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There is no doubt that there little comedy that does not break our expectation in the punchline.



Deadpan comedy appeals to whom?


The obvious answer is that it appeals to those who expects in the comedian the intent of doing the unexpected and is entertained since though the unexpected is a comedic necessity the motive for it remains hidden throughout so that one get to reflect on whether it is plausible that the unexpected were in fact to be expected.

But what can be said in general about the those with the tendency to enjoy this kind of comedy?

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Do they have a certain personal distance to yet acute comprehension of the collective zeitgeist? 

Do they easily conceive many points of view?


What are the conditions necessary to even ask ourself whether what we expected from a situation were "to be expected"? 

Edited by Reciprocality

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Would one have the capacity to reflect in this way if in want of concrete experiences one can only compare the unexpected with either 1. its mere conceptual opposite (expectancy) 2. a fantastical scenario or 3. a socially induced judgement or idealisation?

In the case all these questions can be answered in the affirmative, would that somewhat imply that someones lack of enjoyment of concealed motives in comedic situations have very little independently conceived basis (experience) for whatever they do find humorous and laugh mostly in accordance with how much something fails to conform to expectancies of the culture they were born into (socially induced judgement of situations)?

If that were so, wouldn´t that correspond with the overwhelming evidence we all likely possess in our memories that people only laugh at others when they laugh at them with others whom they share their culture with?

Edited by Reciprocality

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