probably with a higher dose ofc) 

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I dont understand why anyone would do psychedelics outside of a dark room and meditation, may as well drink some beers lol!

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@bambi I get depressed if I stay too long in my apartment. Nature is good for contemplation, but mostly you want to be alone. If anything I should have just postponed the trips since I felt from the beginning that meditation will be hard that day. 

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Mushroom’s potency is hard to gauge. If you don’t grow them you’ve got two options. 

Store them whole to keep them longer but every time you take them the potency is a gamble. 

Or blend them all together so you know 2g of this batch will be the same 2g next week but in this case they will stale much faster.

I tried making tea and freezing it. Doesn’t work you loose A LOT of potency that way.

 I tried blue honey. Doesn’t work you end up eating so much sugar to get a decent trip. Not worth it.

 Have yet to dabble with alcohol extracts.

In an ideal world you know where it’s coming from & you are certain your whole batch is a single genetic specimen. That way you can store them whole for a while and the potency isn’t a gamble.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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