
Male VS Female spirituality

105 posts in this topic

Some Man do the Shift. Maybe is the Path for many Mind Focused guys on this Forum. To much Intelect and little Embodyment :


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Jeff Foster is a great person to bring into this topic.

He has a bone to pick with the spiritual community.

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't base my understanding of Consciousness on any ancient stories, so I cannot speak to that.

But see, even that is my bias. You could have spirituality which is all based in ancient stories. Of course that probably would do you much good, but there is a certain fantastical beauty to that kind of dreaming.

I see. In this case, storytelling is an educational tool. It is a platform, but it's not a direct platform like an academic essay.

The wisdom is hidden under many symbols and metaphors. If one reads it literally as it is, it may sound like some regular children's fairy tale or nice story.

But if one interprets the metaphors and symbols (everything mentioned in the story, mentioned for a reason), it provides access to valuable teachings and wisdom.


15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Spirituality could be more around flexing your dream muscles vs just deconstructing all dreams.

Can they be merged?

Could spirituality use dreams to deconstruct all dreams?

Or deconstructing all dreams only to end up constructing new dreams?


15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Frankly I don't have enough data on feminine spirituality to understand it well enough to criticize it or not.

I would need to date more hot witch girlfriends to gather enough data. And its hard for me to put up with what I preceive as their spiritual BS.

I think there are many subtypes within both feminine and masculine spirituality.

You can date more hot witches, or you can just read their bible called: 'Women Who Run with the Wolves'






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14 hours ago, Ulax said:

tbf tho someone could actually shake their ass out of trauma via trauma release exercises


Yes, because trauma is stored in the body, isn't it?

Isn't it an amazing discovery?


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5 hours ago, jakee said:

Seems like the fundamental difference is that the masculine is about transcendence and the feminine is about inclusion.

Both of which are absolutely essential in all healthy growth and spirituality - and in evolution or unfolding of God/Reality itself.

This was also one of the main arguments in Wilbers magnum opus - Sex Ecology Spirituality.

I will check this book.



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4 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Woman and Men are Built differently, we share some commom aspects but is obvious there are differences, and is natural like this :

On this topics I prefer to look for experts on the topic, not short videos on youtube or Hype book about it but people who made their lifes all about Understanding the topic :

for example:



This seems like an interesting and valuable source of information. But it revolves around men. For some women, this may be perfect, but for others, this may be irrelevant.

What do you mean by "Women and Men are built differently"? I don't completely disagree, but I would like to know how you view it.



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3 hours ago, Brittany said:

This is not true. Especially if a woman is conservative and racist and doesn't care about the poor or needy. There's plenty of women who have no interest in inclusion.

Sure, there are always those who will regress/reppress instead of transcend/include. Life is messy and development can go wrong in many ways. I was just talking about the healthy and "normal" expressions.

Also this is not even about men and women, but masculinity and femininity. Both of which live inside every men and women, in varying degrees.

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3 hours ago, Davino said:

Bonus: You can also experience: The femenine manifesting as masculine and the masculine manifesting as femenine. I find art representing Ferocious Kali and lying down Shiva to be very conducive for getting this concept. Regarding the transcendence and embodiment of masculine and femenine, Ardhanarishwar is the hindu symbol encapsulating this realization. We can even say this are almost universal symbols, I just showed the ones I'm more familiar with but I know other cultures represent the same concepts in one way or the other.

I have learned that Kali represents the raw and primal life force, which is one of the divine feminine aspects, while Shiva represents stillness, which is one of the divine masculine aspects.

He is able to be still and tranquil despite her release of emotions (which she later stops when she realizes that she almost killed him according to the story?)


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3 hours ago, Brittany said:

The funny thing that is happening is a ton of women are converting from New Age to Christianity lately. And many women are debunking New Age "feminine" teachings, as they convert to Christianity.

Are you talking about this:

Or you have some tangible example of it to show ?

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3 hours ago, Brittany said:

We often assume that women are these "emotional, loving, compassion, nurturing" beings who care about children. And this is simply just not the case for many women and many women are terrified of admitting this.

These stereotypes also make it very hard for women, who are struggling with motherhood, to say:

"I am not enjoying being a mother. This isn't what I signed up for. I don't feel love when I look at my baby. But I am going to be the best mom that I could possibly be. I just don't feel the love that people are expecting me to have. But I will be seen as a terrible person if I admit this, so I am going to just keep this inside and repress it. ".

