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NDE stories and self.

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I’m having trouble understanding exactly what self/ego is. 

I always thought the ego/self is ones identity and personality. However when watching multiple nde stories on YouTube, when the person that experienced the nde tells their story they’ll say that they had no ego. They’ll then have thoughts and even have a personality in the nde that is like their personality in this life. They’ll also say things like they were angry they had to come back here or they pleaded. 

it seems that one doesn’t lose the ego after death or I misunderstand what is meant by ego.

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Its where and when and why and how you are in reality.

You are every personality so when it changes slowly you don't notice and when it changes fast you can see God.

Personality is different from ego I think. I think you can be egoless and have personality as personality is God ego is like satan its trying to lock God down.

You dont need to think to have a personality you need to think to have ego as it is thought.

Edited by Hojo

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4 hours ago, Selfnaught said:

seems that one doesn’t lose the ego after death or I misunderstand what is meant by ego

Who knows what that experiences are. Nobody understands the structure of the reality, what happens when you die, what is this human life, why the things are as they are. Seems that the ego is built on innate, genetic lines. It is possible that even the entire circumstance that occurs is predestined or is partially so. Perhaps this experience is a piece in a puzzle of an incomprehensible dimension. Nobody knows shit.

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15 hours ago, Hojo said:


You dont need to think to have a personality you need to think to have ego as it is thought.

But see that’s what I’m not understanding because during these Nde’s these people were having thoughts, thoughts about themselves even. “Am I dead?”, “I don’t want to go back”. 

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14 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Who knows what that experiences are. Nobody understands the structure of the reality, what happens when you die, what is this human life, why the things are as they are. Seems that the ego is built on innate, genetic lines. It is possible that even the entire circumstance that occurs is predestined or is partially so. Perhaps this experience is a piece in a puzzle of an incomprehensible dimension. Nobody knows shit.

i can attest that I don’t know shit lol, but I keep hearing “death is the end of ego”. Doesn’t seem that way if an nde is any type of insight of what happens after one dies. From these nde stories I’ve listened too, there is still an “I” there. 

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@Selfnaught non self reflecting thought. Its like a dream where the second you think something its gone so you act without thinking.

You have a thought its comes out your brain hits your skull then bounces back to you and you can decipher whether you want to have it do it whatever to the thought. When you are egoless the thought forms expands and there is no skull to reflect it back so it goes out to infinity. Since there is no time in these spaces its impossible to imagine how these people are experiencing these things but they know that they are experiencing them. Ego is the thought returning to you to decipher it.

In spirit we don't have to self reflect as there are no consequences for your actions you have infinite time to do what you need to do. In reality there are consequences so we must have self reflection to survive.

Pretend as if dream state you have personality but you aren't self reflecting rhats pure personality. Ego is personality reflect back on itself 

Ita like you are having a dream thats more real than any dream you have ever had and contradictory is the real reality and this is a dream to self reflect on who you are in that reality.

Edited by Hojo

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On 6/8/2024 at 9:44 AM, Hojo said:

@Selfnaught non self reflecting thought. Its like a dream where the second you think something its gone so you act without thinking.

You have a thought its comes out your brain hits your skull then bounces back to you and you can decipher whether you want to have it do it whatever to the thought. When you are egoless the thought forms expands and there is no skull to reflect it back so it goes out to infinity. Since there is no time in these spaces its impossible to imagine how these people are experiencing these things but they know that they are experiencing them. Ego is the thought returning to you to decipher it.

In spirit we don't have to self reflect as there are no consequences for your actions you have infinite time to do what you need to do. In reality there are consequences so we must have self reflection to survive.

Pretend as if dream state you have personality but you aren't self reflecting rhats pure personality. Ego is personality reflect back on itself 

Ita like you are having a dream thats more real than any dream you have ever had and contradictory is the real reality and this is a dream to self reflect on who you are in that reality.

Thank you for your reply, I put this in my notes to contemplate on. 

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