
Andrew Tate video- > "You have 10 years to get rich before western society collapses"

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Tate isn’t the person to go to for survival advice.   By working on youself, you can become low profile and get rid of the personality quirks that distort your reality and make you vulnerable to the manipulations of Internet clown world.  You don’t need to be rich.  If you are sane you can adjust to any environment.  You will have the eyes to find one of the few sane women in the world and have a peaceful life.   It’s better than the stress of being high profile and facing a life in prison.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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3 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

Tate isn’t the person to go to for survival advice.   By working on youself, you can become low profile and get rid of the personality quirks that distort your reality and make you vulnerable to the manipulations of Internet clown world.  You don’t need to be rich.  If you are sane you can adjust to any environment.  You will have the eyes to find one of the few sane women in the world and have a peaceful life.   It’s better than the stress of being high profile and facing a life in prison.

   No, Andrew Tate, as a role modal, nothing too specific in aping, is a good modal for young men, for that mentality and for that development of the opportunist. Hate him or love him, Andrew used to be a poor guy, and had father issues, but he overcame them to become the guy he is today, even if you disagree morally with him, I still suggest to emulate his will power and rive to success.

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Posted (edited)

@Fountainbleu ultimately society is heading that way towards being like an oligarchy where the rich and powerful have all the assets and political leverage 

However there will be a tipping point. As the people become more impoverished and their living standards continue to decline there will be a backlash. There is a deep seated sense that the system is rigged for the wealthy asset owners. 
There is only so much bullshit people are willing to take. Of course some lower conscious people will react by voting for the hard right but they will eventually realise that the hard right is full of shit. It’ll be karma whatever happens

Edited by Chadders

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54 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   No, Andrew Tate, as a role modal, nothing too specific in aping, is a good modal for young men, for that mentality and for that development of the opportunist. Hate him or love him, Andrew used to be a poor guy, and had father issues, but he overcame them to become the guy he is today, even if you disagree morally with him, I still suggest to emulate his will power and rive to success.

He is try hard.   A young man won't be served by adding all those false layers.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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@Danioover9000 he’s a material seeker but has not yet found the spirit. Until he does he will just be a rich twat who thinks he’s better than everyone else because of the bling bling and the money money. I really do not need this like he does

emulate some other role model that has achieved I would suggest. Steve Jobs for instance

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

I still suggest to emulate his will power and rive to success

Once I had questioned a old experient curandero from Amazom jungle. He passed for a long period of self-healing, extreme purification to be able to do the work he did. So I asked him: From all your time of preparation for become a healer, what was the most difficult obstacle you faced in your path?

without thinking twice, he gave me a direct answer : Vanity!!


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   I feel like I'm talking to old people, to a bunch of 30's, 40's, 50s year olds. Like do you guys not know the value of youth??? Have you lost what is most important to youths??? People like Andrew Tate, his drive, his passion, his will power is what's needed for such young people!!! No, not exactly his scheming or his other bits, just that WILL POWER! 

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4 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

No, not exactly his scheming or his other bits, just that WILL POWER! 

He deceives you by screaming here and there to show his "will power".

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12 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Have you lost what is most important to youths???

I am remembered every summer what is most importan to youths. Not Spain but nearby and same tourists


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3 minutes ago, Nemra said:

He deceives you by screaming here and there to show his "will power".

Male bravado can certainly be attractive.
It elicits a subconscious & energetic sense of, "this guy is dominant" which is a turn-on for most women.
But sometimes this attraction to bravado isn't based in clear discernment of a man's character.
Women can frequently find themselves attracted to a man who treats her horribly. This isn't the dominance she is actually looking for.
Her selection of such a man is likely based off of previous conditioning & early childhood relationships that prime her to seek men who match her prior experience of being dominated in detrimental ways (emotionally, physically, and/or sexually).
This would be misguided attraction - what is consciously desired and subconsciously attracted do not match.

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@Rafael Thundercat

18 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

I am remembered every summer what is most importan to youths. Not Spain but nearby and same tourists


   Straw man me one more time...