In recent days, there are more women who are becoming childfree and admitting:

"I might get hated by society for this. But I really just don't want to be a mother at all. I don't have a maternal bone in my body."

I agree that not all women are emotional, loving, compassionate, etc. who only dream about having children. Just as not all men are courageous hunters, leaders, providers and a father material. 

People are much more complex than that.

3 hours ago, Brittany said:

It is not only gender, but also conditioning and upbringing.

For example, a woman who comes from a conservative background might more quickly reject Tarot Reading, Rituals, Witchery-Stuff, but be very interested in Meditation. Many conservative religions teach that the witchery/tarot stuff is demonic and comes from the devil.

I come from a very conservative background, and I am still conservative today in many ways. And even though I have been around this New Age stuff for a while, I still am very suspicious of some of the Woo Woo stuff. I was told my entire life it is demonic. No one ever said Non-duality was demonic so it was easier for me to participate in at the beginning. (though I am sure if non-duality was more popular, they probably would have)

I have many Christian female friends and I see them dabble in a little bit of meditation and mindfulness, but they are terrified of anything that sounds like witch craft, or even things like chakras cleansing.

The funny thing that is happening is a ton of women are converting from New Age to Christianity lately. And many women are debunking New Age "feminine" teachings, as they convert to Christianity.

So I would say for conservative women, the New Age woo woo stuff is a red flag for them, more than anything

What if the devil (the "source" of witchcraft and tarot) is a projection of Christianity's shadow onto feminine spiritual practices in order to devalue them and gain more believers into Christianity and distract people from its own devilry? 




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According to ChatGPT:



Feminine Spirituality:

Receptivity and Intuition: Feminine spirituality often emphasizes the value of receptivity to inner guidance and intuitive wisdom. Practices may involve meditation, reflection, and tuning into one's emotions and inner knowing.

Connection to Nature and Cycles: There's often a strong emphasis on connecting with nature and recognizing the cyclical rhythms of life, such as those observed in the changing seasons, lunar phases, and the natural world's ebb and flow.

Nurturing and Compassion: Feminine spirituality tends to prioritize qualities like nurturing, empathy, and compassion. There's a focus on fostering supportive and loving relationships with oneself, others, and the environment.

Emotional Depth and Healing: This approach often encourages embracing and exploring one's emotions as a path to healing and personal growth. Practices may include emotional expression, art therapy, and somatic healing modalities.

Honoring the Divine Feminine: Feminine spirituality may involve venerating archetypal figures of the divine feminine, such as goddesses, mother figures, or embodiments of nature, and recognizing the sacredness of the feminine principle in all aspects of life.

Masculine Spirituality:

Action and Purpose: Masculine spirituality tends to emphasize action, willpower, and a sense of purpose. Practices may involve goal setting, structured routines, and disciplined effort toward personal and spiritual development.

Strength and Courage: There's often a focus on cultivating inner strength, resilience, and courage to overcome challenges and obstacles on the spiritual path. Practices may include martial arts, physical fitness, and mental discipline.

Individuality and Self-Assertion: Masculine spirituality may prioritize individuality, self-assertion, and the pursuit of personal goals and ambitions. There's an emphasis on self-reliance, autonomy, and the expression of one's unique identity.

Intellectual Inquiry and Analysis: This approach often values intellectual inquiry, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning as means of understanding spiritual truths and concepts. Practices may include study, philosophical discourse, and contemplative inquiry.

Honoring the Divine Masculine: Masculine spirituality may involve venerating archetypal figures of the divine masculine, such as gods, father figures, or embodiments of strength and wisdom, and recognizing the sacredness of the masculine principle in all aspects of life.

It's important to note that these distinctions are not rigid categories, and individuals may embody aspects of both feminine and masculine spirituality to varying degrees. Additionally, the concepts of feminine and masculine spirituality are culturally constructed and can evolve over time.



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Posted (edited)

Conservative women are still feminine.

Femininity is not about New Age beliefs. It can also exists with hardcore Stage Blue beliefs.

