
Device for vaporizing 5-MeO-DMT

3 posts in this topic


This is my first post with this account, but I've been an follower since 2016. I had another account with a couple dozens posts, but since that revealed my real identity (with a lowercase i) I create this new one.

Recently, I acquired 5-MeO-DMT (freebase) myself for the first time (already having 40+ psychedelic trips by then). Given the challenges in properly vaporizing it with torch lighters and whatnot, I looked for alternatives. I found this E-Rig named "Dr. Dabber Boost Evo" (image below) to work quite well, so I'd like to share it with the community. My friend and I have reliably and successfully tripped on 3 separate occasions using it. You can very easily and quickly inhale 10-15mg. I haven't tried larger doses yet, but I anticipate there should be no problems. I also anticipate it should work well for regular DMT (aka N,N-DMT).

I have found the "orange" temperature color, corresponding to 371 °C (700 F), to be the best. That coincides with what Google says is the boiling point of 5-MeO-DMT, namely 370.5 °C. Lower temperatures don't fully vaporize it and you're left with some of the spice melted in the corners of the banger.

After turned on, it takes 11 seconds to reach the set temperature, which is when the device vibrates and turns green (indicating it's time for the dab). However, I start to vape before it actually turns green -- around the 6 seconds mark -- since I found some of the spice is already vaporized by then. This probably happens due to irregular heating of the banger; parts of it will be hotter sooner.

Cheers, happy & safe tripping. Do your research before using anything and treat psychedelics with the respect they deserve.


Edited by PsychedelicEagle

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This rig seems like overkill to me, but if it works, great!


I prefer having a small e-mesh vaporizer that fits in my hand and can be laid down without worrying about it breaking or burning my skin during the trip.

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@shree Good point. Usually I do it with a trip sitter that takes care of the device after ingestion.

That said, the devide isn't super large and the banger seems to be well isolated. Anyway, I would be careful with laying it on the bed one is tripping, or on places that could catch fire. I will try better assessing these risks next time I do it, and reporting them here, if any relevant finding.

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