Keryo Koffa

The chatter of my monkey mind is infinite and overwhelming

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Contextualize, reframe, synergize, connect, expand, encompass, simplify, interconnect, holonize

It's like I have The Library of Babel inside me. Nothingness and Infinity are creating reality from both sides.

Infinity is all energy, all 1s. Nothingness is emptiness, all 0s. And 1s and 0s form bites which encode information.

So I have all the information and can see the connection between each two qualia, through the dimensions as a pattern.

And there are infinite patterns codependently arising and creating each other. Patterns are in-betweens and their own absolute.

Everything is a pattern and certain arrangements create certain phenomena. But I'm getting lost in the library. Every word connects to every other word.

Every word tells a story and creates vivid associations with 1000 other words which each do the same and it never ends.

And I'm left to wonder how in the world I am able to memorize this infinitude of things through individual relations and not go crazy if I happen to forget one, but what's even crazier, the idea that I cannot forget any, and yet I can paint the landscape any way I want by new connections. But in reality, I'm walking in circles going nowhere, and want to find some higher truth that I can depend on, but I'd only be making up oneself or rely on the endless shuffling of concepts through others to inspire me. Oh well...

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do you do meditation? because it is something essential, the basis, the key. Being able to enter deep meditative states every day is the key to real evolution, and by doing so you will realize that the logical mind is limited and cannot be your only anchor with reality or you live inside a bubble that isolates you from yourself. , alienation

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1 hour ago, Keryo Koffa said:

But in reality, I'm walking in circles going nowhere, and want to find some higher truth that I can depend on, but I'd only be making up oneself or rely on the endless shuffling of concepts through others to inspire me. Oh well...

All good with making connections, is a gift, some people would love to have this hability, but at same time if things start to get too much is very good to get to the ground and have a good Nervous System Regutation, that is the base to be able to let all flow with ease and embody the insigths. 

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Imagine there is in fact a playful monkey on your knee, you can't really cage him up he's always got the keys.

So what do you do? What do you do with any animal that's jumping around, looking for you attention? That Cat that keeps jumping up on your lap, or the dog giving you puppy eyes and resting its chin on your leg. 

I'm using this softer imagery as you are a bit harsh on monkey, which is probably why he kicks up a fuss. It doesn't sound very integrated in your experience, like a piece of you edged out.

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Posted (edited)

I  want to emphasize what thundercat mentioned: good Nervous System Regulation. Can be achieved through meditation, but there are countless ways. Just gotta find your ways. Or even better, your system of doing it.

For instance, Yin Yoga in the evening works wonders for me. I don't need to try to stop the monkey - he just gently gets more and more tired and voluntarily becomes more open to the idea of sleep. Sometimes I don't feel like doing yoga, then I take a walk or sing, or both. The awareness and body scans from meditation helps me to get a feeling for the tension in my nervous system, so it becomes easier to find out what works in which situation. The more things I try, and the more I meditate, the more aware I get, the more integrated, connected and effective my system becomes.

OC, it's not a "perfect" system and sometimes I am in monkey mind state. It's a process, but I like my progress

Edited by theleelajoker

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9 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

But in reality, I'm walking in circles going nowhere, and want to find some higher truth that I can depend on, but I'd only be making up oneself or rely on the endless shuffling of concepts through others to inspire me. Oh well...

Yup, nothing is actually taking place. 

What a weird non-circumstance huh!

The bodies conditioning unknowingly creates these dream experiences. 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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