And whether they have children or not is irrelevant. Women's minds are wired for children regardless of whether they ever have them.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Sincerity I can resonate with that. I usually love to listen to Leo’s videos but when I’m pmsing I need Matt Kahn lol. Too much mind and no heart makes Jack a dull boy. 

why there is a need to choose between a feminine or masculine path? Why not integrate both sides and create our own. One compliments the other. It’s the right and left hemisphere of our brain. IMO this whole life is about merging both. 

when I get too much in the mind and the deconstruction I reach insanity, and when I’m too much in my heart and emotions I lose my grip on reality. 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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12 minutes ago, MsNobody said:

@Sincerity I can resonate with that. I usually love to listen to Leo’s videos but when I’m pmsing I need Matt Kahn lol. Too much mind and no heart makes Jack a dull boy. 

why there is a need to choose between a feminine or masculine path? Why not integrate both sides and create our own. One compliments the other. It’s the right and left hemisphere of our brain. IMO this whole life is about merging both. 

when I get too much in the mind and the deconstruction I reach insanity, and when I’m too much in my heart and emotions I lose my grip on reality. 

It should be an integration for sure as we have both in us. No one is 100% masculine or feminine energy. I find we do “lean” in a direction usually and it’s good to know that and feed it. 

For myself I’m much more engaged satisfied and alive when feeding my masculine energy (action, purpose, discipline, etc) 

but I def need moments in the day to bask in my Goddess (love, nature, heart) 


Its definitely ours to create as we wish 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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48 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Conservative women are still feminine.

Femininity is not about New Age beliefs. It can also exists with hardcore Stage Blue beliefs.

And whether they have children or not is irrelevant. Women's minds are wired for children regardless of whether they ever have them.

Feminine energy is totally energetic. It’s almost like height or skin color. Some women are just naturally super feminine and others are in their masculine. I do think culture plays a lot into it though. Some cultures stoke the fire of sexual polarity and others stomp it out. 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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3 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Yes, because trauma is stored in the body, isn't it?

Isn't it an amazing discovery?

Imo, its partly but significantly stored in the body yep.

I agree pretty amazing for sure. Pretty counterintuitive imo 


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Posted (edited)

@BlessedLion There is fiery femeninity and there is cold femeninity. This concept by David Deida was a real breakthrough for me. Don't dismiss the cold feminine, they give peace, relaxation and great massages, they sooth your soul.

I'm more cold masculine, so I need a fiery woman to get spicy in my life. In Brazil there are more hot women, in Scandinavian countries there are more icy women

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, jakee said:

Sure, there are always those who will regress/reppress instead of transcend/include. Life is messy and development can go wrong in many ways. I was just talking about the healthy and "normal" expressions.

Also this is not even about men and women, but masculinity and femininity. Both of which live inside every men and women, in varying degrees.

That makes a lot of sense if you are referring to the masculine and feminine energies, and not men and women.

As yeah, most of my social circle has been Conservative, since I was a little girl, so I can see from first hand experience. Liberal males, are more inclusive than almost any of my conservative female friends.

So maybe conservative ideology, as an ideology, is more masculine in the way it views inclusion. 

3 hours ago, Lila9 said:

What if the devil (the "source" of witchcraft and tarot) is a projection of Christianity's shadow onto feminine spiritual practices in order to devalue them and gain more believers into Christianity and distract people from its own devilry? 

I am not sure.

A lot of times Christians label things as devil/demonic, that they haven't read, studied or understand.

So they may call chakras demonic, but don't actually know what the chakras are.

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Conservative women are still feminine.

Femininity is not about New Age beliefs. It can also exists with hardcore Stage Blue beliefs.

And whether they have children or not is irrelevant. Women's minds are wired for children regardless of whether they ever have them.

I agree.

They are highly feminine and one of the biggest pushers of women acting "lady like".

But it is funny how sometimes versions of what we call "feminine" in one sect may go to war with what is considered "feminine" in another sect.


3 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Are you talking about this:

Or you have some tangible example of it to show ?

Here are some examples:






Edited by Brittany

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19 hours ago, Davino said:

@BlessedLion There is fiery femeninity and there is cold femeninity. This concept by David Deida was a real breakthrough for me. Don't dismiss the cold feminine, they give peace, relaxation and great massages, they sooth your soul.

I'm more cold masculine, so I need a fiery woman to get spicy in my life. In Brazil there are more hot women, in Scandinavian countries there are more icy women

For sure. I definitely need fiery passionate women, which is why I live in Brazil and Mexico and I’m dating a Brazilian now. They balance out my energy and that intense feminine energy awakens my soul and my masculine energy. But I’m also on the fiery side of the masculine. I find the cold feminine can be a bit boring, too calm, I want that passion and emotion 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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