
5-MeO-DMT Onset

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On 6/14/2024 at 1:50 PM, What Am I said:

Jeez! You don't mess around. :P

That's interesting that the experience for you goes to something like a black void. I've been learning about this stuff for a long time, and it seems to me there's two basic ways for a state like nirvikalpa samadhi to manifest. An infinite black void like what you're describing, and an infinite white void that includes the sensation of immeasurable energy (closer to what I've experienced). Or perhaps you have the energetic sensation as well?

I've read a bunch of highly advanced meditation practitioners' reports describing one or the other, but not so much any individual describing both. I wonder what's going on there.

Agree with this theory

black void

white void

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On 6/14/2024 at 3:09 PM, Breakingthewall said:

My experience use to be more or less this: vaping and I notice that it is enough to break through, then reality disintegrates, the superficial layer of this experience disintegrates and what remains is an absolutely black and absolutely dead void. The observer, who is still there, although silent and with barely any human identity, feels horror. Therefore, there is still an ego that judges. After a few moments, if it's enough (not always)the void opens. It is no longer empty, but it is as if the observer has merged with the void, so the observer perceives itself as unlimited. there are no borders.

How does one integrate this experience & transcend ones humanity?  What does one do with this new found knowledge, experience??  Is it safe, as evolved apes to have this experience without YEARS of living like a yogi?   Another once told me it is all to FULLY experience LOVE a.k.a. god mode? 

anyone suggestions on any books or philosophers to gain the knowledge to understand & integrate this profound/peak experience in spirituality!

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9 minutes ago, RamPhoenix said:

How does one integrate this experience & transcend ones humanity?

This idea gets less appealing the deeper you get into this work.


anyone suggestions on any books or philosophers to gain the knowledge to understand & integrate this profound/peak experience in spirituality!

There is no one


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10 minutes ago, RamPhoenix said:

Is it safe, as evolved apes to have this experience without YEARS of living like a yogi?   Another once told me it is all to FULLY experience LOVE a.k.a. god mode? 

The work is challenging all of this


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43 minutes ago, RamPhoenix said:

anyone suggestions on any books or philosophers to gain the knowledge to understand & integrate this profound/peak experience in spirituality!


34 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

There is no one

lol this is for sure true in an absolute sense, but in a more practical way I'd recommend the writings of Vedanta Hinduism and Vajrayana Buddhism. Zen Buddhism is great for the direct approach, similar to the style Yimpa brings forward. It's certainly true that your path will ultimately come down to your own efforts, no matter what conceptual content you consume. Though I've found it helpful to have at least some amount of logical understanding.

Adyashanti is probably my favorite modern teacher. Any book or video by him is inspiring and helpful. My favorite book of his is Emptiness Dancing.

And this other particular book may be my favorite of all. It's an autobiography written by a heavily dedicated practitioner who is exceptional at conveying key parts of the spiritual process. The first 1/3 is about his time in a cult and it's much less helpful, but the rest of it is extremely valuable. You may need to have some preexisting knowledge and experience to properly absorb some of the pointers, but it's worth checking out either way. If I remember correctly, you have experience with 5meo, so I'm guessing you'll be able to relate.

Edited by What Am I

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21 minutes ago, RamPhoenix said:

How does one integrate this experience & transcend ones humanity?  What does one do with this new found knowledge, experience??  Is it safe, as evolved apes to have this experience without YEARS of living like a yogi?   Another once told me it is all to FULLY experience LOVE a.k.a. god mode? 

anyone suggestions on any books or philosophers to gain the knowledge to understand & integrate this profound/peak experience in spirituality!

That knowledge is nothing, it is just a memory. The goal is to achieve that kind of openness normally in your life through meditation. Let's say openings with 5meo soften the psyche and make possible what would otherwise take years of practice. I have achieved equal or even deeper openings with 2 puffs of weed and meditation, but it has been because having done them before with 5meo.

As you have said before, the maximum realization is when the infinite void that you are opens, and opens its let's say heart and you realize that the essence of reality is love without limit, this love expands to be something more, the total brilliance of existence, what you are, your home. If you achieve this opening, the effect of perceiving this , let's say  glory in everything lasts one or two days, everything is beauty and wonder, what seemed negative to you before is also the total brightness, but after a few days this becomes cloudy until it disappears and you return to a closed state. always better than before but blocked.

Little by little you see what closes, what mental patterns, and you also flow in a more coordinated way with reality. This is the process that I believe leads to what they call enlightenment, the permanent opening to the essence of reality.

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Well, in terms of books I’d check out the spirituality books from Leo’s booklist 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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19 hours ago, What Am I said:


lol this is for sure true in an absolute sense, but in a more practical way I'd recommend the writings of Vedanta Hinduism and Vajrayana Buddhism. Zen Buddhism is great for the direct approach, similar to the style Yimpa brings forward. It's certainly true that your path will ultimately come down to your own efforts, no matter what conceptual content you consume. Though I've found it helpful to have at least some amount of logical understanding.

