Acquiring Super-habits

26 posts in this topic

Here I want to report about my path to acquiring the think I call super-habits. This is a state where I just have beneficial habits and no bad ones.
I wanted to start working on them for almost 6 months but I always procrastinated or made excuses. This public journal will hopefully force me to work on my habits.

I will update a check list of my habits daily. The list will become longer with the time.

  • Cold Shower: done
  • Eating no raisins: failed
  • Eating no cashews: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": absolutely failed
  • Stretching: done
  • Working on my side split: done

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I'm interested; what is the purpose behind this? What is it that defines a bad habit, and a good one?

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2 hours ago, quantum said:

Here I want to report about my path to acquiring the think I call super-habits. This is a state where I just have beneficial habits and no bad ones.
I wanted to start working on them for almost 6 months but I always procrastinated or made excuses. This public journal will hopefully force me to work on my habits.

I will update a check list of my habits daily. The list will become longer with the time.

  • Cold Shower: done
  • Eating no raisins: failed
  • Eating no cashews: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": absolutely failed
  • Stretching: done
  • Working on my side split: done

Especially what is the use of cold shower? If you want to raise your energy levels you can just do breathing exercises

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31 minutes ago, The Alchemist said:

Especially what is the use of cold shower? If you want to raise your energy levels you can just do breathing exercises

Going out of my comfort zone


Afterwords I also feel refreshed and warmer

And you save a bit of water and energy

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1 hour ago, Christopher Cant said:

I'm interested; what is the purpose behind this? What is it that defines a bad habit, and a good one?

I've noticed that I have a few low consciousness patterns like

  • excessive eating although I am absolutely not hungry. I just eat a few hands full of raisins or nuts because of habit or want. Afterwords I feel physically very bad.
  • watching useless YouTube videos like daily vlogs. It is just a waste of time

I can use this time much better with high consciousness stuff like working on self-actualization / self-mastery, enlightenment, school stuff, learning etc. There are so many things I want to do but I always say to myself that I have no time for that, although there is plenty of time which I just waste.

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  • Cold Shower: done
  • Eating no raisins: done
  • Eating no cashews: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: done
    • Working on my side split: done
  • Watching no useless videos: almost done
Edited by quantum

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Why hate you on Cashews? They are healthy :( and so delicious

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8 hours ago, The Alchemist said:

Why hate you on Cashews? They are healthy :( and so delicious

I also like them but thats the Problem. When i eat them i eat way too much, a few hands full of them. That might be not so healthy.

I have to get used to eating less of them.

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  • Cold Shower: done
  • Eating no raisins: done
  • Eating no cashews: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: done, in the morning before school
    • Working on my side split: done, just a bit too quickly
  • Watching no useless videos: almost done
  • Exercise: done

Somehow I had no time to do anything else today

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  • Cold Shower: no, I didn't shower today
  • Eating no raisins: done
  • Eating no cashews: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: quickly
    • Working on my side split: quickly
  • Watching no useless videos: done
  • Exercise: today is my rest day

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41 minutes ago, quantum said:
  • Cold Shower: no, I didn't shower today
  • Eating no raisins: done
  • Eating no cashews: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: quickly
    • Working on my side split: quickly
  • Watching no useless videos: done
  • Exercise: today is my rest day

:D come on man, you know you need to cold shower every day. I hold you accountable! Even if it's only 5 minutes.

(it's also part of the ubermensch formula you are interested in. Keep it up :P)

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@The Alchemist Ok, challenge accepted, every day a cold shower. I'll do this now every morning before school. I did it today and felt so much better. I came to school fresh, awake and happy, while everybody else was sleepy and unmotivated like everyday. I even participated more in the lessons the whole day.

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  • Cold Shower: twice, in the morning and after my workout. I felt so great afterwords
  • Eating no raisins: done
  • Eating no cashews: done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": no
  • Stretching: in the morning
    • Working on my side split: quickly
  • Watching no useless videos: only three useless videos
  • Exercise: done. A full body workout outside
  • Learning for diver licence: done
  • Hearing less music: done
  • Doing something different: done

I watched another video from Matt Kahn today. I like this guy, he blows my mind every time. He introduced me to the concept that circulating energy is very important, and you let your energy circulate through making little changes each day towards higher values (I didn't watch the video to the very end yet). I think that is basically changing your habits and that's what I am trying to do there. I always have to stay in motion and not stagnate, like I did it in the last months. I am so motivated to become the greatest version of myself.

But I feel that it will be very uncomfortable to change so much. The ego likes to stagnate and to do everything in the same way. It is used to the daily routine and knows that it will survive. A habit of changing habits would be the best thing ever.

Incidentally I did very much different today than normally. I had a cold shower in the morning and established my new morning routine. I participated more in school, was outside in the afternoon, rode my longboard and was the first time at driving school. It was a very good day.

