
Bad sides of Leo's teachings

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Posted (edited)

There's a lot of esotericism to Leo's teachings, which whilst he's preaching to the converted mostly, a lot of what he says is either hard to grok or seems unattainable (without serious commitment) and is too easily misunderstood. This puts a lot of his stuff into the realms of "spiritual entertainment" rather than serious attainable work. However, that's just nitpicking, there's still a lot of stuff there that is attainable and directly relevant to everyday life - the Traps and Being Wrong videos are excellent for being practical.

I think because there's a lot of room for misunderstanding, people will act on that wrong understanding and go do stupid things or begin having negative views of the world or people, especially younger people. It seems unavoidable and people are responsible for themselves, but there should be extreme clarity for information that could be easily misunderstood and abused - which is lacking - e.g.:

3 hours ago, jacknine119 said:

i've became super critical about people. in every step i see unconscious people and i am sad when i imagine their unactualized life and i hate this.

In terms of style (more nitpicking), there's a fair amount of hyperbole which can be off-putting, and quite a lot of inherent defensiveness, which seems unnecessary. Videos are too damn long, many of the three hour videos could be condensed into an hour - but I think Leo addressed this in his latest video, saying he's going to cut the fluff in future - there's a balance to be had.



Edited by LastThursday

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1 hour ago, zurew said:

I don't think that the course answers how to select/find a meaningful purpose

I think it does and much more than that

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Posted (edited)

Spiral Dynamics gave me the ability to read people very easily, therefore I became a loner. Sometimes I want to meet people but I compare them with books or podcasts. I don't think it's healthy tho, I feel like I need human connection (specially because Im Brazilian and my culture is very warm) but at the same time I wouldn't have it any other way, I've followed Leo for 8 years and I won't let go of my intellect/ wisdom just to spend time with the masses or lower consciousness ppl. It's a paradox I guess. Need more equilibrium or need to find the others. 

As Einstein said “Although I am a typical loner in my daily life, my awareness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has prevented me from feelings of isolation.


Edited by MsNobody

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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@Evan Gill that's another thing for me. For the first time ever I'm questioning my psychedelic usage. I could be doing psychedelics in the way I do if my goal was to reach enlightenment but it's not the case.

Most of the time we take psychedelics to bring more clarity but they end up bringing more chaos, ego backlashes etc. 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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I’m ever grateful for Leo’s teachings but I’m also very glad to have found 2 advanced Masters and schools in real life. These helped me to witness embodied spirituality rather than a virtual relationship with Leo. 

I think having a spiritual teacher irl is absolutely necessary for the path, having wise people directly give you feedback is so powerful. They also led me liberation just by training with them, I never would’ve got there without a school, community, and teachers to guide me. 

A bad side of Leo’s teaching is the emphasis on psychedelics. He acts like it’s impossible to become realized without 5 MEO and I can’t help but imagine where he would be if he never did those drugs. I’ve found the deepest connections to life and God are actually happening when I’m sober and just trusting life. 

The arrogance can be annoying


He seems to have a disdain for humanity which can cause you to start hating humanity instead of seeing it as perfect and loving them as you


Assuming he’s more awake and wise than the greatest minds of history

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@jacknine119 and @MsNobody it makes me sad to hear these things.

7 hours ago, MsNobody said:

Sometimes I want to meet people but I compare them with books or podcasts. I don't think it's healthy tho, I feel like I need human connection

If anything Leo's teachings are all about your humanity don't let go of that. Always apply your intuition first before Leo's teachings. Leo's teachings are tools for spirituality and self development, not a way of life. How much better it is to not only improve and enlighten yourself, but to also take the people around you with you, or at least give them they joy of your being.

57% paranoid

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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, MsNobody said:

@Princess Arabia never noticed that lol I wish he was more conscious when it comes to women, he still calls us girls. But well he couldn't be perfect, I fucking love his content. 

I actually was going to mention how his videos, both practical and metaphysical, seem to only cater to his male audience. I say this because of the examples and analogies that he gives. Going back to the sex part, he usually references this even in his examples that aren't obviously meant for females. 

I don't really care though, I just love me some Leo even if he's an arrogant mutherfucker and doesn't care to respond to some of my inquiries. I have my reasons that no one, not even myself, will ever understand as I believe it has nothing to do with me or him. It's something on an existential level and has to do with my gut and intuition. But imma leave that alone 'cause it's unexplainable and too weird to even ponder.

Him still calling females girls doesn't bother me because it's probably how his psyche sees women from him not growing out of his boyish ways in respect to relations with women, so he sees them as that. Idk, doesn't matter. I call them that at times too depending on what I'm communicating and to whom. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

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Not enough emphasis on good attitude. So much of quality of life and character is having a positive and grateful attitude.