Adyashanti is probably my favorite modern teacher. Any book or video by him is inspiring and helpful. My favorite book of his is Emptiness Dancing.

And this other particular book may be my favorite of all. It's an autobiography written by a heavily dedicated practitioner who is exceptional at conveying key parts of the spiritual process. The first 1/3 is about his time in a cult and it's much less helpful, but the rest of it is extremely valuable. You may need to have some preexisting knowledge and experience to properly absorb some of the pointers, but it's worth checking out either way. If I remember correctly, you have experience with 5meo, so I'm guessing you'll be able to relate.

Thank you.

19 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

That knowledge is nothing, it is just a memory. The goal is to achieve that kind of openness normally in your life through meditation. Let's say openings with 5meo soften the psyche and make possible what would otherwise take years of practice. I have achieved equal or even deeper openings with 2 puffs of weed and meditation, but it has been because having done them before with 5meo.

As you have said before, the maximum realization is when the infinite void that you are opens, and opens its let's say heart and you realize that the essence of reality is love without limit, this love expands to be something more, the total brilliance of existence, what you are, your home. If you achieve this opening, the effect of perceiving this , let's say  glory in everything lasts one or two days, everything is beauty and wonder, what seemed negative to you before is also the total brightness, but after a few days this becomes cloudy until it disappears and you return to a closed state. always better than before but blocked.

Little by little you see what closes, what mental patterns, and you also flow in a more coordinated way with reality. This is the process that I believe leads to what they call enlightenment, the permanent opening to the essence of reality.

 This resonated with me deeply.  I am going to lean into this.   much appreciated .

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On 13.6.2024 at 6:05 PM, What Am I said:

What really makes or breaks my trips is my use of spiritual practice before and during the experience (and ideally after). If I just go into it haphazardly, I'll be thrown around chaotically just like anyone else. But if my mind is relatively quiet, sense of self tamed, attention on the present moment, and the sensation of bodily energy at the forefront, my trip will crystalize into what it's supposed to be at that level of consciousness. There's a sort of predefined direction that the spiritual human experience is naturally supposed to head towards. If you can diminish the parts of you that fight against that, everything clicks into place and it's far less scary.

Can you elaborate what spiritual practices you ideally do before, during vaping and maybe even after? And for how long?


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On 6/14/2024 at 11:50 PM, What Am I said:

Jeez! You don't mess around. :P

That's interesting that the experience for you goes to something like a black void. I've been learning about this stuff for a long time, and it seems to me there's two basic ways for a state like nirvikalpa samadhi to manifest. An infinite black void like what you're describing, and an infinite white void that includes the sensation of immeasurable energy (closer to what I've experienced). Or perhaps you have the energetic sensation as well?

I've read a bunch of highly advanced meditation practitioners' reports describing one or the other, but not so much any individual describing both. I wonder what's going on there.

Śūnyatā and Pūrṇám, the "Void" from Buddhism and the "Full" from Advaita, basically one and the same  ("no-thing", NOT "nothing" ),  a void full of infinite potential but void of "things" :)

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8 hours ago, OBEler said:

Can you elaborate what spiritual practices you ideally do before, during vaping and maybe even after? And for how long?

Sure, I can try to lay out the gist of what I do. It's not strictly a single-pointed concentration practice. It's more like an active witness state of presence and being where I'm releasing resistance into the moment and continuously feeling the activation of the subtle energetic body. That's kind of a mouthful, but it's all done as a singular action, like how riding a bike is a non-conceptual kinesthetic skill that becomes mentally effortless despite the multiple types of coordination involved.

I'm not reasoning my way into it, but rather I'm feeling my way into it. It's a different mode entirely that people seem prone to neglect and allow to atrophy from a lifetime of ignorance and disuse. The conceptual mind takes a back seat and feeling emerges to the forefront. The shift into what seems a superior state of existence is extremely palpable, and in the moment, it's obvious that this is how my life should be lived. The real trick is in noticing the way it's already ever-present, and that it just needs to be revealed by a process of subtraction rather than addition.

To clarify on the "before, during, and after" statement regarding timing, the practice should ideally never stop, and it should eventually become the default state, also referred to as the "natural state" in spiritual teachings. It's just that I'm flawed like everyone else and my dedication can lapse, so I have to rekindle it now and then.

Here's a video of Bruce Lee boiling it down to the essence. He definitely knew what's up regarding the realities of human spiritual potential if you've ever read his books.



I also went into more depth in this other thread:


Edited by What Am I

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4 hours ago, MaDoubt said:

Śūnyatā and Pūrṇám, the "Void" from Buddhism and the "Full" from Advaita, basically one and the same  ("no-thing", NOT "nothing" ),  a void full of infinite potential but void of "things" :)

Right, exactly. It's probably a much more helpful, less confusing, and coherent way to make the mental connection and realize that all these seemingly separate traditions are just rediscovering the perennial philosophy.

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