
Thoughts on Lust when practicing spirituality?

16 posts in this topic

I'm a bit conflicted, where i'm practicing spirituality, alot through meditation, working on emotions/thought management, but I also love lust, and I think certain forms of porn can be incredible art. Part of me feels lust is okay to have, and you dont have to get rid of it if you dont want to. But would this get in the way as I go deeper and deeper into states of consciousness through meditation? I know Buddhists would probably say lust is horrible and its just one of the many desires that we should drop (i'm not a buddhist btw). But part of me wants to question that, does dropping desires especially with things like lust really matter? it feels like you can go incredibly deep with spiritual development even with having desires like lust (as long as its not super negative like rape obviously), and still probably be able to get out of any reincarnation cycle.    

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@mac99 Porn is a thing and real sex is totally different thing 

Let's be honest...... It's near impossible for a guy to stop scratching his dick  or looking into hot stuff online every now and then .. the urge to watch porn and jerk off is a natural desire like food and water.  But you should be mindful in using it because it can easily turn into addiction or a substitute for the real thing.  My new girlfriend really takes care of me but I still from time to time feel an urge to go solo ya know.. But .. Most porn is actually fake robotic boring sex that has nothing to do with real sex lol..  Real sex =intimacy and playfulness not just in and out robotic exercises lol... I wanna touch my girl.. Smell her.. Feel her..etc.  

You won't get that from mainstream porn.

So my advice is quit porn and get a girlfriend and practice tantric sex with her .its the best spiritual life ever 😂 

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Feels like you intuit that it’s fine and I would agree. It’s a basic human need, like food.  
When I tried to limit my lust, it  began expressing itself in more unhealthy ways. 
Maybe that’s the reason there’s so many scandals in churches with priest and children? They limit themselves, but the pressure inside is so intense that they want to release it in anyway possible, even if it’s destructive.  

i love porn. There’s so many sexy girls to enjoy for free and there’s something new everyday.  Love non-weird hentai too. 

I especially love combining weed + porn. The experience is so engaging!  

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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On 07/06/2024 at 10:57 AM, mac99 said:

ut would this get in the way as I go deeper and deeper into states of consciousness through meditation?

@mac99 Moderation is key. Lust is fine as long as it doesn't interfere with other areas of your life, including your spiritual practice.
If you think about sex for most of your day, to the point you fell like you can't execute you usual task that is when it becomes a problem.
If something is obsessing you, the i suggest you to whatch Leo's video called " Burning Through Karma "

On 07/06/2024 at 10:57 AM, mac99 said:

I know Buddhists would probably say lust is horrible and its just one of the many desires that we should drop

No true Buddhist will tell you that.

On 07/06/2024 at 10:57 AM, mac99 said:

But part of me wants to question that, does dropping desires especially with things like lust really matter? it feels like you can go incredibly deep with spiritual development even with having desires like lust (as long as its not super negative like rape obviously), and still probably be able to get out of any reincarnation cycle.    

Go gently. Renunciations to worldy obbsessions will decade automatically if you practice correcly and tenaciously.
Forcing renunciation it will only make your Lust stronger.

Buddhism is about the elimiation of Attachment, not Desires. Some desires will abandon you in the process of eliminating the Attachment to Desires.
But that isn't a given. Many buddhists with hight attainments still have a sex life, but they are certainly not obsessed by it.


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On 07/06/2024 at 9:57 AM, mac99 said:

I'm a bit conflicted, where i'm practicing spirituality, alot through meditation, working on emotions/thought management, but I also love lust, and I think certain forms of porn can be incredible art. Part of me feels lust is okay to have, and you dont have to get rid of it if you dont want to. But would this get in the way as I go deeper and deeper into states of consciousness through meditation? I know Buddhists would probably say lust is horrible and its just one of the many desires that we should drop (i'm not a buddhist btw). But part of me wants to question that, does dropping desires especially with things like lust really matter? it feels like you can go incredibly deep with spiritual development even with having desires like lust (as long as its not super negative like rape obviously), and still probably be able to get out of any reincarnation cycle.    

