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How To Let Go?

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I'm stuck in between forgiveness and letting go of all thought which one should i proceed with? should i stop identifying myself with my past? or should i identify myself and forgive?


I'm aware that thoughts cause all suffering but how to go best around it or it could go either way?


Edit: if i can forgive anything, it feels like i'm telling myself like i can do whatever i want and always forgive later and not care, having such justification feels weird when i overthink it, i'm used to the rule that it always matters what we do in life

Edited by khalifa

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@khalifa The answer is within you my friend. Noone can help you make your decisions. Trust yourself and feel deep within for the answer, it will come in time.

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You need to do both.

Forgive your past self, be compassionate for the pain he endured, realize that it happened because you he couldn't do better, and acknowledge that was is done is done.
Be thankful that all what happened to you (or what you did), all the things that needed to happen, in that exact order ...
If it didn't, you may never find out about spirituality, you may never had the opportunity to truly heal yourself like you are doing now, be thankful to that.

To stop the identification, you just need time, I really don't think you can force that.

Don't try to force it, you can't, it will happen gradually :)

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Don't *try.* That's the ego. But be open to the change at the same time. Hold the paradox. Don't think too much about it. If you find your mind going back and forth stuck between the possibilities of how to forgive, just observe it. 

What I am reading now: Smile at Fear, Chögyam Trungpa

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