
Leo, do you sometimes use psychedelics to boost your creativity ?

22 posts in this topic

7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But you've done hundreds of trips already so clearly that isn't the solution.

It's not like you're new to psychedelics.

Sorry to say, but I don't think you will be able to expedite this. Seems to me, the more you look for ways to expedite it, the longer it will take.

I think you are fundamentally resisting a sober life, for whatever complex psychological reasons.


Yes probably some truth to that. I guess, whenever I would trip before it would always be in the context of addictive and destructive behaviours, the damage wasnt so big in my 20s. I wasnt really using them as a healing tool. Most of my trips were ketamine FYI. I only did psilocybin, lsd, 2cb maybe 30-50times, never 5meo class either, so maybe thats whats missing here

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16 minutes ago, LambdaDelta said:

Maybe I don't, who knows. Had my fair share of immense pain and suffering, physical and mental. It wouldn't be wise to assume about other people or make comparisons. "Disconnected from God" is a duality, everything you describe is still within God. But that doesn't matter, as long as our perception of the issue remains different it'll all just be semantics. I wish you a speedy recovery.

No this is a stupidity lol! Im sorry, sure, even hell is powered by God, but its such a low level of light.

You clearly didnt expeirnece what I am tlaking about, which is expected im convinced very few humans have. My chakra damage I found one book with AI that mentioned the type of damage I caused called 'short circuiting' but its so rare and serious theres not much literature on it lol!

If you experienced what I expeirenced, you would do immediately what I did: everything in your power to turn your life around: sobreity, 12 step programs, and healing

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