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understanding the homophobic mind

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it would be great to take a deep look at the homophobic mind to understand it and develop a wiser understanding of it. 

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Because it shakes up someone's deeply held worldview and/or preferences, sometimes also seen as "taking away" from straight people's "pool of people", way of life, etc. I'm not defending them but I can understand it.

Homophobia seems to have gotten a lot better where I live at least. 

Edited by puporing

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In short:
Identity - Threatened - Fear

We create the identity, we create the perceived threat to it, and we create the fear.  

To expand a bit:

The best videos will need to take this into account: how can something be perceived to threaten the identity of the person who fears X? If we remove individuality from the conversation, it's easier to talk about.

X could be any number of things, and that is where the complication comes in, understanding individual or collective fears within the human speaking about them. 

Obviously, fear is uncomfortable to talk about; few want their own fears laid bare, and to associate someone with a fear merely for existing is also uncomfortable, so we all try and talk around the subject politely hinting at things. Though to me, the hinting and unknown is worse than speaking about it, I'm wired differently to most.

Love sent to all the gay and lesbian people out there, I'm sorry this comes up at all. 

Edited by BlueOak

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Most humans have bigotries in some form. I don't really respect people who say that's not true. They're either deluded or blind. 

Humans can be nasty. Humans have a tendency to desire dominion over others. Humans also like to "other-ise" people. 

It's why people are homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. 

Sadly, this trait hasn't changed, and may not change. 

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I can't speak for homophobic Atheists. 

But for homophobic religious people, their religion views it as a sin. And when you view something as a sin, it is automatically demonized in a way.

It's not that they just hate homosexuals.....they also hate themselves for their own sins too.

It's not a specific attack on gay people, necessarily. It's more like an attack on human nature, in general....and that includes gay people.

Edited by Brittany

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7 hours ago, Majed said:


i'm conflicted. i want to support civil liberties but why does every time it goes super LGBT it goes sorta overboard? I lived n eastern europe and it was genuinely refreshing to be in a place where people aren't so loud about who they sleep with and traditional values are quietly on display. I actually prefer it and i am fine with all the LGBT clubs and lifestyles in those places if it isn't pushed like some religion. can we live n harmony and allow equal rights for all lgbt while maintaining the tranquility of a traditional value society, where being LGBT isn't promoted like some fad that can confused all the kids looking for an identity? 

Edited by Lyubov

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it's seen as a 304 error on the target for sex if you view sex as first and foremost a function for producing life; and bonding, pleasure, etc. as secondary functions that are still byproducts from/for the purpose of the first function, even if people bypass that through means of birth control.

it also rocks the very foundation of their concept of dignity. what is dignity if you are a walking meat suit throwing up 304 errors and missing the appropriate target for sex? to them that seems like an abomination. also what about the consequences from shifting your belief through self-deception and conformity? if permissiveness of sex is one of those consequences, why is that good? why isn't it better to delay gratification on a cultural level? and now you can start to see the disdain for homosexuality. it symbolizes decadence.

lastly, in all fairness, it's a huge cope and projection to say it's because of their closeted shame. this is true in a lot of cases, no doubt, but definitely not for the majority. i think it's as bad as saying racists are racist because they are ashamed of their love for other races.

Edited by gambler

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Sex has always been a problematic issue since it is the cause of genetic descent, lineage, and this has had extreme importance in all human cultures. It is absolutely vital that your children are truly yours, and it is impossible to know 100%. This importance is encoded in the genes, you would give your life for your lineage, but give it if it is really your neighbor's lineage... wrong.

In all cultures adultery of women has been punished with death, and the homosexual thing has almost always been seen as a perversion of something absolutely sacred. almost always, not always. In some cultures, a few, it has been more or less allowed, and always with the active and passive roles very defined. The Greeks did not approve of homosexual relationships between equals, nor did the Native Americans. if they did it between a young man and another adult or between a man with a feminine role, inferior ,and another masculine one. In general, all cultures have prohibited it. Leonardo Davinci was narrowly saved from being burned at the stake for being a homosexual. In the Roman legions it was punished with death, and in general in the tribes it was only allowed if it meant using an inferior.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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The US government has a history of being extremely homophobic



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Is the OP free of any prejudice or negative bias, in any capacity? If not, then he has has his answer.

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