Psychedelic seeker

Leo's deleted video on solipsism

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@CARDOZZO @MoonLanding @bambi I'v watched this video many times! Just know everything you learn here in this dream is the map not the territory, wether from the Bible, Jesus, Buddha, science etc. Your direct experience is the territory, an infinite evolution of infinite simulation for the very first time probably, where every moment is brand new and ever evolving. Have a huge filter even on psychedelics trip! 

Edited by MoonLanding

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19 hours ago, Davino said:

who would you ask?

That question is even more absurd when people want to validate solipsism. Its incredibly weird seeing forum members here searching for certain "dream characters" to confirm their idea about solipsism being true.

"Look, this dream character of mine says that solipsism is truee, yaaaaaaaaay" - Imagine doing this to confirm the exact opposite (about solipsism being false) - one would get immediate pushback for trusting others.

Edited by zurew

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

then you will not have achieved anything either, because a thousand years compared to infinite years are zero. That means illusion. that you can have all the experiences you can, be a multidimensional entity that encompasses trillions of multiverses and that controls every elemental particle of all of them with your mind, which compared to infinity will be exactly zero.

All form is illusion, only the infinite is real. but on the other hand, everything is real in essence, since its essence is infinity, but a universe is just as illusion in form and as real in essence as a proton.

Idc anymore. I demand to see cartoon wolf now!

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11 hours ago, Psychedelic seeker said:

Ketamine or 5-MeO-DMT results in ego death and solipsism. Why can't there be some substance which would result in ego life and proving that others exist through some radically different mental state which shows the existence of all others who are beyond me? Why 5-MeO should be right and not this new substance: anti-5-MeO-DMT?

The point is Ketamine or 5-MeO-DMT does not prove anything. Is you that constructs a meaning out of It.

When you trip reality opens Up a bit, you can see through that crack for some hours, is beautiful, but then if it when It closes you construct a Circus inside your head, thats not Spirituality.


@Leo Gura And as any self-created creation one is invested in, one must suffer.

You think that you are so smart to create something better than what already exists.

And therefore thats your limitation, thats your knot, thats your karma. Surprisingly you do not see this yet.

You projecting It here to everybody is a disservice to people who seek clarity and not fantasies.

And dont ask me to join you in that endeveour, my business is being aligned with the Creators Creation.

Not the one from any mind that believes It can create something better than this. 

Edited by Javfly33

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This video about Alien civilazation and all the assumptions and rationalization and Hops tha need to be jumped to either create a civilization or find one somehere in the Gakaxy makes me question even more: Is not much easier to create a very Real illusion of a human life being lived in a certain Era with Father Mother Sibilings Culture etc.. and and Ideia of Selfhood? What would be better to go step by step for a long TIME or to make Directly on SPOT, a REal Virtual Reality for oneself with many self channels to interact with? 


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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What really matters is not what you call it but how deeply conscious are you of how your construct the dream you are in.

Today I dreamed I was constructing a woman in a tablet screen. I was dabbling in the Boobs size: Big,medium or small? Then suddenly someone covered the tablet with a towel saying: Hey cover this!! There are kids here in the room!! 

Even in dreams,dream characters are moralists. I had created moralists to keep myself in check.

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What about all the other collectives (collective you's) that exist? You are just a concept in your head, as are they, but all of them would have an impact on creating the dream. The word dream also bothers me, as that's a concept in your head; it brings implications that can or cannot exist depending on what you want to experience.

You couldn't create an awakening process if you didn't create a sleeping one as an example; you couldn't have insights into it or reveal spiritual truths. Everyone here wouldn't have this shared experience (and that's fun, even if it's just in my head), but it's all optional. I think the attachment to it is overdone.

People here (including me) are understandably very individualist, given their culture, their framing, and their experiences. 

You could just as easily swap I, for we, or me for them, and then have to design a slightly different way of framing your reality to realise it. So if anyone is saying it has to be this way or that, not really. That's all your creation, from the seed of an idea/life to now.

Edited by BlueOak

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's right. Take a decade to think about it.

This response doesn't make much sense to me.

First of all, choosing falsification as a foundation for absolute truth seem to be completely arbitrary.

Second of all , If you want to go with 'if something can't be falsified then that thing is absolutely true', then you will have problems with  existential propositions and especially with ones that are mutually exclusive. (for example, you can't falsify that others exist)

I don't need to think for a decade to realize the obvious dead end that comes from this kind of approach (thats why I wouldn't start with a foundation of falsification or if I would, then I would acknowledge the limitations of it).

Edited by zurew

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@zurew I won't tag Leo again, he gets tagged enough, but to both of you:

I am seeing this pattern come up with people seeking an absolute truth more at the moment, and I understand why, there is more uncertainty in the world. So perhaps it helps to define a few more grounded truths that people and society can stand on to regain more certainty in their lives. 

But if we are in this forum, having this conversation, there is no universal truth beyond what is occurring at this very moment. Because infinity is every possibility that could exist. In this context or lens: It is every falsification and every nonfalsification about everything. 

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But isnt it simplier to say: 
There exist the Universe which is one being, and in this one being are multiple solipsistic bubbles (so all creatures are conscious) (1)
There exist Solipsism and maybe outside of that also other sovereign solipsistic Gods (2)

Both have their problems, some of them are: 
- How is consciousness created by the Universe (brain) 
- Why do I have my point of view and not somebody elses / Why was I born as me specifically 

- Why I dont know how I create (knowing at any moment also right now) 
- Why doesnt it feel that I can create something other than what I create right now 
- Why doesnt it feel that I am allpowerfull and allknowing and willingly creating 
- How do I make myself not knowing that I am God 
- Whats the mechanism behind how thing become hidden and unhidden 
- How it is decided what and how much is unhidden from the infinity that is hidden 

Seems like it cant be known and depends on the interpretation (->recontextualization video) 
Also after taking psychodelics and consciousness raised, how can this be known for sure ? 

