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Brandon L

Past lives, karma and the present moment

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I don't understand, I hear new agers say just be in the present moment and "let go" but at the same time they are so fixated on being in the past with past lives and such. What happened to just letting go of the past and being present? why are they so focused on their past life when at the same time they talk about being mindful and letting go?

The typical idea behind reincarnation is that new agers will say something like "Well you're here in this incarnation because you had karma in your past life to clear up." To me this is really silly, the notion that you are here in this incarnation because of a mistake you made in a past lifetime? That contradicts the whole "just let go and be present" notion.

I do believe past lives and reincarnation exist as God is everything as infinite consciousness, but I don't agree with the idea that you are incarnated into this life because of karma from previous life. What are your guy's thoughts?

Edited by Brandon L

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Posted (edited)

There's some truth to it, especially if you were not that conscious (for instance someone with "NPD" for example). 

Because when you leave the body, you will experience some awakening and maybe a "life review", as far as my understanding goes, which will generally make known to you from a higher consciousness view how you've lived your life and as well how the "others around you" may have felt based on how you lived your life, that you may previously not be conscious about. This is especially if you didn't keep awakening and/or self-reflect back before you left the body. But you can also do lots of psychedelics and still not be entering the phase of being aware of how "other people felt", like most of my trips didn't involve that however I was already starting at a relatively high enough consciousness that since a young age, I can intuit how others have felt around me throughout my life and just generally how they feel about me.

Basically because most people are very much disconnected from other people's feelings (not very empathic), and they really think that "separation is real", when they die they get a boost in that department and some revelation towards "oneness". And that can trigger your higher self to then want to come back and "amend things" or "be a better person", if you were quite shitty to the people around you for instance.. I'm not too sure whether you can go back to the same life though I have heard that's a possibility through channeled works but I'm just not certain to confirm it.

It could also go "the other way" where maybe you come back to "go after" someone/group of people who hurt you because you haven't done the forgiveness work yet. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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Well, it seems that everything in the universe moves in cycles of birth and death of increasing complexity that are based on other less complex cycles. And it also seems that this human life is a difficult thing to manage, so logic says that there is an evolution, and that beyond the material structures there are spiritual structures in evolution. is that so? who knows

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When you live life you think about the present. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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