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Sadhguru on being stoned and alert at the same time without intoxicants..

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An article by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev on being stoned and alert at the same time, without using any chemicals or drugs or other harmful intoxicants.



Statistics from credible sources indicate a sharp upswing in the volume of substance abuse in the world today. We may soon reach a point when entire populations turn chemically dependent – unless there is a massive upsurge in human consciousness.

As a yogi, i am not against pleasure. I am only against limited pleasures. The human need for intoxication is understandable. Several years ago, an Israeli scientist discovered that there are cannabis receptors in the human brain. This means that every individual is biologically equipped for intoxication! Since there was never any time when humanity was collectively consuming cannabis, this means that we are capable of producing our own narcotic and consuming it too. Hence the yogic description of the innermost human core as the ‘anandamayakosha’, the bliss body. Once you access this dimension, you are effortlessly stoned, with no side-effects whatsoever!

If your alertness and intelligence are not compromised, inebriation is a great way to be. Another word for this condition is simply meditation. Instead of getting drunk, if people meditated, they could be stoned and alert at the same time. They would also turn phenomenally productive because nothing would feel burdensome any more.The reason people want to get drunk every weekend is that they want to shed the burdens of the week. If they tried just a little meditation, they could stay drunk all week long! - Sadhguru



Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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"If they tried a little meditation" is an exaggeration. Even given a committed spiritual practice one depends on physical health as an aid.

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