My new morning routine will be looking like this:

  • staying up at 6:00
  • going to the bathroom
  • drinking 0,5l water
  • meditating till 6:45
  • stretching and a quick workout (handstand, headstand, squats, pushups)
  • quick cold shower
  • getting dressed and cleaning my room
  • visualisation, powerposes and figuring out my values...
  • getting ready for school

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@quantum Yes! You rock! Amazing my friend! Keep it up :D I watch your journal every day

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hahaha lol. Some love is in the air. Hope you guys watch mine as well!!! 

Just watch out it doesn't become a competition where you battle against yourself. 

I remember I did all these challenges myself, they looked good on paper, but I felt miserable when I failed to do them. Meanwhile, the guilt made me feel worse than I initially before the challenges felt. It just became a battle against myself. 

I just bought into the illusion that I was special and better than others because I was doing all these challenges, but in fact it was just a distraction for the real problems I didnt dare to face. 

I don't disagree with some of the habits, I think they might be very beneficial. My tip from my experience is to be aware why you are doing these challenges r habits and keep compassionate to yourself when you forget a day for instance. 

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@Kevster Okay, I'll watch yours too :D You are already midst-battle, and there will be only one winner to kiss the princess! :P jk lol

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  • Cold Shower: twice
  • Eating only once snacks (one hand full of raisins, dried fruits or nuts): done
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: done
    • Working on my side split: done
  • Watching no useless videos: done
  • Exercise: done, running 6.5km
  • Learning for diver licence: done, three questionnaires
  • Hearing less music: done, almost no music, only 10 minutes
  • Doing something different: done, participating a lot in music class
  • 30min+ meditation: done, 50min

I didn't wake up on time, so I had to skip the meditation in the morning. But that was no problem, I had time to meditate in the afternoon.

19 hours ago, Kevster said:

hahaha lol. Some love is in the air. Hope you guys watch mine as well!!! 

Just watch out it doesn't become a competition where you battle against yourself. 

I remember I did all these challenges myself, they looked good on paper, but I felt miserable when I failed to do them. Meanwhile, the guilt made me feel worse than I initially before the challenges felt. It just became a battle against myself. 

I just bought into the illusion that I was special and better than others because I was doing all these challenges, but in fact it was just a distraction for the real problems I didnt dare to face. 

I don't disagree with some of the habits, I think they might be very beneficial. My tip from my experience is to be aware why you are doing these challenges r habits and keep compassionate to yourself when you forget a day for instance. 

I never wanted it to become a competition. Last summer I had a phase where I wrote myself everyday a very very long to do list. I ended up doing stuff I didn't want to do, just because they were on the to do list. For example I sat inside programming while I rather wanted to be outside in the sun, doing sports and playing on my slack line. I overcame this and learned from it.

I want those things to become a habit, not a challenge. I want to do those things because I naturally want to do them, because I enjoy them, they have a higher value. Just in the first week it is for me a challenge, after that I love it.

Through meditation and self love I naturally stay compassionate towards myself. But I'll do more of this love stuff, because I somehow do a bit to less. Through Matt Kahn I already learned so much about the importance of love. And because I will only slowly implement new habits it won't be so hard for me to stay consistent.

Thanks for the reminder :)

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  • Cold Shower: no
  • Eating only once snacks (one hand full of raisins, dried fruits or nuts): no
  • Eating no "oatmeal crunchies": done
  • Stretching: done
    • Working on my side split: done
  • Watching no useless videos: failed
  • Exercise: 30min cardio and quick full body workout
  • Learning for diver licence: a lot
  • Hearing less music: failed but I didn't get nervous of it like in the last days
  • Doing something different: somehow
  • 30min+ meditation: guided meditation by Rupert Spira

Today was a bit of a shitty day. It was my grandmas birthday, I ate cake and stuff, I always feel physically horrible after that, I hate it.

I hate these rainy winter days in cold Germany. I stay almost the whole time inside the house. I get sick of this not fresh, warm air. I want to be outside.

I feel like I am stuck. My home here is a cage. I am not free, cannot do what I really want in life. I want to sleep on the floor, I want to be a minimalist, I want to be vegan, I want to fast, I want to travel and go wherever I want to. And what do I do? I do the same stuff week after week. I go to school, come home, do sports, meditate and do something at home. Everyday, exceptions happen very rarely. I don't have a hobby like team sports, I never meet friends outside of school, I never go somewhere else. I am stuck in a fucking comfort zone.

I have 1.5 years left until I am done with school, then I could break out of this cage. But I probably won't. I will probably study and stay at home. I could have a bit more of freedom. But if I stay doing the same things over and over again, I won't.

I am creating myself a cage, I hate this cage, I hate this comfort zone. I have to break out of it, I have circulate new energy, I have to do something else.

I'll look for solutions tomorrow. I am too tired now.

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@quantum lol don't beat yourself up bro, if you want a change you come visit me and we can hang out. Then you see where I am trapped :D

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