
Can anyone not here not do psychedelics?

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I used to do drugs and I liked doing them when I was younger. The older I got the more anxious I got when I was high. It eventually got to the point where I stopped liking drugs or alcohol entirely. I just prefer being sober for nearly every reason.

Psychedelics specifically make me feel instantly anxious. I have only tried shrooms. I have tripped about 5 times on 1.5g+. A few months ago I dipped my toes in the water again with a small microdose. like 0.3g and I could feel some anxiety beginning to build as it hit. I do not know if my brain chemistry changed or my perspective changed, but I just can't get high anymore. Maybe I have some undiagnosed anxiety problems? I do not feel that anxious or stressed in my day to day life. Maybe I just realized I do not like doing drugs? Anyways, weed is the same way. Any other drug is the same. It is kind of dissapointing, but at the same time I am very happy with my life for the most part, so I do not feel like I am missing out on much.

This is not a post to shit on drugs or psychedelics. I just wanted to share my perespective. I think many find them beneficial. I just wonder if anyone else feels the same.

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You have built some expectations and fantasys about psychedelics. This creates fear.

To come back to psychedelics take them more often. Start with micro dose again.

It happened to me also after a year long abstinence. Even micro dose was uneasy to me. 

Nowadays I can pop easy 100 micro LSD, no problem. No fear. I got used to its headspace and effects. The effects are almost every time the same. Its predictable and that gives you a feeling of safety.

Edited by OBEler

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@Shodburrito That's an interesting point to be at. Let me see if I can give you insights into your current situation.

We have the possibility that drugs don't affect you the same anymore and that you may enjoy life totally sober, which is great. But we could explore even further: Why do drugs make me anxious?

Experiment: Next time I take a drug, I'll do it with the intention to answer the following questions: Why is this experience making me anxious? How can I embrace, feel, and be at peace with this anxiety? What is this anxiety pointing me towards? Is there an intelligence behind the anxiety that I'm feeling? Do different chemicals produce different types of anxieties, or do they have a common source (e.g., fear of the unknown, fear of changing state, bringing to light unresolved trauma from the past, making conscious a constant background anxiety)?

Why am I interested in psychedelics? What do I want out of any mind-altering experience? How can I use entheogens to boost my personal development and spiritual path?


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I actually stopped enjoying mdma for the reasons that you highlighted - why do it if everything seems okay?

I seem unwilling to change my experience with any kinda stimulants or anything that takes a long time to die down. You have to be retired to be able to allow yourself a day off everything. Especially, if you have family commitments in addition to everything else.

5-meo-dmt is another matter - take a hit - in and out under an hour.

back to being productive member of society 

the only way not to feel anxious around a psychedelic of choice is to do it more or less often. Otherwise, you’ll feel apprehension at the thought of taking it, as OBEler pointed out

Edited by maxpechura

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I'm almost always anxious from weed and I used to have fear from ecstasy for a long while. Have not taken it ever since, but I think Im good to go now. 

By the way, ecstasy is something I would advise everyone to try at least once. (within reason of course! Don't take them if you have mental illness, etc!) But I'm against taking it regularly just to party. 

With psychedelics (shrooms and LSD), I never had a problem. But I always did everything by the book too. 

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