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21 minutes ago, Nemra said:

He deceives you by screaming here and there to show his "will power".

   I'd rather most youths have his will power, than most youths be cowards! That's the most important lesson Andrew Tate can ever transmit to you, will power and drive! Don't be a coward in life! Unfortunately most younger people are getting more cuckoldry, more into polyamorous degenerate BS, and are more afraid that EVER! I hate seeing how the internet is destroying people's lives like this!

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1 hour ago, Chadders said:

@Danioover9000 he’s a material seeker but has not yet found the spirit. Until he does he will just be a rich twat who thinks he’s better than everyone else because of the bling bling and the money money. I really do not need this like he does

emulate some other role model that has achieved I would suggest. Steve Jobs for instance

   I'm saying emulate Andrew's winner and fighting spirit. Obviously not what he exactly does, just his fighting spirit. He used to be a good kick boxer, have a fighter soul. That's my message to youths, develop your masculine energy a bit!

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5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I'm saying emulate Andrew's winner and fighting spirit. Obviously not what he exactly does, just his fighting spirit. He used to be a good kick boxer, have a fighter soul. That's my message to youths, develop your masculine energy a bit!

I have to agree that I don't think he's a good role model. 

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8 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I see absolutely nothing wrong with Tokyo. I visited there for two weeks and I loved it, I intend to go back. 

One thing is visiting the east for a Westener  and another thing is a westerner living in the east. Especially one of the most xenophobic countries in the world, Japan. 

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8 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

Tate isn’t the person to go to for survival advice.   By working on youself, you can become low profile and get rid of the personality quirks that distort your reality and make you vulnerable to the manipulations of Internet clown world.  You don’t need to be rich.  If you are sane you can adjust to any environment.  You will have the eyes to find one of the few sane women in the world and have a peaceful life.   It’s better than the stress of being high profile and facing a life in prison.

I'm doing it, and open to the  abundance, in all forms. But it's a great reminder. 

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14 hours ago, RightHand said:

Jeez, relax.

Andrew Tate was called a rich twat and that didn't cause a 'jeez, relax' reaction. What's so bad about shaming a cuck vs a rich twat? Isn't treating your significant other as a booty-call more shameful than being a twat?

I don't like this prohibition on shaming, I feel this shouldn't be restricted. This to me is virtually no different than calling Tate a rich Twat. Since I don't like the control of language, I feel inclined to say this for the greater good:

Destiny the cuck.

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@Danioover9000 Sure it’s important for boys and young men to develop the divine masculine. They need proper role models though. Andrew Tate isn’t one of them. He warps perceptions of what it means to be a man in a dysfunctional way

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Posted (edited)

Tate name turned into a Energy Vortex of Shit that any thread started with his name will eventually end in confusion, debate and detours. What if we learn to reflect before starting Threads with Low Density names??

Even a thread about Lucifer,Satan or Any devil would end in some uplifting talk.

Ok joking, but you guys never realize that a name when is conected with so much amount of dirt brings the less good part of us? There could even be another area called " Compost Posts, a area to post every dense stuff that if you decide you can go there to throw some posts and compost. There is value in compost, some fungus love to grow there and eventually it can be used to make plants grow, but is not food, is just compost. For me Tate topics are this, compost. If some people are good in using it to nutrition, great, but dont call it "content". Is not content, have no nutritional value for the mind. 

I dont mean toxic positivity and denial of all the shadow in the world. But you guy dont see that depending of how a talk start or the way the topic is framed it brings only discord and debate. 

Any idiot can enter in this Forum and bring the quality of the threads to a low denominator. If we were all in a room together would we really tolerate all and any one to bring the group talk to derail to non-sense stuff? I mean. The name of this session is Personal Development. So, what about consideration before just starting a thread with such clickbaity title.

10.years? A Prophecy by a Guy that could not even predict his own imprisionment??


"Andrew Tate video- > "You have 10 years to get rich before western society collapses" 

Just My POV, throw your rocks..

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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