
Can lead be chelated from the brain?

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Posted (edited)

I have had a long, ugly, life threatening journey before discovering I had problems with mycotoxins (now seemingly resolved) and then discovering heavy metals: lead, thallium, arsenic, and mercury. Knowing nothing and with a dumb doctor, I began with her advice chelating with OTC EDTA. That lowered lead a good bit in urine tests. Then began several months course of DMSA at 100 mg every four hours, before realizing a base problem that was undiagnosed was severe copper toxicity. Switched to DMPS 100mg and got a little better, then began ALA every 3-4 hours, now at 175mg and going to get to 200 (I began this journey 8 months ago at 140lbs and gained 50 lbs in two months, it feels squishy and awful like lymph and water weight and I imprint like crazy, so I don’t know what I actually weigh and am going for the higher ALA dosage as if I really weigh 200lbs, because that’s what the scale says). 

My main question is, can lead be stored in the brain like mercury? If so, what gets it out? ALA from google searches does not seem to chelate lead well but I don’t know what else crosses the blood brain barrier. I accept that after a lifetime of lead exposure I will be taking EDTA off and on until I’m dead because of it’s long half life, today I’m most concerned with getting out anything from my brain.

Thank you!

Also, did anyone else pack on massive amounts of weight while chelating heavy metals? I have gained and lost 50lbs three times in four years, with no change in diet or movement. I can barely move for the last three years, but I barely eat. I have to force food down and eat really healthy. I’m hoping it’s just stress and will come off when I get all the metals out. 

Edited by LionFeather

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, LionFeather said:

My main question is, can lead be stored in the brain like mercury?



If so, what gets it out?

Various chelating chemicals as you mention above.

You can look up stats on which chelator is best for lead. I forget.

As the theory goes, if you remove lead from your body then it gets redistributed out of the brain into the body, and in this way many rounds of chelation ultimately clean up the brain. But who know how true that is in practice.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

Join this group and meticulously go through the Start here section

That is the right place to ask all of your questions.

It touches on mycotoxins, copper toxicity and even weight gain I believe.

Stay away from EDTA. It is not a proper chelator and causes redistribution. It does more harm than good so it's dangerous.

Also your chelator doses are likely too high if you're really toxic . If you're absolutely miserable while chelating or dysfunctional in between rounds, too high doses or inadequate liver, thyroid or adrenal support may be the issues together with not enough magnesium, vit c, vit e and zinc ( called core 4)

Or you're doing too long or too short rounds. The very minimum is 72 hours ,dosing every 3 hours ( ala) or 4 hours ( DMSA) . Dmps is 8 hours I believe  ( I may be wrong)

Lead is mostly stored in the bones as it mimics calcium. It likely reaches the brain as well, but i don't know how deeply it's stored.

Mercury Is particularly lipophilic so it's extra insidious as most of the brain is fat. It is known to be the most toxic heavy metal and once you detox it enough, your natural detoxification pathways should clear and help you get rid of the rest easier ( if your genetics allow for it )

Lead is slowly released into the bloodstream throughout the bone remodeling cycle. Aparently dmsa and dmps are effective . They dont cross the BBB barrier but I understand they would pull it out the brain indirectly by  clearing it from the blood , therefore redirecting it to the blood from the brain ( I may be wrong, but it does work like this with mercury)

You can also look into zeolite nanoparticles . I'd avoid the acz brand as it contains colloidal silver , which is suspected to accumulate forever in spite of them saying otherwise


All the information you need is in that Facebook group, no joke . Don't accidentally dismiss it's value because of it being Facebook. It's the real deal.


Wishing you strength and resilience . Let me know if I can help but please do as much research by yourself as you can. The link I sent you is a gold mine 

Edited by mmKay

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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Sauna seems great for detoxing Mercury. Not sure how it goes for other heavy metals.

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5 hours ago, PsychedelicEagle said:

Sauna seems great for detoxing Mercury. Not sure how it goes for other heavy metals.

Only works for extracelular Mercury apparently. And nickel is supposed to be excreted through sweat 

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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Posted (edited)

@mmKay, you mean once mercury gets inside the cell it's never excreted? I would hope that by eliminating extracellular mercury, that would increase the percentage of mercury excreted from the cell (since there's now less mercury in the bloodstream). And, through this process, slowly remove mercury from the body/brain. Just guessing, I haven't done any research.

I just saw a podcast once where this mainstream brain expert Dr. Daniel Amen mentioned sauna was very effetive for detoxing mercury.

This research found Ni (nickel) and Pb (lead) are not eliminated as effectively in the sauna as when one is exercising. Kinda interesting. So maybe sauna only works for Mercury and eventually Arsenium. I usually go to the sauna after training so I wonder what the effects would be in my case.

Edited by PsychedelicEagle

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