I absolutely relate. Just yesterday, I was able to visualise in my minds eye, and I immediately turned from the spiritual to visualising sexual things. 😅  the pull is strong. After all, its still Consciousness,  the observer is still there whether the images seen are R rated or not. So in practice, I dont see a problem, as long as you remain as awareness. 

Actually, you do these things when you are alone, right? You wouldn't do them when someone else is watching. You don't judge yourself for doing it. Sexual desire is natural. 

But yea, I would say obsessive lust is a problem.

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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I like lust, it saves me from the dreadfulness of regular life. At least something exciting to look forward to. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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When you do sadhana, you are increasing the speed at which you digest your karma. Life starts happening quicker and the things you would normally change after 10 years you will change in one. The Negative is that you will go trough a lot a lust and it's acctually hard to pinpoint how to deal with it. There are techniques for sure, one example is to keep doing sadhana which stimulates your vishuddi, anja or sahasrara chakra. Then your lust doesn't just build up and get trapped and find expression in the ways you have known before but to experience distance between you and the body so that you are energetic, yet lighter and in restful awareness so that you don't feel you have to go into some lust to feel some moments of bliss. In reality this rarely goes perfectly, so some abstinence and struggle is needed as our society is largely built on exploiting your needs and pleasures.

Edited by Applegarden8

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18 hours ago, LordFall said:

I like lust, it saves me from the dreadfulness of regular life. At least something exciting to look forward to. 

We always have to clutch at something, always against, this that and the other, playing games of all kinds, never happy with simply being!

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Lust may not be good or bad on it's own, but lust may create selfish thoughts in your mind, which in turn can cause you to act selfish, which in turn is bad for someone who is on a spiritual path.

For example, instead of giving a rose to a woman to see her smile, you will be giving it with the intention of having fun later with her due to the influence of such lustful thoughts.

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Also don't think having fun all day on your own doesn't have any negative effects, simply because it's not selfish. Pleasure without effort has consequences of its own. Nothing in the world comes without effort and love!

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18 hours ago, LordFall said:

I like lust, it saves me from the dreadfulness of regular life. At least something exciting to look forward to. 

When you are under intense suffering, lust ( or masturbation) may be a very good pleasure to have, atleast for sometime, to overcome hopelessness and stress.

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You can go deep into any hole God has made these people are not wanting to go down any more holes. If you want to go for it life is about going down holes. Spirituality is saying to God I'm done with going down holes.

Edited by Hojo

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Lust for sure is toxic and to be abonded if you want to live a better healthier life, and forget about highest states of conciousness or enlightenment if you mind is filled with explicit sexual fantasies cosntantly

Lust and sex are two different things. Lust is the fantasy of sexuality, and the myriad of different manfiestions of this, accompianed by a hit of dopamine (pleasure), its an addiction at its root, and it will take more then it gives like all addicitons do. In small amounts it might not have a noticable negative impact, but the more you engage, the worse your sex life will become and the worse your life becomes

Id be very careful at normalising lust as healthy or null effect.

Of course like all the vices there are degrees, and theres an inflection point before it becomes exponentially harmful to you

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@mac99 Nothing wrong with lust - shows you have a healthy libido. It’s channeling that lust into sexual intent and intimacy with women rather than expelling it on porn

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Lust in itself isn't really a problem. Getting stuck on it like it's the only solution to your life is more like a problem.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I watch porn. And I am ok with that. Moderation of course and quality. I watch porn that teach me how to make good Lovemaking stuff. The videos I watch are very long and take time to escalate, usualy start with a long massage made by the men to the girl passing to him sucking her yoni then a slow penetration, deep penetration and sometimes in the end she blowing him and making massage on him and a devotion massage to his cock. So, If I watch something must be something that connects to the way I like my lovemaking is done. Dint watch violent sex if you dont connect with this.


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