
I see Intelligence but not Love

53 posts in this topic

I see how what humans call intelligence is just a reflection of absolute, infinite, actual Intelligence. Love however .. 

Leo defines it like this : 

Metaphysical oneness. The unity of all things. The imaginary nature of all differences.

If all differences are imaginary, that means everything is ultimately One. This metaphysical connection between all things IS Love proper. And human emotions of love are just a reflection of that Love.

I don't see how what humans call love is just a reflection of that

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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On 5/14/2024 at 0:56 AM, Ishanga said:

How do You define Love then?


On 5/14/2024 at 0:58 AM, Leo Gura said:

Metaphysical oneness. The unity of all things. The imaginary nature of all differences.

If all differences are imaginary, that means everything is ultimately One. This metaphysical connection between all things IS Love proper. And human emotions of love are just a reflection of that Love.


No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Loveeee said:

I don't see how what humans call love is just a reflection of that

What humans feel as love stems from a connection or union of identity with a finite thing, and the appreciation of its existence and inherent beauty.

Contemplate what human love actually means. What is happening when you love any aspect of reality? Really examine it!

What you will eventually realize is that when your appreciation of any aspect of reality reaches a certain height, you will say you love it.

But all of that is limited biased selfish human shit.

Real Love is to realize that absolutely every aspect of reality is infinitely beautiful and wonderful. And to recognize all of it as your own Mind. When Mind fully recognizes itself, it identifies with everything and falls in Love with itself. This is Love at a metaphysical level. Everything is seen as Love, you are One with everything, everything is your children, everything is infinitely appreciated.

The feeling of love that a mother has for her child is simply extended infinitely to all of existence. That's LOVE. The mother's love is just a tiny biased fragment of God's LOVE.

When you love a taco dinner, what's really happening is that you are tapping into 0.0000000000000000000001% of God's Love. But you are too unconscious to understand that, so you only see it as some shallow, fleeting human emotion.

If you realize that the difference between all the things you love and all the things you hate or feel indifferent to is purely imaginary human bias, you will enter a state of Infinite Love. Because there is no metaphysical difference between a taco dinner, your children, or Hitler. All of them are metaphysically identical. To realize this is one of highest attainments in this work, and it is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is horseshit next to this.

Most enlightend people do not understand what I said above.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Metaphysical love is when you realize that reality is a bottomless abyss from which existence made form flows, as from a fountain. Everything that manifests is absolute beauty and perfection, everything has the same essence, and everything is the total infinity appearing as form. Then you realize what is the nature of reality, you could call it love, or life, existence, anything. The fact of the infinity make it be "love", because has not limits. The limits are the thing that make anything appears as imperfect, and are apparently, then reality is perfect. That unlimited perfection is perceived as love, because it's everything 

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@Leo Gura Wow

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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11 minutes ago, Davino said:

@Leo Gura Wow

i second this. absolutley blown away

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45 minutes ago, Davino said:

@Leo Gura Wow


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What humans feel as love stems from a connection or union of identity with a finite thing, and the appreciation of its existence and inherent beauty.

Contemplate what human love actually means. What is happening when you love any aspect of reality? Really examine it!

What you will eventually realize is that when your appreciation of any aspect of reality reaches a certain height, you will say you love it.

But all of that is limited biased selfish human shit.

Real Love is to realize that absolutely every aspect of reality is infinitely beautiful and wonderful. And to recognize all of it as your own Mind. When Mind fully recognizes itself, it identifies with everything and falls in Love with itself. This is Love at a metaphysical level. Everything is seen as Love, you are One with everything, everything is your children, everything is infinitely appreciated.

The feeling of love that a mother has for her child is simply extended infinitely to all of existence. That's LOVE. The mother's love is just a tiny biased fragment of God's LOVE.

When you love a taco dinner, what's really happening is that you are tapping into 0.0000000000000000000001% of God's Love. But you are too unconscious to understand that, so you only see it as some shallow, fleeting human emotion.

If you realize that the difference between all the things you love and all the things you hate or feel indifferent to is purely imaginary human bias, you will enter a state of Infinite Love. Because there is no metaphysical difference between a taco dinner, your children, or Hitler. All of them are metaphysically identical. To realize this is one of highest attainments in this work, and it is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is horseshit next to this.

Most enlightend people do not understand what I said above.

It made my eyes wet.

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Same here. This is a beautiful description of unconditional love.

Almost like a heaven or utopia.

A place of rest. Home.

