Psychedelic seeker

Leo's deleted video on solipsism

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@Psychedelic seeker  Each one of us is alone, we imagine ourselves with others, and others imagine being with us. Solipsism at its highest and purest level will melt everything around you, revealing that it was all just a product of our imagination.

In this way, each of us is alone imagining the presence of others in a collective illusion, and this is how God experiences the company of "others".

@Leo Gura Do you think, The Infinity of Gods insight, that you shared on YouTube goes well with solipsism?

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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15 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

Do you think, The Infinity of Gods insight, that you shared on YouTube goes well with solipsism?

The intro quote is a statement on the nature of Solipsism...

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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41 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Psychedelic seeker  Each one of us is alone, we imagine ourselves with others, and others imagine being with us. Solipsism at its highest and purest level will melt everything around you, revealing that it was all just a product of our imagination.

In this way, each of us is alone imagining the presence of others in a collective illusion, and this is how God experiences the company of "others".

@Leo Gura Do you think, The Infinity of Gods insight, that you shared on YouTube goes well with solipsism?

That does mean others exist like me? They are just completely stuck in their imagination like me? I imagine them to exists and they imagine that me exist? The collective illusion? Which matches ultimately reality? Because both exist it's just they are completely in their own version of a bubble?

Leo's video about Infinity of God would explain that all too. It's like a online multiplayer, each computer (aka a God) could play their own games however all computers run the same game in real time more or less (some computers have not enough graphic power to render all NPCs, some are lagging). If you take a psychedelic it's like disrupting the game. like mods or cheat codes in a game.

Edited by OBEler

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1 hour ago, LSD-Rumi said:

Do you think, The Infinity of Gods insight, that you shared on YouTube goes well with solipsism?

The Infinity of Gods is such an advanced consciousness that it can hardly be discussed.

Once your solipsism becomes so total, so deep, the soverignty of your Mind becomes so absolute, you realize that there can be an infinity number of copies of yourself, but you cannot ever access them because it interferes with your own Mind's soveriengty. So you are left with a profound solipsistic not-knowing. The not-knowing of other sovereign Minds. But also, the possibility then opens of somehow knowing them, but you don't know how.

If feels like you are on the very edge of Infinity as it sruggles to break out into yet higher Infinities. This process is so staggering that you cannot make sense of it even as you are in it. Infinity is finding new Infinities within itself. And of course, and new Infitities it finds are recognized as being yourself, but this recogniztion happens across time. So first you recognize it as other, then you recognize it as yourself, and so on it goes.

God is forever discovering higher dimensions of itself. That's what it really means to be Infinite. As soon as God grasps itself there opens up new possibilities for even higher grasping.

As advanced as the realization of solpsism is, there exists something is more advanced which is beyond nonduality and any kind of human comprehension of spirituality.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If your consciousness becomes high enough you will realize that you imagined all of humanity.

(...) And you don't want it to stop because then you'd be all alone.

I don't like talking about it because people are not ready to hear it or cope with it.

I agree for the first statement.

Second statement: That's an opinion, not a fact. Moreover - maybe not stop it yet? Who knows, maybe consciousness needs to learn how to be on its own?

Third statement: Generalization and in my experience simply not true.  For me it's a spectrum. One side "let me f*** sleep" and other side "please wake me up". Same as there are 8.1 billions views of reality as Ishanga said, there are 8.1 billion points on this spectrum.


You cannot discuss or understand or contemplate Absolute, its beyond all that, but You can discuss, understand and contemplate Your own experience of it, however limited that may be, and as varied as it is btwn ppl...

Completely resonates with me. The thing I wonder and would like to hear is your view an the assumed spectrum: Can we decide if we seek truth, meaning we can decide to have a desire for waking up? If not completely able to decide, can we influence it? Or is our point on the spectrum predetermined?

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Humans are such a deep level of bullshit that you invented them in order to keep yours asleep.

Once I was in a medicine retreat and I get away from people because I felt their "field" where affecting me to go higher in insigth, almost like I was being held in low state consciouness by the gravity dense field of them. And when I was alone, rigth in the moment I was about to crack a important exitential nut, someone appear from nothing to distract me. I was astonished by the devilry of this shit. We always think that the closer we go to a breaktrhougth or jailbreak easier and less distractions we have,but no, when we are about to find the Diamond is exactly when all hell comes to stop us. Almost like there is a demon that dont like to much when one escape his dominion so it send some of his bots to distract Neo. And at same time I cant accuse some other of creating this bots. (I am aware i used a lot of duality in this writing so I marked them in bold)

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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@Leo Gura I really really believe that you are not fully 100% clear in your own mind about this topic . Losts of conceptualization and contradictions(like you say "you are the only conscious entity " then you oddly say "people are not ready for this degree of diving deep into investigation of truth "  what "people "are you talking about ? That contradicts solipsism head on . Why don't you just simply say " I don't know yet ..I need deeper awakenings to really make up my mind about this topic once and for all " ?

