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In life, is it good to conserve energy or go all out?

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In life, is it good to conserve energy or go all out?

Because I see people have two different approaches to life. Some people conserve energy and don't go for marathons and do the most basic stuff at work without being sacked. Some also seldom travel and just want to stay home and conserve energy. They tend to be youthful looking.

Then there's another group that wants to go all in. Run marathons, join this join that and everyday pack their schedules to the fullest. They tend to achieve more in life.

So which is a better approach to life?

Edited by hyruga

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Living a flexible life is ideal. Some times call to take a break. Other times call for pushing the pedal to the metal!

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@hyruga Choose one or the other or oscillate between the two. As lion man said it depends on you. 

I peraonally sprint 3-6 months at a time then rejuvenate 1-2 months in between sprints.

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