Water by the River

Role Of Psychedelics And Their Effects After Self-Realization: Artem Boytsov x Frank

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

My awakenings are supernatural and even beyond.

Alien Consciousness is beyond anything humans even imagine as supernatural. It's super-supernatural. Human ideas of what's possible in the supernatural realm are very limited and prosaic. All that standard New Age mystical stuff. It's boring! Serious consciousness is beyond all that.

@Leo Gura I wonder then, and referring also back to your past statements, how is that you're the only person in the history of humanity to access the deepest levels of consciousness?

or is it possible, and I think this is the case, that there are people in the history of humanity, even up to thousands of years back, who have also accessed very supernatural levels of consciousness. And just like you accessed alien consciousness, maybe they accessed some other facet of consciousness that you haven't, or even alien consciousness. 

Also, you refer to alien consciousness a lot, but what is that? is it just how an alien would perceive reality, simply put?

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13 minutes ago, Jayson G said:

or is it possible, and I think this is the case, that there are people in the history of humanity, even up to thousands of years back, who have also accessed very supernatural levels of consciousness. And just like you accessed alien consciousness, maybe they accessed some other facet of consciousness that you haven't, or even alien consciousness. 

Yes, of course.

I even know a few such people.


Also, you refer to alien consciousness a lot, but what is that? is it just how an alien would perceive reality, simply put?

Something like that.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I believe that if one became super-humanly conscious one could walk through a brick wall. But no human is anywhere close to that level of consciousness. 

Which is one of the reasons why I say that enlightenment is low consciousness. If enlightennent was high consciousness then enlightened people should be able to walk through brick walls, but they can't.

What's unique about my explanations of Consciousness is that I can explain why humans cannot walk through brick walls and also how they could. No nondual person has a good answer for this. Because they don't actually understand how consciousness works.

Why is it difficult to explain why humans or enlightened humans can not walk through walls? I see absolutely no problem in doing that, see below.

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I am not claiming I can. I am claiming it should be possible with sufficient consciousness.

It is possible. In certain realms, like Astral realms. Which shows very easily it is possible - in some realms. Some beings can even do it in this realm (Vallee, Passport to magonia).

The Astral Realms teach exactly that: That "rules" or "physical" "laws" can be broken (or rather can be different or realm-specific habits (!) of the appearing realm/universe), anything is possible (because its all imagined)... All of that becomes totally clear when experiencing these higher realms (which Wilber for example calls subtle levels).

Look it up in the Lankavatara-Sutra for example, and others. Cosmic(realm specific) habits and archetypes, imagined by Infinite Consciousness/Universal Mind.

These answers are clear for that which many call "nondual person"  (which is a funny contradiction in itself, but that is another topic) if its an enlightened one. There is only Infinite Being/Universal Mind/"consciousness-stuff-appearance".

Enlightenment = Its all imagined as mere appearance in Infinite Being, or Universal Mind as Huang Po called it. Its totally clear that any appearance can happen anytime, even when the habit of this life/realm tends to be very structured with certain rules/patterns. For other realms, that doesn't apply. Different habits. A dream is no less real than waking life, just less structured and no consistent background story (hey, how did I get here and where did I park my car). But made out of the same imagined "mere-appearance"-"substance" which is not different form Infinite Consciousness (hence nondual). Its not "out-there", its Universal-Mind-"stuff".

That becomes totally clear with Enlightenment. Groundless mere appearance, "hovering" in the vastness "of" Infinite Being, the Totality of Existence, or the only Infinite Reality/Existence/Being there is and ever could be. Or ones true Infinite Being. And no separate anything, but just an imagined apparently "separate" center/perceiver, which can drop and disappear anytime, restoring the orginal state of boundless Infinite Being or the Totality of Existence. That clears all these questions and points. Not by 30 facets & hugging the elephant for a short time of "AWAKENING" and then saying sayonara dear elephant, but at once, becoming truly the Elephant/Totality of Existence, besides which nothing can exist. Infinite.

This realm is a structured dream. Physical laws, or better habits, are not easily broken. That is the essence of this game here. If it would be a chaotic soup, wouldn't be too much fun, would it?

And who structures this realm and its habits/patterns/rules/"physical laws", against which consciousness/intent/being you have no chance imagining going through the walls as human? To read about these beings/holons/deities/whatever (biiiig Aliens) holding whole universes in their being, read for example Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven. Have you read that? There is some stuff inside that you don't talk or write about. And what kind of being manages a "Buddha-field" (aka a Universe-Realm) in later Buddhism (Supreme-Array-Sutra): A cosmic Buddha. In western mysticism language a certain archetype. A deity. Whatever name is used. Holons all the way up, all the way down. And up its up to Infinity!

Buddha-field/Universe-realm-beings creating, maintaining and containing all universe-realm inside themselves, other beings containing clusters of these, and so on and so on, up to Infinity. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva for example. Thousands names have been used by humanity. Don't be surprised if the "aliens" you have accessed at some point look like the little brother to one of these...