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It is extremely simple and there can be no doubt, you do not need to take psychedelics or meditate or do anything to see it. Meditation is for opening to the absolute, but understanding is much simpler: 1 limits are impossible, therefore reality is infinite. 2 if reality is infinite, everything that appears in it is infinite, since any fragment of the infinite is in turn infinite. A snot from your nose, or a thought, are infinite. 3 absolutely everything you see or perceive is infinite, therefore, it is the totality and exists in itself 4 everything you do not see, and cannot even imagine, is also infinite and exists as the totality. 5 You are having an experience, therefore, limits are being created. Since you are infinite, the conclusion is obvious that these limits are apparent, they are a form. Therefore, the experience itself is apparent, let's say an illusion. If there is one illusion, there are infinite illusions. Therefore, reality is form and non-form at the same time, since form, even though it is an apparent limitation, is inevitable. 6 Enlightenment is perceiving yourself beyond form, opening yourself to the total reality that is the substance of all that exists and that is the source of your existence as apparent concrete experience and your ultimate nature. The no form is immutable, if there were any mutation, would be form, appearance.

In short: infinite

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall Made your argument more readable: 

  1. Limits are impossible, therefore reality is infinite.
  2. If reality is infinite, everything that appears in it is infinite, since any fragment of the infinite is in turn infinite. A snot from your nose, or a thought, are infinite.
  3. Absolutely everything you see or perceive is infinite, therefore, it is the totality and exists in itself.
  4. Everything you do not see, and cannot even imagine, is also infinite and exists as the totality.
  5. You are having an experience, therefore, limits are being created. Since you are infinite, the conclusion is obvious that these limits are apparent; they are a form. Therefore, the experience itself is apparent—let's say an illusion. If there is one illusion, there are infinite illusions. Therefore, reality is form and non-form at the same time, since form, even though it is an apparent limitation, is inevitable.
  6. Enlightenment is perceiving yourself beyond form, opening yourself to the total reality that is the substance of all that exists and that is the source of your existence as apparent concrete experience and your ultimate nature. The no-form is immutable; if there were any mutation, it would be form, appearance.

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9 hours ago, zurew said:

That question is even more absurd when people want to validate solipsism. Its incredibly weird seeing forum members here searching for certain "dream characters" to confirm their idea about solipsism being true.

In fact, I broke my promise. I said I wouldn't talk about Solipsism again on the Forum unless they had the awakening and were struggling to integrate it. I took that decision because solipsism debates on the forum are, for the most part useless, blind talking to blind, while there is no real conscious realization, insight, or genuine desire to contemplate the nature of other and self. Yet I get trapped in these forum dynamics, Solipsism is just not for everyone and it's that precisely what makes it so apealing to all of you, like the forbidden fruit. I really hope one day Solipsistic Consciousness hits you like a truck and then you won't ask if it's true or not but you will say please help me to integrate it, all what I loved and thought real is no more and I'm losing my mind. And then I'll be there like other users were there for me in the past to help me get to the other side of Solipsism alive and sound.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

In short: infinite

To sum up: Infinity:D

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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14 minutes ago, Davino said:

And then I'll be there like other users were there for me in the past to help me get to the other side of Solipsism alive and sound.

This deserves a episode on its own called : How to Survive a Solopsistic Experience

The problem is for Who will you ask for Help in the How to Process and the Integration steps? To Others (Ironic)

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28 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Breakingthewall Made your argument more readable: 

  1. Limits are impossible, therefore reality is infinite.
  2. If reality is infinite, everything that appears in it is infinite, since any fragment of the infinite is in turn infinite. A snot from your nose, or a thought, are infinite.
  3. Absolutely everything you see or perceive is infinite, therefore, it is the totality and exists in itself.
  4. Everything you do not see, and cannot even imagine, is also infinite and exists as the totality.
  5. You are having an experience, therefore, limits are being created. Since you are infinite, the conclusion is obvious that these limits are apparent; they are a form. Therefore, the experience itself is apparent—let's say an illusion. If there is one illusion, there are infinite illusions. Therefore, reality is form and non-form at the same time, since form, even though it is an apparent limitation, is inevitable.
  6. Enlightenment is perceiving yourself beyond form, opening yourself to the total reality that is the substance of all that exists and that is the source of your existence as apparent concrete experience and your ultimate nature. The no-form is immutable; if there were any mutation, it would be form, appearance.

This is basic understandig, obvious and easy to grasp with the mind. The subtle understanding, which needs to go deep, is: what is the movement of the cosmos? How do you influence it and what is your role? What are the bonds that are created between humans, where do they come from, what are their consequences? What are the steps to follow to ascend to higher dimensions? And much more.  None of this is conceptual, the lines of existence can be understood intuitively, but clearly and deeply.

The real spiritual work, once you understand the basics and achieve a more or less easy opening to the absolute through meditation, starts here

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25 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

This deserves a episode on its own called : How to Survive a Solopsistic Experience

The problem is for Who will you ask for Help in the How to Process and the Integration steps? To Others (Ironic)

Yes exactly the crazy that is right infront of ppl but they won't or can't see it because of belief blinding them, via experiential belief or otherwise, that I am the only one existing,  but can help "others" when they realize the same thing, lol, its the exact same as crazy you see in hosptials!

The arrogance around here is getting very apparent lately!!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Leo Gura 

Are you saying that you are both GOD (absolute) and a human (relative), and so is everyone else? That everything that exists is GOD? And the only thing that exists is GOD?

So the only thing that exists is (YOU), which is GOD, and it is expressing itself through different forms, correct? 

Or did I miss something?


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