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Posted (edited)

@Princess Arabia we used to have a lot more female members and we have a long history of debates between sexes where if I crudely summarize the issue it’s that women struggle to see how what they say they want and what they actually want are not aligned and that what they tell men to do to attract women is largely wrong, it does not work in practice for men. It mostly happens because of a conflict of agenda on one hand they want a specific type of man but on the other hand their primitive desires are attracted to a different mating strategy so the struggle for women is that they can’t find the right guy they keep dating the same wrong guy over and over again. A Blindspot and then they use that Blindspot to try to teach men how to attract women but women are not attracted to the things they say they want unless they’re highly conscious and self-aware.

So Leo for the most part has given up trying to talk to women about attraction. 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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47 minutes ago, integral said:

@Princess Arabia we used to have a lot more female members and we have a long history of debates between sexes where if I crudely summarize the issue it’s that women struggle to see how what they say they want and what they actually want are not aligned and that what they tell men to do to attract women is largely wrong, it does not work in practice for men. It mostly happens because of a conflict of agenda on one hand they want a specific type of man but on the other hand their primitive desires are attracted to a different mating strategy so the struggle for women is that they can’t find the right guy they keep dating the same wrong guy over and over again. A Blindspot and then they use that Blindspot to try to teach men how to attract women but women are not attracted to the things they say they want unless they’re highly conscious and self-aware.

So Leo for the most part has given up trying to talk to women about attraction. 

Ok. Nice perspective. 





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Leo changed my life and I wouldn't be where I am without him, but:

  • Disregarding a lot of teachers and traditions as "rats", dismissing many aspects of developing oneself as secondary, as well as dismissing traditional enlightenment and going for trippy "alien consciousness".
  • Maybe that's just my personal bias, but he does philosophy, not just spirituality, but doesn't give strong reasons and arguments, which are important for philosophy.
  • too much emphasis on psychedelics, neglect of traditional spiritual practice.

But hey, I appreciate how unique all of these "negatives" make Actualized.org, he refuses to follow a particular set in stone path or traditional framework, which is the strongest positive, and even if he goes wrong, it is still worth it, and it is obvious that he isn't interested in most of what I mentioned.

as I said, dude changed my life, but at this point I have outgrown my need for him, he doesn't teach me anything new, but he taught me a lot of great things, particularly how to live a good life and good epistemology, which I can continue using for anything, as I have been getting into western and Arabian philosophy.

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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@integral I think women are not that simple, like Osho said "Woman is to be loved, not understood" and Leo is very much in his rationality, even his videos about love are very logical. We know what we want, a nice guy that has the capacity to kill, many men that are too nice are also extremely feminine so we tend to go to the bad guys cause his masculine energy (even when toxic) shows we will be provided and protected. I partially agree cause Im in this loop, so I will give him that. :ph34r:

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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@integral also the fact the gave up on us is very sad, like whatever half the population does or thinks, I will just help men manipulate women. It's sad cause we watch his content and knowing he is focusing only on men makes us question. They say women are complicated and men are simple but when I see the whole spiral into the mind realm I tend to think the ways of the heart are quite more simple and practical, while the mind is a maze.  

I think his approach also comes from his own suffering with women and how he got into pick up. What I truly feel is that he has a certain despise/ hatred towards all women, maybe because he doesn't understand how we work lol it's a loop, he is in a loop like us. 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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A section of one of his recent posts.

"To understand the consciousness of a woman you'd have to stop being a man and become a woman. And if you actually did that, your understanding of consciousness would grow."

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Maybe the solution was the Universe manifest a Female version of Leo. Imagine all the Awakenings of Leo but from a Woman genetics. Not impossible but I can provide that. It rest to our Beloved Woman here to go all way and show how is Full blow God Realization from a Woman perspective. 

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Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, Nemra said:


A section of one of his recent posts.

"To understand the consciousness of a woman you'd have to stop being a man and become a woman. And if you actually did that, your understanding of consciousness would grow."

So here is something worth. An Actualized.org Feminine Version. Maybe not with a dark background. 

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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this video covers a lot of the basics involving attraction that for the most part has been a struggle to communicate. At one point in the video there’s a diagram that separates both bad boy traits and good guy traits on two axis. Where what a women  want is a guy who has both bad boy and good guy traits, and the video goes deeper into the topic in a very useful way.

This simplifies the whole problem and makes it a lot easier to have a conversation about because most the time when Women hear the advice leo gives it sounds very manipulative but really he’s just trying to give guys who are stuck in nice guy mindset to exhibit more bad boy traits. Society teaches guys to be nice guys and they get really screwed over for it because they are not rewarded By women, simply because it doesn’t turn them on it doesn’t excite them. Now from the woman’s perspective teaching a guy how to be more of a bad boy sounds wrong because you want to be genuine and not deceive you.

in the end it’s a win-win for women because Leo teaches GOOD men how to be more attractive, men you would otherwise not give a chance to, so now you can actually start getting excited over Goodman!

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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