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

That contradicts solipsism head on .

Like I said, we are dreaming.

It contradicts the dreaming. That's not a mistake. You are attempting to understand something beyond the dream from within a dream using socialization.

If solipsism is true then you cannot discover it through socializing -- which is what this entire forum is. So the truth being discussed is incompatible with the entire social domain.

And when I say we are dreaming, I mean I am dreaming a we because I do not want to be alone.

If I wanted to be alone I would just kill myself and be with God. If you really understood solpsism it would threaten your whole life. Which is why no one understands it. You don't want to go that deep.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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One point about "other" is that even if we keep talking about other being imaginary or illusion or ourselfs or closing the gap bettwen self and other. LET be honest that life would be very different without all this other that sometimes we accuse,blame and demonise:

So ask:

What would be of you if all others vanish?

Farmers,Truckers who transport goods,Vendors,Clerks,all people from all different life styles, musicians,builders,writers and so on.. Is not true that a lot of what make life or dream a very juicy and even terrifing experience depends on the existence of all others? I can even sit alone and imagine others are mirage but I will need to go out and interact with them anyway and all my armchair philosophy is helpless to the full Truth that I can make them vanish, it is what it is. Love it or Hate it , is impossible to no Be what it is 

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@theleelajoker 'Second statement: That's an opinion, not a fact. Moreover - maybe not stop it yet? Who knows, maybe consciousness needs to learn how to be on its own?'

that requires being nothing which is what moksha might be. Its the end of struggle with being with yourself. And you become nothing forever.

Once you hit nothing you are going to want to do something even if you dont want to do nothing for 5 minutes 6 minutes 10 days 27 days 7 months 18 years it dosent matter you will want to do something and respawn. We are talking infinitely being nothing.

God is like a being in a room with infinite freedom but the ultimate freedom is to not use the infinite freedom because its not real and God knows that and this is the source of Gods loneliness. It dosent want to be nothing and it dosent want to be alone it has infinite freedom to do anything. Attachment to infinite freedom is what hurts God.


Edited by Hojo

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If your consciousness becomes high enough you will realize that you imagined all of humanity.

Humanity doesn't really exist. It's a construct. This includes all individual humans.

It's really relative to your level of consciousness. So-called enlightened people have such low levels of consciousness that most of them don't realize that they are imagining humans.

The higher your consciousness goes the more you realize that everything outside of you is imaginary, because you have no outside and there is nothing but you. But unraveling this illusion takes serious brains and balls. Because any attachment or loyalty you have to humanity will hold you back. Humans are not really ready for such consciousness. And don't surprised if it blackpills you. You are just a human and everything human must ultimately be bullshit, including all humans themselves.

Humans are such a deep level of bullshit that you invented them in order to keep yourself asleep. You are constantly spinning a dream. That's what all this is. And you don't want it to stop because then you'd be all alone.

I don't like talking about it because people are not ready to hear it or cope with it.

By "you" you just mean existence, or Infinity, which is just another word for reality. And that's all obviously, obviously reality gives rise to all of reality and existence.

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13 hours ago, LambdaDelta said:

Consider that contradiction/paradox is a crucial feature of reality. It's not an either/or, both can be true at the same time. But one might be more true than the other. 

There is no truth, as you are trying to define it in infinity, which encompasses all possibilities and none.

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51 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If feels like you are on the very edge of Infinity as it sruggles to break out into yet higher Infinities. This process is so staggering that you cannot make sense of it even as you are in it. Infinity is finding new Infinities within itself.

Recursive fractals ilustrate this phenomena. An infinity itself, making zoom into one tiny part of itself, it arrives to the same whole Infinity, itself:

Infinities Inside Infinities

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If your consciousness becomes high enough you will realize that you imagined all of humanity.

Humanity doesn't really exist. It's a construct. This includes all individual humans.

It's really relative to your level of consciousness. So-called enlightened people have such low levels of consciousness that most of them don't realize that they are imagining humans.

