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Understanding my own inability to grasp true knowledge

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The end of me


After around 10 years of spirituality, I feel like I have begun to grasp what is required to return home to God. And it's not what I wanted to hear. 

As Ken Wapnick says, you don't want to hear the message because it says you must stop existing as an individual who makes choices.

You are happy learning metaphysics and becoming a master of concepts, but that's just ego puffing himself up instead of dissolving. 

The mind has to accept that it must choose against itself in favor of God. 

True spirituality destroys the individual self, who thinks, chooses, has opinions, ideas, desires, and so on. 

It's the internal controller of life, realizing that it is completely incapable of making a correct choice in any situation because it knows nothing. 

It doesn't know what will happen in the next millisecond. How can it know what choice to make now that will result in a positive outcome in five, ten, or twenty years? 



The issue with the human mind is that it has an intrinsic grandiosity about itself. Metaphysical understanding doesn't solve this issue. It amplifies it.  

The ego now thinks that it is God, thus entrapping itself within its own delusion. 

The mind begins to believe that now it is capable of true knowledge. 

It is truly repelling to read "spiritual" writings from humans when they think they "got it." They begin to teach other egos, now feeling even more superior. How shocking it is to realize that no one knows anything, including me.

I did all of the things I am writing about. Due to the nature of life, I don't feel guilty about them, but I do see the error. All egos are the same. Only the surface expression differs. 

The underlying operational mechanism of the human mind is the same across the whole species. The way the mind expresses its dysfunctionality depends on the programming it has received throughout its life. 

Absolutist rhetoric


There is an absolutist rhetoric within the languaging of humans, which reflects their internal position. They placed themselves on a pedestal while operating from an intellect that is faulty 99.99% of the time. 

Here's what ChatGPT 4o says about absolutist rhetoric:

Absolutist rhetoric refers to a form of communication that presents ideas, beliefs, or arguments in an uncompromising and inflexible manner. This type of rhetoric is characterized by:

Certainty and Definitiveness: Absolutist rhetoric asserts that a particular position is unquestionably correct, leaving no room for doubt or alternative perspectives. It often uses language that conveys a sense of total certainty, such as "always," "never," "must," or "impossible."

Exclusion of Middle Ground: It tends to reject any middle ground or compromise, framing issues in black-and-white terms. This creates a dichotomy where only two opposing viewpoints exist, with one being portrayed as entirely right and the other as entirely wrong.

Moral or Ideological Superiority: Absolutist rhetoric often implies a moral or ideological superiority of one stance over others. It may suggest that opposing viewpoints are not just incorrect but also morally inferior or harmful.

Emotional Appeal: This type of rhetoric frequently uses strong emotional appeals to persuade or mobilize an audience. It might employ fear, outrage, or a sense of urgency to reinforce its message and discourage critical examination or dissent.

Resistance to Change: Absolutist rhetoric is typically resistant to change or new information that might challenge its established beliefs. It can be inflexible, ignoring or dismissing evidence or arguments that contradict its stance.

Examples of absolutist rhetoric can be found in various domains, including politics, religion, and social issues, where speakers or writers present their views as the only acceptable truth and seek to persuade others to adopt this perspective without question.




Another primary operational mechanism of the human mind is resistance. 

Resistance is closely related to grandiosity and absolutist rhetoric, as both of these contain the idea of certainty. 

Certainty says I absolutely know that this is bad and this is good. When something that the mind believes is bad is happening, it resists it. It only knows that something bad is happening because it believes that it knows what should be happening, which it would call good. 

However, if we drop the certainty and accept that we don't know what's best for us, then how can we resist what's happening when it might be good for us? 

If I am certain that I shouldn't be working in this job, God should provide me with a miracle and free me from this prison; I am closed to the possibility of this job being a lesson that teaches me that I am the devil himself. 

How else would God show you the error in your ways if you are certain you are right? 

Perhaps he will let you do what you want to and allow you to get burned by life until you drop the idea of certainty and humble yourself. 

When you know that you don't know anything, then you are open to listening and following. 

I wanted a voice to talk to me, telling me the correct path, but I am incapable of even discerning between my own internal voice and the Voice of the Holy Spirit. 

So, how does one proceed? Perhaps he doesn't. He becomes so humble that life carries him wherever life wants to, and the mind doesn't question life or resist it.  

At the very least, it appears that life has its own intelligence, which is higher than human's, so going against it is arrogant. 


The "I don't know mind"


Currently, the internal state of my mind could be described as I don’t know anything, and that’s all I know.  

The mind doesn’t become wise. It only sees the errors in its ways and stops assuming that it is intelligent.  

If, after realizing this, it once again begins to think that it is somehow superior to others, it falls back into the trap of grandiosity.  

The mind understands how incapable it is and leaves it at that.  

Whenever it begins, out of habit, to think of any thought it believes to be true, it reminds itself - I don't know whether this is true or false. I am incapable of judgment. I am impotent as a mind. Inferior. Not bad or sinful, simply unwise.  

It can still offer opinions when they are needed when interacting with other minds, but its ideas are rooted in the attitude of I don't really know. It’s all guesswork by a low-level intelligence that understands it’s unwise. 


Peace of not knowing 


After shifting into this state of mind, the mind becomes more silent because there is not much for it to say when it understands that all it says is untrue.  

It feels peaceful. 

