
Christian prophecies for the next few years and spiritual teaching videos

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on this channel there are Christian prophecies for the coming years, I've been reading them for 3 years, it's about famine, wars, natural disasters, financial bankruptcy, the coming of the antichrist and other things...

there are also lots of tutorial videos about the soul, demons, angels, and so on..

it's interesting check it out too

youtube channel

prophecies with english subtitles Are from 2021 to september 2023



here is the new germany channel for new videos with english subtitles from september 2023

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@johnpegasis7 Is clear that you a new member here. I openned the links and no way to understand any of that. English please. And less Catholic Nuns hehe

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On 16. 6. 2024 at 7:43 AM, Rafael Thundercat said:

@johnpegasis7 Is clear that you a new member here. I openned the links and no way to understand any of that. English please. And less Catholic Nuns hehe

Thé Bog mowi do ciebe Channel Is with subtitles to all videos until september 2023 ...

And second Channel with subtitles from YouTube, work for me in YouTube mobil application or in computer browser


Or in mobe browser Brave - settings - site for computer

Edited by johnpegasis7

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@johnpegasis7 nie wiem ilu Katolikow tu jest , ja nie jestem wiec sie nie wypowiem. Pisze bo milo zobaczyć kolejna Polska osobę na forum :) pozdrowionka 


All I can say is that in my view all religions are systems, use the system, dont use the system, both are fine with me,  as long as you are not pushing it on others as the only true system, because systems are many......  I dont really seak out prophecies as they have no practical use to me in the present.   

Edited by Evelyna

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The Christian prediction of the attack on Donald Trump was two years ago

According to the 2022 News to Polish Christians,
There was supposed to be an attack on the leader from the USA first, and then the death of someone else, two events, and after the second one, 3 world wars should start right way..




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According to Alice Bailey and my knowledge of time lines, Christianity is dying out currently. Stay with me here, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Its antiquated, and Jesus teaching are too simple and the way they are presented are too dogmatic for the majority of humanity at this time of evolution.

However as Alice Bailey explains there will be a resurgence, about 70 years from now, dont ask me how I know. The resurgence will put the religion in line with ancient teachings, but also it will be a doorway for teaching humanity about that which lies below the physical energies. Below the physical energies is the construction of consciousness and body consciousness. Its closely related to some tantra and mudras etc. Eventually there will be servers who use the catholic church in particular as a vehicle in order to teach humanity realities below the physical energies. Those servers will essentially outshine Jesus, who was just awakened before he got put on the cross where he became enlightened. By physical energies, I mean the manifestation of 'miracles' which is not really miracles, its just spiritual science that anyone can develop if they are pure enough and strong enough one-pointedness. But that is the future of Christianity, basically needs an evolution overhaul. And it will, just before it dies =)

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