The higher your consciousness goes the more you realize that everything outside of you is imaginary, because you have no outside and there is nothing but you. But unraveling this illusion takes serious brains and balls. Because any attachment or loyalty you have to humanity will hold you back. Humans are not really ready for such consciousness. And don't surprised if it blackpills you. You are just a human and everything human must ultimately be bullshit, including all humans themselves.

Humans are such a deep level of bullshit that you invented them in order to keep yourself asleep. You are constantly spinning a dream. That's what all this is. And you don't want it to stop because then you'd be all alone.

I don't like talking about it because people are not ready to hear it or cope with it.



The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If solipsism is true then you cannot discover it through socializing -- which is what this entire forum is. So the truth being discussed is incompatible with the entire social domain.

And when I say we are dreaming, I mean I am dreaming a we because I do not want to be alone.

Oh now we are having real talk!

22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you really understood solpsism it would threaten your whole life. Which is why no one understands it. You don't want to go that deep.

Real work is actually scary. It really threatens everything...

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Like I said, we are dreaming.

It contradicts the dreaming. That's not a mistake. You are attempting to understand something beyond the dream from within a dream using socialization.

If solipsism is true then you cannot discover it through socializing -- which is what this entire forum is. So the truth being discussed is incompatible with the entire social domain.

And when I say we are dreaming, I mean I am dreaming a we because I do not want to be alone.

If I wanted to be alone I would just kill myself and be with God. If you really understood solpsism it would threaten your whole life. Which is why no one understands it. You don't want to go that deep.

But that makes solipsism relative to your state of consciousness and not an absolute? 

Because in the social domain as you put it or inside the dream solipsism is not true ..but if you kill yourself and exit the dream the whole world dies with you and now solipsism becomes true ..

So solipsism is not an absolute. 

Which is something that you always miss the irony of like when you say Rupert Spira is not fully awake because he calls solipsism madness ..but he is inside the matrix just as me and you etc . So this renders your whole point obsolete. 

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't like talking about it because people are not ready to hear it or cope with it.

I think blowing our minds every so often helps, but that's just me. Could you speak it in an analogy or story? That's what others have done historically. Then people can keep whatever BS makes them happy, and some of the ideas will filter down. I've heard you speak about writing a book before.

I have no problem being alone with or from people because we always are creating an experience.

What I struggle with is being alone from the act of creation itself. Everything else, all the concepts, the framing, the construction— Did you ever have that? I want to be able to make sense of the world and create meaning from nothing, while realizing there is nothing to make sense of but what I choose to create. It's extremely addictive all the same, like a person doing a painting or writing a story.

  • A void.
  • Create a concept.
  • Create a meaning.
  • Change happens: Creating a void.
  • Create new concepts.
  • Give them new meaning


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anything you perceive, like another person or whatever, is a possibility of reality. Reality is infinite, therefore it takes the form of all possibilities. Perceived reality is all overlapping possibilities, excluded except one, yours. The others are here and now too, but they are not perceived since you are limited to a specific one, otherwise there would be no form or perception, and in infinity it is impossible for them not to exist.

The movement of the cosmos seems the expansion of forms superimposing one another in a coordinated and cyclical dance, a quite impressive phenomenon.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If your consciousness becomes high enough you will realize that you imagined all of humanity.

Humanity doesn't really exist. It's a construct. This includes all individual humans.

It's really relative to your level of consciousness. So-called enlightened people have such low levels of consciousness that most of them don't realize that they are imagining humans.

The higher your consciousness goes the more you realize that everything outside of you is imaginary, because you have no outside and there is nothing but you. But unraveling this illusion takes serious brains and balls. Because any attachment or loyalty you have to humanity will hold you back. Humans are not really ready for such consciousness. And don't surprised if it blackpills you. You are just a human and everything human must ultimately be bullshit, including all humans themselves.

Humans are such a deep level of bullshit that you invented them in order to keep yourself asleep. You are constantly spinning a dream. That's what all this is. And you don't want it to stop because then you'd be all alone.

I don't like talking about it because people are not ready to hear it or cope with it.

@Leo Gura, you didn't answer my questions. One time you write that I imagine all of humanity, the other time that we imagine all of humanity, and the other time that you imagine all of humanity. A character from my dream doesn't imagine any dreams unless I'll experience a dream from his point of view when I'm asleep the next night for example. In that way he can pseudo-exist through my own experience. So analogically for @Leo Gura to pseudo-exist and simultaneously for solipsism to still hold, I must experience exactly what he's supposed to experience after my death in one of my other incarnations for his qualia to appear in my one and only awareness.

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