But in casual conversation, the common person would see this as the void, emptiness, depressing, nihilism, dangerous, a threat to society and a threat to hierarchy.

This description, is received with the implications of this causes all of the walls of the psyche to have an error message. As the psyche is built primarily off of separation, division and judgements.

But even the rejection of the description. is within the love.

Even the terror of hearing this, is within the love.

Even the "limited biased selfish human shit" is within the love

Everything gets swallowed in it.

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Posted (edited)

Consider this: God uses love to manipulate humans, like a carrot on a stick tied to a donkey.

God lets you feel a little love for food, for sex, for your children. Why? Because otherwise you wouldn't eat and you wouldn't reproduce and you would abandon your children and mankind would die.

But God holds back the really serious love for himself because humans cannot bear it. Humans are like rats chasing bits of cheese while God is an infinite ball of cheese. Dropping that much cheese on a little rat would crush its little bones.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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God is an infinite ball of cheese.

~Leo Gura

Jokes asides, most of my neurosis I discovered, exists because there is a big void inside my heart that is desperate for feeling Love

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Posted (edited)

Enlightenment takes you beyond earthly limits where you no longer exist, love grounds you blissfully within earthly limits where you do.

Enlightenment is love made silent in stillness, love is enlightenment moved to the dance of sound.

Enlightenment is becoming the light beyond duality, love is living with the light whilst in duality.

Whilst love embodies light to radiate it, enlightenment goes beyond the body and steps into the light to become that radiance itself. 

Love is the path where there is a dancer, enlightenment is the destination where the dancer no longer exists.

Love uses the language of duality to point to the truth of non-duality, where one is all and all is one.

Love is the poetic expression of enlightenments beauty. Love wears the crown, enlightenment shines as the jewel.

Loveeee is your username where a user exists, enlightenment is where no user exists at all.

Now for a beautiful piece on love.

On Love

You must come to the profound recognition that the bones which scaffold your form, and the flesh which drapes it, are not exclusively yours. They are a congregation of contributions from countless entities that have danced in the earth and sky’s alchemy, and to this cosmic crucible, you will one day return. The light that dances in your eyes is not yours alone to claim — it is the shared luminescence of all life. Without the symphony of this collective glow, what visions could your eyes paint? Absent this universal light, you would stand enveloped in the deepest of voids.

The breath that swells your chest with life does not whisper through you in isolation. Every being that has drawn breath into their lungs, that does so now, breathes in harmony with you. Is it not the breath of the primordial life that still circulates within your being? Can you not sense the ancient pulse of existence that beats a steady rhythm within your heart? Your thoughts are not solitary wanderers in the wilderness of cognition. They are a part of the grand confluence of shared awareness, where the consciousness of all converges and mingles. Your dreams, too, are stitched from the ethereal fabric that the cosmos itself dreams into being.


Edited by zazen

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Consider this: God uses love to manipulate humans, like a carrot on a stick tied to a donkey.

God lets you feel a little love for food, for sex, for your children. Why? Because otherwise you wouldn't eat and you wouldn't reproduce and you would abandon your children and mankind would die.

But God holds back the really serious love for himself because humans cannot bear it. Humans are like rats chasing bits of cheese while God is an infinite ball of cheese. Dropping that much cheese on a little rat would crush its little bones.

Interesting metaphor. And ironically if you dropped the whole ball on rats, they also wouldn’t eat, fuck, survive 

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Consider this: God uses love to manipulate humans, like a carrot on a stick tied to a donkey.

God lets you feel a little love for food, for sex, for your children. Why? Because otherwise you wouldn't eat and you wouldn't reproduce and you would abandon your children and mankind would die.

But God holds back the really serious love for himself because humans cannot bear it. Humans are like rats chasing bits of cheese while God is an infinite ball of cheese. Dropping that much cheese on a little rat would crush its little bones.

That is all correct. But once one is aligned with the intention of God/Universe, the carrot and the stick are no longer necessary. How that would look like: Ken Wilber, The Religion of the Future.

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Posted (edited)

2 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

That is all correct. But once one is aligned with the intention of God/Universe, the carrot and the stick are no longer necessary. How that would look like: Ken Wilber, The Religion of the Future.

Yes. Although Ken Wilber still goes on dates and chases after earthly love, so it's not like he's above those bits of cheese.

Nothing wrong with that. Just keepin it real.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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the SSSSSSSSSSence of love

human is sovereign special sacrificial selfish silly small sexy surviving scarce sought

god is standard still solo smiling silent simple source sum spacious same

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Posted (edited)

13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes. Although Ken Wilber still goes on dates and chases after earthly love, so it's not like he's above those bits of cheese.

