
Use same pick-up line over and over again. Is that bad?

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I have used the same pick-up opener-line on girls over and over again on 120 girls.

My opener line: “Hey i know this is kinda random, but you looked so attractive that i had to come over to talk to you”. Then I start some random assumptions like, "You're a nurse right” for example. After that I can be spontaneous and talk about random shit. 

I do this so I can focus on practicing leading, handling her friends and insta date. 

Is it bad to use the same line over and over again. I have made a strong habit just doing this everytime i go out. I think it has become a bit mechanical now. I feel like robot. 

Good news tho. I am better at having strong eye contact and smiling. 

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Change it up and be more natural.

The opener doesn't matter. Be more authentic instead.

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Posted (edited)

Different things are good or bad at different stages of your Game journey. 

If you're just starting out and struggle with consistently opening, I'd recommend having at least a few generic " pick up lines " to even get your foot in the door, cope with your anxiety and get real life experience with girls .

The one you're using is good because its basically a compliment thats genuine and pretty vague so it's not really considered " canned material ". It's just something that starts the conversation and  naturally leads you to improvise the rest of the interaction which is good practice for you .

Also the added benefit of keeping things on your end consistent is that it allows you to make better sense of the cause - effect and find behavior patterns

 If there are too many variables it may be a little too difficult for a begginer to learn any lesson

Challenge yourself once in a while to try something new. It's called " field testing " 

I assume you're doing daygame so this right here is all you need about opening 



Edited by mmKay

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Be more authentic instead.

Sorry, but i don't know how to be authentic. I have a more fake it until you make it attitude. I need rules to follow and lines to spam for me to be able to approach. 

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4 hours ago, mmKay said:

I assume you're doing daygame so this right here is all you need about opening 

Mostly night game

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@Peo If you had zero lines and you saw a cute girl, what would you say to her?

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Posted (edited)

One of my best daytime approaches was me going up to a girl without anything in mind, complete blank, present. I tried it as an experiment bc. I was in the flow, hanging out with some buddies doing approaches and talking shit. 

I stopped her, said "Hey!" and looked at her for a split second, smiling. Then I said "Fuck, I love your nose piercing" (which I had just noticed). She lit up, then we had a great talk, exchanged numbers and dated after that.

Edit: Just saw you're talking about night time. 

In my experience it's the same there. Spontaneous works best but I (at least) have to work up to get into the flow of doing things with some standard openers. On the dance floor I often ask for her name, then take her hand as if I were to shake it and then start dancing with her. Or off the dance floor something like "Ayy, what's up?" followed by improvisation. 

There are most likely better openers but it's more about getting into the flow of things.

These are just my experiences. I'm still learning, so take with a grain of salt 😉

Edited by cle103
Talking about night game.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Peo If you had zero lines and you saw a cute girl, what would you say to her?

Meow 🐱 

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@Leo GuraI would go over and say "Hey you looked so cute, i just had to come over here and talk to you" Then i guess i would speak about a random topic either the weather or ask about her ambitions in life. Then quickly ask her out on a insta date. Like some coffe or a walk in the park. 

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Posted (edited)

19 hours ago, Peo said:

@Leo GuraI would go over and say "Hey you looked so cute, i just had to come over here and talk to you" Then i guess i would speak about a random topic either the weather or ask about her ambitions in life. Then quickly ask her out on a insta date. Like some coffe or a walk in the park. 

This will never work, its like you picked every word to set yourself up for failiure.

You need to find someone to teach you game.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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51 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

You need to find someone to teach you game.

True, i tried to find someone on game group on telegram. Lets say no one responded. My city has many women, but no wingman. At the moment i dont have the money to move to a bigger city like London.

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Posted (edited)

@Peo Manually message each guy of your group. All you need is to befriend one half decent wingman. A coaching relationship will drain your wallet really fast

Edited by mmKay

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The only thing i that might work is to hire some wingman to travel to my city to help me out. 

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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

This will never work, its like you picked every word to set yourself up for failiure.

Of course it can work.

There is no magic opener that gets you laid. An opener is just a way to start a conversation.

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@Peo You can do it yourself alone.But you need to understand yourself better so you present yourself better.

@Leo Gura Anything can work if she feels you are "the man".But i wasnt looking at the opener but deeper,he said you looked so cute immidietly i see he worships/pedestelize her ,so anything coming out of his mouth will appear weak.He speaking about random topic after that shows her he has no leadership skills,he doesnt know what he is doing,she will think he doesnt have any bedroom skills.After that asking for insta date where he didnt show anything about himself that peaked her curiosity she will just politely decline.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Posted (edited)

27 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

he said you looked so cute immidietly i see he worships/pedestelize her

That opener can be said without any such weakness. Why are you assuming the worst?

Any opener can be said in a pathetic and bad way.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura When one looks at the woman and thinks omg shes so cute,damn i would love to sleep with her,shes amazing ,immidietly its pedestalization and she is at that moment above him.It takes away the power,when that happens one cant fake it, things that will come out of his mouth after that will be weak from that mindset.One who pedestilize himself will say things that is confident and will think he is the catch what makes her cute really?

I took it from everything he said in the thread, he is not experienced as you to make it sound good.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Posted (edited)

@NoSelfSelf First girl I ever slept with, my opener was, "OMG! You are fucking adorable!"

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura So then if the aim is to fuck,your opener should have been Omg you are fucking adorable lets fuck, my apartment is this way.You wont do that because it will ruin your chances.Otherwise from point onward you are manipulating her to sleep with you.Since we are all about high conciousness and truth you should be able to see that.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

he said you looked so cute immidietly i see he worships/pedestelize her

That is an assumption. I could not give a fuck about any girl. Have bigger things in life to aim for then some random girl. I am only interested being really good with women and having sex ofc. For me is it about having skills and building confidence.

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