Acquiring Super-habits

26 posts in this topic

I kind of figured out a plan. I got out of my depression of yesterday evening.

For one or two years now I've been having a vision of my dream life: I want to live somewhere in nature, on a relatively big property where I will grow all the food on my own. I am living there with a few very close and like-minded friends. We all are on our spiritual path and work together in harmony in the garden. We are physically very active from the work in the garden and also play around e.g. on a slack line or gymnastic rings. Then somewhen I will be enlightened, love everybody / everything, am connected to everything, am totally mindful and constantly in a state of bliss.
On the property is a little cabin / house where we live in. It is very minimalistic but we have everything we need. I sleep on the floor, use only natural products and am super healthy. Through fasting I cleaned my body so much. I eat only the self grown food and sprouts, so I am raw vegan.

This would be my plan A. I have no idea yet how I will realise it. Firstly I need to find those like-minded friends. Then I/we need money for the property. And afterwords there is still a money problem. I still need assurances and stuff like that. And if I don't work normally, what's about retirement when I am old?

The plan B would be having a job, maybe part time. And my free time I spend outside in nature.


Then I looked at these 'Kick Ass Goals' for the self-actualized life from Leo. Here they are unfiltered:

  • no worry about money
  • work is play, greatest joy
  • developing full emotional control and being emotionally grounded
  • deep understanding of how the world works
  • successful intimate relationship and amazing sex
  • confidence, deep self love
  • travel, hobbies
  • physical vitality, energy
  • rewarding and inspiring friendships
  • leader of others, being a role model and inspiring others
  • being creative and advancing humanity
  • breaking free of the 9 to 5 jobs, of the pupculture
  • living in integrity, with principles
  • enlightenment
  • having time to contemplate life and savour the beauty
  • dying with a smile on my face

But I have to filter them firstly because I cannot do everything of it now. What I can do not is:

This is inner work stuff which I think I can work on through a self love / confidence growing habit. I still have to research a bit about emotions

  • developing full emotional control and being emotionally grounded
  • confidence, deep self love


Learning stuff

  • deep understanding of how the world works


This will be hard for myself. At the moment I have just one good friendship. The others are just people in school which I like a bit, because they are different from the mass. To communicate with them I have to play a bit. Almost everybody in school is in a negative mood, they don't want to be in school and hate learning... I have to play like I think in the same way. Then I talk with them about school stuff, mostly in a negative way. I have to look outside of school for friends. But that is so far out of my comfort zone.

  • rewarding and inspiring friendships


I am pretty good at this goal. I have a relatively healthy diet and exercise regularly.

  • physical vitality, energy


  • being creative and advancing humanity
  • living in integrity, with principles


I could do a lot of enlightenment work and meditate. But somehow I don't want to meditate so long. I rather want to surf on the internet.

  • enlightenment
  • having time to contemplate life and savour the beauty


I'll work on figuring out this plan later today. Now I will go running outside in the rain. I just need fresh air.

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  • Cold Shower: done, it felt like the coldest one yet
  • Eating only once snacks (one hand full of raisins, dried fruits or nuts): done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: I'll be doing it right after writing this
    • Working on my side split: look above
  • Watching no useless videos: failed a bit
  • Exercise: running
  • Learning for diver licence: done
  • Doing something different: I ate something different
  • 30min+ meditation: done

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  • Cold Shower: done
  • Eating only once snacks (one hand full of raisins, dried fruits or nuts): failed
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: done
    • Working on my side split: done
  • Watching no useless videos: failed
  • Exercise: quick full body workout
  • Learning for diver licence: done
  • Doing something different: failed
  • 30min+ meditation: done

I am having problems with the 'eating only once snacks' and 'watching no useless videos' habit, everything else works out quite well. I have to be a bit more precise.

Firstly I will only eat after dinner snacks. This snack will consist out of two Brazil Nuts, 3 Cashew nuts, a few Pumpkin seeds, and 15-20 raisins. 

It is hard for me to watch no useless videos, especially while I eat lunch. Lets say I may watch useless videos, but on the whole only 3 videos a day, the length doesn't care. Then I have to be careful which videos I want to watch, because I also want to watch some useful ones.

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  • Cold Shower: done
  • Eating only once snacks: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: forgot it
    • Working on my side split: forgot it
  • Watching only three YouTube videos: done
  • Exercise: running
  • Learning for diver licence: done
  • Doing something different: done
  • 30min+ meditation: done

The cold showers aren't very hard anymore. Just my head hurts in this freaking cold water a bit.

On 22.2.2016 at 8:44 PM, The Alchemist said:


If you watch useless videos, I hope it's some quality humor at least like key n peele :D




:D this was my third and last video of the day.

I also watched a documentary about maths. So cool


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Hey brother :D How it's going with your habits? Still on top?

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