But these universe-containing/manifesting/sustaining beings/archetypes are also nothing other than Infinite Being, a certain (although) larger perspective in Indras Net. The SAME Awareness/Reality/Infinite Being that looks through the eyes of all beings. Just different content (universes)/appearances, or consciousnesses OF. There are not many "Awarenesses", or "consciousnesses". Not two. Indras Net of perspectives or holons, all the way down, all the way up to Infinity. One Universal Infinite Mind splicing itself up to different perspectives (large and small), creating these magnificent realms and Vistas of Infinities, and forgetting in real time all other perspectives in order to play a game of limitation.

Infinity, hm ^_^

I am not in a hurry to become an Alien, or one of these archetypal beings containing realms, or anything else. Why? The point of the ride is the ride. The point of being limited human is being limited human, and enjoying it. Which becomes possible once one has realized ones True Being, or else the doom of finitude, mortality and not knowing what the show really is takes the enjoyment away. Stabilizing that is the Summum Bonum. And having done that, from that base maybe go wave-surfing in the Vistas of Infinity. But from a perspective of abundance and happiness, and not scarcity and wishing-to-rather-be-something-else.

Selling "not trying walking through walls in this life cause ones head may hurt later" but instead relaxing by the River and selling you know what ^_^


Edited by Water by the River

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What Does Nothingness Look Like?
By Leo Gura - February 26, 2018

When people hear the word “Nothingess”, all too often they get a totally wrong idea about what that word is pointing to. Nothingness is NOT an empty void, a black screen, or a black hole.

Here’s a better approximation of what nothingness looks like:


Ps. I copied the message here so the object is in the link. This is a new object poping up from the nothingness anew.

Now keep in mind, this is just an analogy. A pointer. So don’t start expecting to see the above flashy object in your meditation sessions. That’s never going to happen.

What the object above is showing is the dream-like, immaterial, illusory, quality of consciousness. Consciousness is totally empty, like the above object. It is fluid and can take on an infinite number of shapes, with infinite resolution and zero limitation. It is vibrant, alive, and intelligent.

Can you see why the above object would be called Nothingness? Because it has no substance to it. It’s pure appearance, and it can appear as literally anything. So we call it Nothingness, which is identical to Everythingness. Or, we could call it Infinity. Imagine if the above object was infinite in size and dimension such that it depicted every form imaginable. That would be what reality is, with your present experience being one of those forms.

Try this: Look around the room you’re in right now, and notice that the whole room is Nothingness, just like the object above. Don’t expect the room to disappear! Stop looking for black screen. Instead, notice that the room is pure appearance with no substance behind it. The room is like a hologram. Appearance is none other than Nothingness. The room AS YOU SEE IT RIGHT NOW, is Nothingness!

“Form is emptiness, and Emptiness is form.”

— The Heart Sutra



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@Water by the River The issue with everything you said is that it admits that there exists consciousness higher than your own. Which most enlightened folk and nondualists would like to deny.

So you are trying to have it both ways. When I claim higher consciousness, you ridicule and deny it. But when I corner you about why you cannot walk through a brick wall, you tell tall-tales of higher Buddhas and astral deities in other dimensions. And you plead human finitude.

You justify your limited human dream as being necessary and enjoying it. But when I speak of pursing and enjoying higher consciousness you dismiss and ridicule it as something indulgent or misguided.

So all this means that you are an enlightened bullshitter. Your spiritual bullshit is precisely designed to prevent higher consciousness. And THAT is the reason why I teach in the manner that I teach.

I do not care about tales of astral realms. I asked you why you cannot walk through a brick wall on Earth. And the only plausible answer is: because you lack consciousness.

If enlightened people would just admit that they occupy a low state of rat consciousness then I would never say a single bad thing against them. But that is the last thing they want to admit. So here we are.

I hope now everyone is crystal clear on this matter. I will not be wasting any more of my time explaining myself to you.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

asked you why you cannot walk through a brick wall. And the only plausible answer is: because you lack consciousness.

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


@Leo Gura 

There is another answer more obvious. 

That your vision that you are consciousness creating reality is false.

In your moments of maximum consciousness have you managed, not only to cross a wall, but to move the flame of a candle a millimeter with your mind? nothing, you cannot influence the physical world, simply because you are not creating it, it is not a hallucination. If it were, you could change it with your will 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

you cannot influence the physical world, simply because you are not creating it, it is not a hallucination. If it were, you could change it with your will 

Suit yourself. I will not make any effort to convince you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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31 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

In your moments of maximum consciousness have you managed, not only to cross a wall, but to move the flame of a candle a millimeter with your mind? nothing, you cannot influence the physical world, simply because you are not creating it, it is not a hallucination. If it were, you could change it with your will 

this absolutley is possible, ive experienced it myself. through understanding of consciousness, reality can literally be manipulated. read autobiography of a yogi, its stacked with examples of this. or check grandmaster wolf on youtube, he demonstrates and explains how ESP is possible through the universal consciousness.

i also found this post astonishing when i first found it, it explains instant manifestation of physical objects; 


Edited by emil1234

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21 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

That your vision that you are consciousness creating reality is false.

Can you prove this claim? 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Water by the River I asked you why you cannot walk through a brick wall on Earth. And the only plausible answer is: because you lack consciousness.


