
Andrew Tate video- > "You have 10 years to get rich before western society collapses"

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Posted (edited)


12 hours ago, Juan said:

   Don't care, irrelevant to the point I was making. You lot aren't listening at all. Also, the deep irony of this is you yourself are a victim of the social media matrix, the toxic mind rape that Tik Tok is doing to younger gens.

Edited by Danioover9000

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12 hours ago, Fountainbleu said:

I have to agree that I don't think he's a good role model. 

   Again, it's the mentality and spirit of masculinity for young men that needs emulating. Obviously don't copy exactly Andrew Tate, just his will power and drive.

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11 hours ago, gambler said:

Andrew Tate was called a rich twat and that didn't cause a 'jeez, relax' reaction. What's so bad about shaming a cuck vs a rich twat? Isn't treating your significant other as a booty-call more shameful than being a twat?

I don't like this prohibition on shaming, I feel this shouldn't be restricted. This to me is virtually no different than calling Tate a rich Twat. Since I don't like the control of language, I feel inclined to say this for the greater good:

Destiny the cuck.

   Exactly, nothing wrong with being blunt and brutally honest about it. Also, for those too triggered by Andrew Tate here's another example of masculinity for young men:


   As real as it gets. And I have some agreements with this S. Carmen guy on most modern men today addicted to toxic social media platforms and normalizing degenerate behavior like polyamorous relations and cuckoldry. Yeah, lace up and put on some gloves, get some fighting experience, and maybe that alone helps in making relevant opinions based on the reality of what it felt like getting hit in your face, and having to roll the punches!

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5 hours ago, Chadders said:

@Danioover9000 Sure it’s important for boys and young men to develop the divine masculine. They need proper role models though. Andrew Tate isn’t one of them. He warps perceptions of what it means to be a man in a dysfunctional way

   Andrew Tate is enough for these young boys to emulate. I say emulate, not copy or mimic, but take his soul and fighting spirit. That's it. No hippie woowoo divine masculinity, just masculinity. No need to magic ritualize masculinity, just put on some laces, gloves, exercise a bit, learn to fight, at least that before you open your mouth about fighting and warfare, like these soft modern men who're addicted to Tik Tok and victims of mind raping social media platforms!

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34 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Andrew Tate is enough for these young boys to emulate. I say emulate, not copy or mimic, but take his soul and fighting spirit.

Do you emulate him? Getting results? Or is just your opinion that Tate is a good emulation for "those" young boys addicted to TicTok?

Is always good to bring home. Are you using Tate as a model? And second how far following his best traits are helping yoi achieve the sucess with money and woman that you may be wishing for youself. 

Some people are like Doctors that offer medicine for other that they themselfs dont take.


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You guys talk way too much about these scammers and instead neglect your own innate knowing and inner guidance towards your full and authentic potential. Stop listening to all these scammers for Christ sake and starting doing something you’re passionate about. That is literally all the guidance you need in life. 

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@Rafael Thundercat

17 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Do you emulate him? Getting results? Or is just your opinion that Tate is a good emulation for "those" young boys addicted to TicTok?

Is always good to bring home. Are you using Tate as a model? And second how far following his best traits are helping yoi achieve the sucess with money and woman that you may be wishing for youself. 

Some people are like Doctors that offer medicine for other that they themselfs dont take.



7 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Lyubov the thread could close with your words. Whatelse

   Firstly, pace your typing. I see a lot of typos and misspellings in your words. Slow down, don't get too excited in your articulation. Second, I said to emulate Andrew Tate's willpower and drive, and being strong minded in achieving your results in life. How that exactly manifests for you or other young men will depend on your life and what you want. Just emulate his spirit, not ape what he exactly does like a monkey.

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Posted (edited)

@Danioover9000 The issue is a lot of youngsters do already follow Andrew Tate. They’ve had an issue with this in schools and his influence is creating distortions in terms of being a man

Tbf this has not been helped by the general attack on masculinity and so young men and boys are lost. They are not getting what they want often sexually and romantically at a young age. Also capitalism creates this artificial need to be wealthy that youngsters too immature to understand desire. They see that Tate has the bling bling and the ladies and they want that for themselves. Tate distorts how to get it though by basically being a worse human

By divine masculine I mean a strong independent man that is confident and self assured. Tate is actually quite insecure given his paranoia. Also the divine masculine boys do need to integrate the feminine by being compassionate and vulnerable. This makes you a stronger man because you are comfortable with insecure feelings rather than suppressing opening up to it and being compassionate 

Edited by Chadders

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@Fountainbleu your fist mistake was taking any claim made my Andrew Tate as oriented towards truth...

Last year he was saying you have to get rich right now by buying his course

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Don't care, irrelevant to the point I was making.

It’s VERY relevant because you’re talking about his ideas, his philosophy. If you’re truly open minded enough, you would’ve watch the video. 

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   Maybe a better example of masculinity, for you lot triggered by Andrew Tate's boldness;

   No, don't take drugs, take in SPIRIT!

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@Rafael Thundercat

6 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Tate is a Horrible example for Men since he lacks Sensitivity,Emphaty and we saw videos of How He truly treat woman dont we? 

Vunerability and Sensitivity is a big part of being a full spectrum human being. For both Man and Woman. 

This Brother bellow speak all

   Yes continue hating on one guy. Great example for young men, just hate on someone huh. I'll repeat, just because I say role modal doesn't mean you ape everything he does. Just take his fighting spirit if nothing else.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

Yes continue hating on one guy

No hate on Poor Tate. He is ready getting the consequences of his acts. My hate would the useless 

Ah about mispelings. English is not my first language, I am brasilian, I do my best. So can rest your Obssesion for correct writing now. Peace

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Just take his fighting spirit if nothing else.

And how EXACTLY this would look practically? If he fights with bears, should I fight with another animal? I’m not making a joke although it’s a pretty good one, but for real wdym with “fighting spirit”? Practically 

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Just take his fighting spirit if nothing else.

Good I will watch some of his Figths. 

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Why 10 years in the future and not 10 years ago? 🤔

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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6 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Why 10 years in the future and not 10 years ago? 🤔

   Because we're 10 years into the present...

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2 hours ago, Juan said:

And how EXACTLY this would look practically? If he fights with bears, should I fight with another animal? I’m not making a joke although it’s a pretty good one, but for real wdym with “fighting spirit”? Practically 

   If I use you as an example, you lack the fighting spirit to quit Tik Tok porn vids for example. You too addicted to social media shorts, letting those devices pervert your mind, making you an addict to all that digital stimulation. Andrew Tate's fighting spirit might mean you need some spiritual energy, to reclaim your soul back from those Tik Tok pervs, and just have the balls to say NO, and to say FUCK YOU TIK TOK! And just commit to breaking your bad habit over the months.

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