Nothing wrong with that. Just keepin it real.

Once self-realization is attained there would be no difference between the bits of cheese and any thing else really, and given the human mind, it would simply do as it always acted (albeit changed structurally due to the nature of the insights).

"Mundane" existence already is the full loving appreciation, because the perfection of mundane life is achieved through ignorance of love, which is the "highest" act of love.


You can only truly love something if you are willing to let it be it's own thing. Loving it as God is easy peasy, that's what you do and did for all of eternity. It actually undermines the purity of the object you "love", because it muddies it with your love. Fear wouldn't be itself if it was muddied by your disgusting God-Love-Spunk all the time. It would just be a worthless love-fear mixture. Which just means you don't love fear enough to actually let it be itself.

Godrealization is basically the ignorant human-monkey-mind ruining God's creation because it was too selfish to let Creation be itself. :D

God-realization is like taking a cake, mixing it up, and adding a million tons of sugar. Sure you get more sugar that way, but the cake won't be a cake anymore, you ruined it all!

If you want the sugar you can just be God, which you already were for literally eternity.

Edited by Scholar

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4 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Once self-realization is attained there would be no difference between the bits of cheese and any thing else really,

Except there still is a difference, otherwise he wouldn't wear his wig.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What humans feel as love stems from a connection or union of identity with a finite thing, and the appreciation of its existence and inherent beauty.

Contemplate what human love actually means. What is happening when you love any aspect of reality? Really examine it!

What you will eventually realize is that when your appreciation of any aspect of reality reaches a certain height, you will say you love it.

But all of that is limited biased selfish human shit.

Real Love is to realize that absolutely every aspect of reality is infinitely beautiful and wonderful. And to recognize all of it as your own Mind. When Mind fully recognizes itself, it identifies with everything and falls in Love with itself. This is Love at a metaphysical level. Everything is seen as Love, you are One with everything, everything is your children, everything is infinitely appreciated.

The feeling of love that a mother has for her child is simply extended infinitely to all of existence. That's LOVE. The mother's love is just a tiny biased fragment of God's LOVE.

When you love a taco dinner, what's really happening is that you are tapping into 0.0000000000000000000001% of God's Love. But you are too unconscious to understand that, so you only see it as some shallow, fleeting human emotion.

If you realize that the difference between all the things you love and all the things you hate or feel indifferent to is purely imaginary human bias, you will enter a state of Infinite Love. Because there is no metaphysical difference between a taco dinner, your children, or Hitler. All of them are metaphysically identical. To realize this is one of highest attainments in this work, and it is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is horseshit next to this.

Most enlightend people do not understand what I said above.

Actually no, everything you say here is non complex, and easy to understand, and not difficult to psychologically take this perspective in the abstract. To implement in the concrete in life is the hard part, as inhernetly as a human you have biases on the biological level and preferences no matter how small on the pyshcological level

Also most enlightened people I know completely understand what you wrote, I mean the fucking buddha spoke about love to all sentient beings lol, I dont see how you are not seeing this. Thicht nhat hahn has wrote  abook on this


Ajahn brahm the famous buddhist monk wrote a book on kindullness and included a poem of hitler in the opening from htiler to his mum to show exactly this point. I dont see what you are getting out of bullshitting yourself that only you get this or it is profound understanding lol!

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Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, bambi said:

Actually no, everything you say here is non complex, and easy to understand, and not difficult to psychologically take this perspective in the abstract. To implement in the concrete in life is the hard part, as inhernetly as a human you have biases on the biological level and preferences no matter how small on the pyshcological level

Also most enlightened people I know completely understand what you wrote, I mean the fucking buddha spoke about love to all sentient beings lol, I dont see how you are not seeing this. Thicht nhat hahn has wrote  abook on this


Ajahn brahm the famous buddhist monk wrote a book on kindullness and included a poem of hitler in the opening from htiler to his mum to show exactly this point. I dont see what you are getting out of bullshitting yourself that only you get this or it is profound understanding lol!

You are treating what I said as knowledge or conceptual understanding, but it goes way beyond that.

You do not yet really understand what metaphysical love is. It is not about kindness towards others.

Ralston doesn't even understand what I said.

I am not saying I am the only one who undestands it. But if you think you understand it, I would caution you to think twice.

If you really understood it you wouldn't say it was easy. And you would appreciate how few people understand it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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