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Getting physical on the dance floor

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I am very capable of attracting girls on the dance floor, but there is always this point where I get stuck, we are both dancing, smiling and having a good time, then I feel the need to say something, from here it can get quite awkward as it's hard to hear each other with the loud music. I am starting to realise that it is probably better to get much closer and more physical without the need to chat before. This idea isn't comfortable to me, as I feel the need to chat and develop minimal intimacy, but from my experience even asking her name is a step away that disturbs the flow of moment. It's sad that the more I learn about the first stages of attraction, at least in a night club setting, the colder and unromantic I need to become... I do sense how much it can contribute to my self-development though, it's a brutal game.

How do you go about it? do you just grab her before even exchanging a word? I feel like the more brute and determined you are the more she is going to like you.

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You can escalate pretty heavily on a dance floor. I’ve done super extremely forward stuff on dance floors before. But it’s not my strength, I’d rather dance for a bit and then lead them somewhere else to chat and actually get to know each other.

If they’re interested they’ll follow you. At a moment when there’s good chemistry, just give seductive eyes, grab her hand and lead her off the dance floor to somewhere you can chat. Obv she might want to let her friends know where she’s going and that’s fine. Be friendly to her friends and let them know what you’re doing.

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