
Handling strong synchronicities?

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Recently, I very often experience something one might call "mystical experiences" or strong synchronicities. Sometimes it's something "bigger", sometimes it's sth very "small". But there is a correlation that is simply too strong for me to ignore or to treat as mere coincidence or projection. Just to give you an idea, some examples:

  • For instance, after a very long time I finally manage to overcome a big difficulty for me and in a phone call I shortly later I get to know the same experience happened to a relative thousands of km away. 
  • Imagine you are in a good mood, telling jokes while being with some people. I ride my bike, go to a sports class and I meet happy people in a good mood, telling jokes, perfectly reflecting my mood before I even started talking. (Never experienced that kind of mood in the class before - only the time I was in this mood as well)
  • Imagine you finally decide to make a doctor's appointment for sth that bothered you for a long time - and shortly later, a friend tells you he just did the same thing: finally making a a doctor's appointment for sth that bothered him for a long time
  • Imagine you a thinking about a very specific, non-mainstream business idea during the day. At night, you go out to a club. The person waiting right behind you in the line tells you that they are working in this exact niche of business. 

I could name many more examples. Each one of these instances - yeah, no big deal. Few of them, yeah all good.  But a lot of these events in a short amount of time gives me a feeling as if my thoughts, feelings and actions are directly causing changes in parts of external reality. It's not like I could or did create anything on purpose - it's just happening. But in the moments when it's happening I cannot help but getting the feeling of causal connection.

Why is it a problem? You might think "great that these things are happening". In some sense, yes. But it just feels like a awful lot of responsibility. For example, if I would start smoking now, will I notice that friends pick up unhealthy habits as well? If I refrain from doing certain actions out of fear, will people in my environment be afraid as well?  Moreover, I don't like the idea of solipims and "me creating external reality". Why should the world evolve around me? I resonate much more with the idea of Indra's Jewel Net  ("each individual is at once the cause for the whole and is caused by the whole"). But it does not matter that I believe I am just part of a bigger thing - it feels as if I am directly causing some events in my environment, whether I want to feel that way or not. 

So, long story short:

  1. Can someone relate to these kind of experiences / this feeling of "I am creating this" and the sense of responsibility?
  2. If yes, how are you handling it?


Edited by theleelajoker

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I notice really uncanny similarities too.

The world is a strange place much stranger than our parents and teachers dared to believe. There's infinitely higher and more mind blowing things that are true. 

Maybe you a have a gift that you can develop with your synchronizations that can benefit the world. 

Edited by enchanted

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So very true - so much stranger than I ever could have imagined. Seeing how much my understanding / experience of reality changed in the last years or even just last few months I do not even dare to wonder where this journey will lead to.

It's a very beautiful perspective, seeing it as a gift I can develop. A bit scary perspective, too. But I guess those two go hand in hand.

Thanks for your response.

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Just out of curiosity: More than 130 views for this post, and only one person has similar experiences?

Those synchronicities can't be that special, can they? Or am I missing sth?

Just to give you one other example how strange this feels for me sometimes:

  • My (then) girlfriend wants to move to another flat. Same time, her aunt is looking to invest money into real estate. The aunt offers to buy a flat that my gf likes and to let her live in this flat. Obviously, my gf and me talked about it so this was in my field of awareness
  • Some time later, I do a ride sharing. Random girl I never met before sits next to me. Guess what, she tells me she is about to move. Into a flat that her aunt is buying for her because her aunt wants to invest in real estate.

I mean seriously, what are the odds of this happening? And as I said, I experience a lot of events like this. I know, some will say "reality is strange, we are all connected, law of attraction, mind creating reality, check your assumptions about reality" etc.

Those arguments are fair. But come on, those kind of events are too specific to NOT NOTICE FOR ANYONE. And if it is so "normal" and "easy to explain" - why isn't anyone among my friends, relatives, colleagues etc telling me similar stories?  Or people in this forum saying, "yeah, I know this, I have these kind of experiences all the time, too?"


Edited by theleelajoker

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You should all go to casinos, some people always find strange patterns in random numbers.

Your brain is just looking for patterns. These synchronities you mentioned are not mystical. 

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Posted (edited)


  1. I put "mystical" in quotation marks. For me, it a way of expressing that it something that I don't understand.
  2. I am aware that my brain is a pattern creation and pattern recognition machine. I am familiar with the content and literature around Watzlawick, Anil Seth, Chris Niebauer etc. What I am saying is that the amount and the type of experiences evokes a certain feeling that goes beyond that. And I am wondering if someone has similar experiences.
  3. IMO: Your comment "you all should go to casinos" is lacking respect. I am asking a question to learn and understand - your comment appears to have a flavor of "you're stupid"
  4. IMO: It's low quality content to tell me what's not mystical without telling me what's mystical in your point of view
  5. IMO: It's low quality content to not describe a scenario where my brain is "not only looking for patterns". What scenario needs to happen that it's more than that?
Edited by theleelajoker

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@theleelajoker You are tuning yourself and others into aligned patterns so "the universe conspires to make desires happen through social interaction". But it can be a pain in the ass and it's time to set boundaries, have quality alone time and learn to balance your relationships and yourself, what you are and are not willing to do, learn to say no and integrate. The last weeks meant many awakenings, the balance of higher consciousness and everyday reality is in a dynamic living evolving homeostatic balance.

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Synchronicities exist, but they can exist in two forms: 

1. Real 

2. Delusional

Both of them are common

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Posted (edited)


On 06/06/2024 at 4:32 AM, theleelajoker said:

So, long story short:

  1. Can someone relate to these kind of experiences / this feeling of "I am creating this" and the sense of responsibility?
  2. If yes, how are you handling it?

Don't believe that you are creating this. A better belief would be that the universe is creating this for you. 

Feeling responsible is a good thing, but you don't have to feel responsible for affecting others randomly on things you don't understand, because everybody's karma can be intricately balanced at the same time.

Edited by An young being

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Quantum entangled you will work it out and think a bit deeper. And then you will know what synchronicities are.

Edited by Jehovah increases

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Thanks for your replies. Your points -  about other people's karma and reflecting, integrating, deepening understanding -  are helpful for me to put my experiences it into some (preliminary) context.

I think of sth Alan Watts (I love his talks) once said. "There should be a word in language that combines "doing" and "happening". Because it's not that things are simply happening to you, but neither it is you doing it".

Intellectually I also "know" that it is not "me" (Ego, Self) creating events. But there was just a certain kind of feeling that I could not / cannot put my finger on.


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i just made a post about this as well. i used to think syncronicities were new age woo woo, but at this point im fairly certain they're not. i have no fucking clue what they mean or how to handle them, but whenever i notice a syncronicity, i always get a strong sense / intuition of being on the right path

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Just enjoy, there is no handling it. It's just the way it is. Listen to your feeling in those moments, the answer is already there, and it's not in words.

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I've had a lot of those as well. They don't really make sense from a physical/materialistic point of view but if you look at the world as a nondual consciousness then it makes a lot of sense. Kind of getting it vs actually being able to understand how perception literally changes your universe/the universe is too much for me though so I mainly focus on my human journey and my general process of shedding my ego (: 


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