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Do What Ever It Takes..

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Most people have big goals and  big dreams, but sometimes it seems to be out reach for majority of people.

One would have the ambition to achieve their goals, but they don't know how to make it happen or manifest that dream,


Is like what ever they are doing is not enough to attain that dream to become reality,

It does not matter where you are and what you have, All you have to do is, to start where you are with what you have.


The powerful ting is to get started, even if you have no idea how you are going to start, just began no matter how small the step,

But you must be willing to do what ever it takes to reach that goal,

Sometimes you will have to do these transition jobs to get to where you want to, Sell T-shirts if you have to, but don't let that take the focus away from your Dream.

You only gonna be happy if you do what you love, so stay focused at you dream

If you keep your eyes on the prize long enough, and you are willing to do what ever it takes to achieve it, all things are possible.


Willingness to work hard for that one thing in your mind, no matter how hard it is, you gonna make it.

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I agree with a lot of the things you say here. Firstly, in order to achieve any goal, one needs to first have an idea of what you want to achieve. It can't be a vague idea like I just want to lose weight. 

It has to be a measurable, concrete goal because then you can more easily make course corrections along the way. 

Also, when you have your vision, it helps to visualize having achieved the goal in the present moment. But action still needs to be the main priority because no one can ever achieve anything without hard work and sacrifice which you also said. Just visualizing a goal without having an executable plan is more like having a dream. It's nice to have aspirations, but that in itself is a cult. 

The distinction between a goal and a dream is a goal -- if it is a real goal -- is backed up with an executable plan for how to get from A to B. Essentially how to realize the goal/manifest it :) 



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