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Terrorists at our doorstepS

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Look I’m not anti immigration, but we definitely need to close that southern border. The fact that these suspected terrorists came from the southern border just shows how vulnerable we really are down there. We need to close this southern border immediately and have a more solid vetting process than we do now to vet out the good apples from the bad apples.

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Just bomb them like how you bomb every "terrorist" that you hate

Oh wait. You can't bomb them when they are right next to you. Only when they are far far far away and you are in the comfort of your home can you bomb them

Deal with it bud

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The reason I am being so blunt is because your country created ISIS. Time to finally admit that

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I’m predicting suspecting extremist assets will infiltrate from the border, carry out a 9/11 like event as revenge for US support for Israel’s siege of Gaza, the government will use the brief burst of national unity and large censorship apparatus it is building to pin the blame on Iran and justify invasion like they did Iraq.

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