
Leo, why are your videos still frees ?

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@Leo Gura

You could sell your video for like 5 bucks, it’s not expansive and in the case 10k persons buy it you would make 50 000$.

Not only new videos but also former ones, now you have a solid group of followers it would be very profitable.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Some wise business advice from a recent graduate of the esteemed Hustler's University I presume?

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Just go donate $5 to his pp. Problem solved. Your idea is not a good marketing strategy. He would be known as the scammer who sells his YT videos and no one would take him seriously but just a YT video hustler.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 minutes ago, quantumspiral said:

Some wise business advice from a recent graduate of the esteemed Hustler's University I presume?

No lol.

Just what i would do if i were at his place. 

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Just now, Schizophonia said:

No lol.

Just what i would do if i were at his place. 

That's why you're not. It takes more than just wanting to make $$ off of YT videos to gather a substantial following and doing serious work and maintaining that. Who sells their YT videos. Merch, courses and donations are more in line with making $$, than selling your YT videos for $5 a pop. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Princess Arabia said:

Just go donate $5 to his pp.

No, i will continue to « profit » of his content freely, it’s his problem.

I’ve said 5 because it’s intuitively what it seems to me being one of the best price possible to bring the maximum of customers and money.

Just now, Princess Arabia said:

Problem solved.


Just now, Princess Arabia said:

Your idea is not a good marketing strategy 

Just now, Princess Arabia said:

He would be known as the scammer who sells his YT videos and no one would take him seriously but just a YT video hustler.

No, producing content and selling him is not scamming. 
Don’t respecting a contract, a commercial exchange is scamming :ph34r:

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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4 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

No, producing content and selling him is not scamming

No one sells their YT videos. People donate to a YT channel. That's the difference. He says he makes all his living from What are you worried about. Obviously he's doing well with what he's doing.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Because Leo outgrew stage orange to a large enough extend. 

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@Schizophonia If you can't see why this is a terrible business move, you need to study business more- everything else aside.

You're suggesting Leo sell his entire life's work to cash out and make $50k, which is far, far less than the money Leo has made so far (and will make in the future) using those videos as marketing for his Life Purpose course. Leo's video library is an incredible marketing asset which he could have actually monetized far more had he been inclined.




Edited by quantumspiral

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13 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

You could sell your video for like 5 bucks, it’s not expansive and in the case 10k persons buy it you would make 50 000$.

Investigate these assumptions. 

1. Happiness is achieved through money. 

2. The highest insights come to those who want to be rich. 

3. Doesn't YouTube already provide price equilibrium based on the ads it serves? 

10 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

No, i will continue to « profit » of his content freely, it’s his problem.

Its all about the details. :) 

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That's the kind of a stunt that destroys decades of a methodical organic growth . Most people have plenty of other content to watch. While I think Leo's content is some of the best there is out there, even as a hardcore listener I would be discouraged by that move. I'd rather buy all his products and occasionally sub on Patreon. 

Consider his free videos a hook for the purchase of life purpose course, the book list and maybe a support on the Patreon. If 0.5 - 0.8% of his audience purchase the course and the book list at some point, that's more than enough money than he needs to get by for the next 20 years given his audience grows, people talk and share and the passive income tap always flows. 

In all honesty, most people don't need more than 5K a month to have a perfect life with everything they need even with a family and mortgage, many get buy with much less. I think he is way past that point that more money does not equal more happiness. 


Edited by Michael569

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I think offering a lot of value for free and charging for premium content is the fairest and best strategy really.

Look a many other content creators out there.

I sub to a lot of true crime creators. Their videos are free, but their uncensored/premium content is behind a paywall, as well as other perks.

Many youtube creators have millions watch for free, but 500-10k people pay for their patreon etc and they can make anywhere from 1-50k a month on a small percentage of their fanbase. 


Edited by ZenAlex

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7 hours ago, Ramanujan said:

@Princess Arabia are u ENTJ

What is ENTJ

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

What is ENTJ

It’s me, but even worst :)

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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2 hours ago, Ramanujan said:


Is this 20 questions because these abbreviations will continue if you're not specific. I have no clue what they are. If you respond with another, consider it ignored.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Is this 20 questions because these abbreviations will continue if you're not specific. I have no clue what they are. If you respond with another, consider it ignored.


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