
The horror of life

15 posts in this topic

I hate life. 

 There are some good moments, when revalation comes, but I can’t come back to God because I have to fucking work a shitty, soul-sucking job just to keep a roof over my head. My job eats up all of my mental and physical capacity. I am a slave.  

And when I get old and I am no longer a good slave, as I am sick and mentally degraded, I get thrown in the dumpster to suffer out my remaining days in pain. 

Even when I work hard to get ahead in my job, I still don’t see good results. I’m not smart and I know it. 

Life is suffering.  

How the fuck did God mess up so bad that now there’s mostly hell?  

I wish it would all end. I can’t even kill myself because I will have to come back to the same psycho planet again. 

I think I get how to wake up, but life isn’t even giving me a chance to do it, since I have to slave away my time to the system. 

 God, why have you forsaken me? 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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Human life is full of shit. work, health, sex, friends, family, the bubonic plague, phosphorus bombings, etc. etc.

There are two ways out of this hell: get a perfect life, in which you are rich, loved, desired by women, you never get old, you love your job, and you dont get sick. 

The other is to seek and achieve enlightenment, you know, that which cannot be thought of. meditate several hours every day, break all identifications, open your being to the unlimited. It's difficult but seems the only possibility. Others are dead end roads.


Edited by Breakingthewall

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How about coming up with a plan to improve your skills and get a better job, or switch to a job you enjoy or at least tolerate?

There are many possible jobs out there, so don't be limited in your thinking.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah, spirituality as scapism of the mess of life seems that doesn't work. It seems that first you have to pass some trials, then go for the opening. It's how the game is designed, life is merciless. 

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sorry to hear you are despondent and your life seems rubbish

what i would say to you is, life is nothing without the 3 b's: beauty, bliss, brain-power

beauty means to see the divine each day whether it be in a child's face, a sunset, a hottie in a swimsuit, a painting or the waves of the ocean

bliss means to experience your true nature and this can be accomplished through meditation, psychedelics or service to and love of mankind

brain-power means to engage in self-betterment and smart usage of one's time and energy

also i urge you to know the universe needs you and only you can carry out the difficult assignments that have your name on them

you are essential to my destiny and to the destiny of millions like me


Edited by gettoefl

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@CoolDreamThanks What if god is a genius and this job is exactly what you need? Maybe you need to surrender to it. Maybe you need to reject it. Follow your instincts. Follow your intuition. You are always on your path. The obstacle is the path. You are right where you belong. The universe does not make mistakes.

Maybe your external reality is your internal reality. You are projecting. The job is inside you. The external battle is a manifestation of your internal battle with your self. Accept. Surrender. Let go.

You might be myopic. You have tunnel vision. You are focusing on this job. Maybe you are self deluded and you are focusing on the job to avoid a larger pain gnawing at you. It is a strategy.

Maybe you are addicted to pain or frustration.

It's all god. It's all you. The job is god. The frustration is god.

You are already enlightened. You are whole. Without the job, the universe and you would not be whole. This job must be. There are infinite jobs so this job must exist.

All is illusion. Seeking is an illusion. There is nothing to seek. Seeking for a new job is an illusion. It is all Maya. So dance the Leela. Wish you all the best! :)

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You can pay attention to how you're looking at your life, which is clearly generating unnecessary suffering for you. Notice that you're doing that and stop seeing the situation that way.

I could think about what I want to create, etc, or look for things to complain about in life. 

Take a look at what you're doing, thinking and focusing on. Otherwise, enjoy your current state, let it go, and welcome the next one. 

Positive framing.

Edited by UnbornTao

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You can take a radical option like going to a place where there are people who live in nature without thinking anything about the future, any island, sure are many places, doing the minimum work for food and shelter, living in a cave and fishing for example, without having anything. not having a telephone or internet. be disconnected from the world, forever. live with yourself and maybe with someone you find, whatever life sends you. Be open to the present moment and not ask for anything. live and die, and that's it, because in the end that's what it's all about. But the thing is: could you live in loneliness, just with yourself, the existence? Very difficult, could be sad. We are humans at the end, we need the relationship 

But maybe if you want to go deep, be enlightened, Open yourself totally to the reality, it's necessary to face real loneliness . I see it difficult, human contact is addictive

Edited by Breakingthewall

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8 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

I hate life. 

 There are some good moments, when revalation comes, but I can’t come back to God because I have to fucking work a shitty, soul-sucking job just to keep a roof over my head. My job eats up all of my mental and physical capacity. I am a slave.  

And when I get old and I am no longer a good slave, as I am sick and mentally degraded, I get thrown in the dumpster to suffer out my remaining days in pain. 

Even when I work hard to get ahead in my job, I still don’t see good results. I’m not smart and I know it. 

Life is suffering.  

How the fuck did God mess up so bad that now there’s mostly hell?  

I wish it would all end. I can’t even kill myself because I will have to come back to the same psycho planet again. 

I think I get how to wake up, but life isn’t even giving me a chance to do it, since I have to slave away my time to the system. 

 God, why have you forsaken me? 

Keep going brother. Keep that intention to wake and improve. The sun is waiting for you. 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I recommend you do everything you can to find a job where you work with people that make you feel appreciated. Even if you work more hours than you do now, if you are appreciated and you are doing something you think matters, it will not drain your energy in the same way it does now. I never considered myself to have any mental health problems but there was a time where I was working as a laborer and I would get this emotion in my heart where I really felt like it was torture going to work every day without being fairly compensated or appreciated for the effort I put in. I tried starting my own business that did ok at first but I got lazy and felt the same about doing the parts of the business I found boring. After that I found a job where I am paid more now and they do make a point to take care of their employees here. That emotion has not come back in the 3 years I have been working here. Keep searching, you can find a way to make your life worth living.  

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17 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

I hate life. 

 There are some good moments, when revalation comes, but I can’t come back to God because I have to fucking work a shitty, soul-sucking job just to keep a roof over my head. My job eats up all of my mental and physical capacity. I am a slave.  

And when I get old and I am no longer a good slave, as I am sick and mentally degraded, I get thrown in the dumpster to suffer out my remaining days in pain. 

Even when I work hard to get ahead in my job, I still don’t see good results. I’m not smart and I know it. 

Life is suffering.  

How the fuck did God mess up so bad that now there’s mostly hell?  

I wish it would all end. I can’t even kill myself because I will have to come back to the same psycho planet again. 

I think I get how to wake up, but life isn’t even giving me a chance to do it, since I have to slave away my time to the system. 

 God, why have you forsaken me? 

As per the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, the one who earns a honest living in constant remembrance of God and gives a part of his earnings in charity, does not have to perform any other austerities or rituals. 

This is because what he does is a great austerity or spiritual exercise in itself unsurpassed by any other austerities or exercises. 

Since this is supposed to be the greatest austerity, it is obviously bound to be hard and tough to perform.  And that which is hard and difficult is bound to have worthwhile results.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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25 minutes ago, Ajay0 said:

As per the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, the one who earns a honest living in constant remembrance of God and gives a part of his earnings in charity, does not have to perform any other austerities or rituals. 

This is because what he does is a great austerity or spiritual exercise in itself unsurpassed by any other austerities or exercises. 

Since this is supposed to be the greatest austerity, it is obviously bound to be hard and tough to perform.  And that which is hard and difficult is bound to have worthwhile results.

Damn. That's a bomb. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Sorry for the depressing post. 
Thank you for the advice, everyone. 🖤

I get scared sometimes and want to get help through these types of posts.  
my new post describes how I will try to proceed.
 Let me know if you agree with that. 

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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