@Leo Gura I do believe you could walk through a brick wall.

But the level of consciousness to be able to do that would be very close to total dissolution. None of us are playing on those levels right now. 

I don't think any human could still retain physical body after doing that. So we probably won´t meet any human alive that has done that. 


By the way, the other day you told me I don´t control Dreaming when I told you all the rules are your rules, so I am surprised now you are raising the bar a bit . Good to see you are back on track :D

Edited by Javfly33

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44 minutes ago, emil1234 said:

read autobiography of a yogi

That is all lies. That guy had a heart attack at a dinner at the Indian embassy and they say he did mashamadi. Almost all spirituality is a story to get money from idiots. No one, ever, not once in history, has demonstrated pananormal powers, and you tell me to believe what the autobiography of a guy who became a millionaire with spirituality....

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55 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Can you prove this claim? 

It's absolutely obvious. 

Leo says that he is dreaming reality, that is, he is the source of reality and reality is a dream. But he cannot dream what he wants, but things appear independently of his will. This is, according to him, because his consciousness is low and he cannot access high states where he becomes aware of how he creates reality. neither him nor anyone, ever. Well, then you take psychedelics and access infinite states of consciousness, but you still can't move a speck of dust a millimeter,  imagine create a proton.

His vision is completely wrong. Everything that appears is real, since it is part of infinity and therefore total infinity. You can't move it because the entire cosmos is perfectly coordinated to infinity and nothing is a millimeter out of place. you are not god. You are the whole if you leave the form, and the whole is formless and immutable, but in the form you are only part, and you are on the same level as anything else. Your will is nothing, your knowledge is nothing, it is all illusion. Leo says that reality is illusion but he does not realize that he is also illusion and all his understanding is nothing, illusion.

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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Leo says that reality is illusion but he does not realize that he is also illusion and all his understanding is nothing, illusion.

I think he said in the famous Solo video the even the Ego and the Body are contents of Consciouness. And of course God would not allow such a fragment as a Ego to fuck up the whole Creation. Sometimes I wake up and the birds annoy me, but they dont disapear because I am anoyed. A Good Dream must have some parameters. I fly in nigth Dream, to contrast with the No-fligth day dream. Could God be unable to undertand itself? Even a magician knowing that he is making a magic trick he is still able to know how the trick works. As Leo said somewhere and I feel is also part of my path too, is that to know you are dreaming is the first step the hard one is to unveil how you create this dream of yours, including this body.

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You can walk through all the walls you want, that doesn't mean you understand what your conscious experience is. It is completely irrelevant to enlightenment. If someone hypothetically gained that ability in the real world, it would say nothing about their intelligence/understanding/cognition lmao. This is so silly. You can probably even do that while dreaming or astral projecting (apparently low states of consciousness?). It literally means nothing.

If the question is a more primordial philosophical one, like "why doesn't God allow us to walk through walls", then that is just the classic question "why is reality this way and not another way?" which is more of an intellectual inquiry that extrapolates into the future, and we all know there is no such thing as a conscious experience in the future. There aren't two experiences that can be compared. 

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

No one, ever, not once in history, has demonstrated pananormal powers

How do you explain remote viewing then? People to this day produce consistent, reliable results in remote viewing experiments, that cannot be explained away by pure chance or coincidence.

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I tried to imagine walking through walls, ha thought of getting trapped inside the wall forever made me don't want it anymore 😂

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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30 minutes ago, Bufo Alvarius said:

How do you explain remote viewing then? People to this day produce consistent, reliable results in remote viewing experiments, that cannot be explained away by pure chance or coincidence.

First, remote viewing is not demonstrate. But There are a lot of things where you can influence with your will, since your will is energy that meshes with the energy of the cosmos, but all of these are natural phenomena that cannot yet be understood. The cosmos is not understood, not even in the slightest part, since it is infinite. dimensions upon dimensions, infinitely coordinated. It's not "you" imagining the reality to fool yourself because you want to play. That's Just a psychedelic vision, limited, finite,.then false. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Suit yourself. I will not make any effort to convince you.

You should have to make a great effort and create matter from nothing, resurrect the dead, or simply fly like Neo. If the dream were a dream, and you were fully concious of if, you could change anything, same than in a dream when you are sleeping. But they are different, at night is a creation of your mind, real as a though, awake are independent of your mind, are infinity itself in another dimension 

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55 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

All of these are natural phenomena that cannot yet be understood. 

They are indeed natural phenomena, and I would like to propose the view, that they can be indeed understood.

Tom Campbell, in his trology 'My big Theory of Everything' (see here), lays out a framework for how this local consciousness system, that we inhabit, works, and how phenomena, such as remote viewing, astral travel and telepathy are a natural byproduct of the structure of such a consciousness system. It also teaches you, how you can make use of these techniques, so that you as consciousness, can navigate the larger system for yourself, and discover how it works, and come to your own conclusions.

It basically boils down to everything being Consciousness, as in one interconnected, conscious system, where you, as a piece of that larger consciousness system, can access all information that are available to such a system.

Edited by Bufo Alvarius

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