It also seems like situations in the world become resolved without much or no conflict because you don’t assume a strong position since you are aware of your incapability to engage in accurate subjective judgment. 


How do you make decisions? 


What should I eat now? Which food is good or bad? I have no idea. I feel a desire for a specific food, and I don’t resist it. That’s it.  

Should I lay in bed or go for a walk? I have no idea. I feel a desire and go with it. I don't judge it. 

If there is no desire to do anything, I don’t judge myself for that as well.

Should I create a business? I have no idea. If I have a desire to do something in the moment, I do it and don’t expect anything from it.  

How could I hope for something to happen when I don’t understand anything? Good, bad, right or wrong, I have no clue. 

Perhaps I am truly hoping for my demise when I am daydreaming about a scenario I think will be good for me? That happened more than once.  



In the end, I don't know. All that is written here might be untrue. 

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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excellent inquiry thanks

the holy spirit doesn't see, it oversees and this is vision via mind not sight via eyes

here's how it works

i look at you, i see your body, i see through your body via the holy spirit, i see what you really are, and we two become one

the method may be summarised as abc: accept the spirit's vision in yourself, bring the spirit's vision to me, check that we both are transformed

each moment heal all around you by not seeing their illusion but their reality

you are the savior of the world, the holy son of god, the word made flesh

it is simple but not easy

keep up the good work

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12 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

excellent inquiry thanks

the holy spirit doesn't see, it oversees and this is vision via mind not sight via eyes

here's how it works

i look at you, i see your body, i see through your body via the holy spirit, i see what you really are, and we two become one

the method may be summarised as abc: accept the spirit's vision in yourself, bring the spirit's vision to me, check that we both are transformed

each moment heal all around you by not seeing their illusion but their reality

you are the savior of the world, the holy son of god, the word made flesh

it is simple but not easy

keep up the good work

Wow, beautiful message. 

do you agree that the vision you talk about requires, moment by moment, an efortless choice to stay in the I Am inner state?  

i feel like I lose it all the time. But now I am not sure if that is needed, perhaps I misunderstand what is meant by Vision.  

i barely judge anymore, but I guess that isn’t it, either? 

I don’t really get it. The path home.

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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8 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Wow, beautiful message. 

do you agree that the vision you talk about requires, moment by moment, an efortless choice to stay in the I Am inner state?  

i feel like I lose it all the time. But now I am not sure if that is needed, perhaps I misunderstand what is meant by Vision.  

i barely judge anymore, but I guess that isn’t it, either? 

I don’t really get it. The path home.

yes it is about operating from cause and not effect, what you think not what there is the thing

in other words what happens doesn't matter, it is how i deal with what happens

thus yes people do stuff and you don't judge but that is not enough you have to see their innocence, their pristine nature

this will mean that they are blessed and they return that blessing to you since they are rejoicing that you really saw them for who they are

vision is merely to see with thoughts and not with images, all images are false and thoughts must be turned over to HS from the ego

the process gets easier and easier day by day

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I’ll be honest — still don’t get it. 

i might be retarded or it’s difficult to grasp. 😁 

thank you for the insightful message anyway. 🥰

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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Just now, CoolDreamThanks said:

I’ll be honest — still don’t get it. 

i might be retarded or it’s difficult to grasp. 😁 

thank you for the insightful message anyway. 🥰

you are close my dear brother ... first step is to feel whole yourself, second step is bring that wholeness wherever you go

you have great insights and so don't give up now

i need you brother

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Just now, gettoefl said:

you are close my dear brother ... first step is to feel whole yourself, second step is bring that wholeness wherever you go

you have great insights and so don't give up now

i need you brother

I won’t give up. I just don’t want to pretend like I get it.   

does feel close, closer than ever. Interestingly, now that I feel and believe that I know nothing — the Truth seems closer than ever. 

thank you for your kind words. 🖤

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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1 minute ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

I won’t give up. I just don’t want to pretend like I get it.   

does feel close, closer than ever. Interestingly, now that I feel and believe that I know nothing — the Truth seems closer than ever. 

thank you for your kind words. 🖤

sending you love brother, yes we do know nothing and that is the gateway to everything, each moment stands alone untouched and inexplicable

knowledge only comes when we keep entering that holy instance where we forgive and look beyond what our eyes are showing up

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@gettoefl could you give an example of this in practice?: 

“you have to see their innocence, their pristine nature

this will mean that they are blessed and they return that blessing to you since they are rejoicing that you really saw them for who they are

vision is merely to see with thoughts and not with images, all images are false and thoughts must be turned over to HS from the ego“ 

when you are with others do you think nice thoughts about them, if so, what kind? Or is it just the inner silence?

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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let me try to explain as best i can

ego always speaks first, it creates the world when you open you eyes; the ego is searching for trouble and strife and enmity everywhere it goes

when you are upset or annoyed or irritated by the world, you need to say i am doing this to myself and i need to resolve this myself

you need to be non reactive and tell yourself i arranged for this to happen and i need to accept it as illusion in order to be free of it

on the level of form of course i can remove myself from that space but on the level of content i smile and know that nothing can harm or disturb me

if i have the chance i then tell them i understand what you are doing and i don't blame you for it; if you need help, encouragement or support with this, let's try to find the best way to make it work; however please know to me you will always be perfect so now go your way and be at peace

in this way my healing leads to their healing leads to my deeper healing

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17 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

let me try to explain as best i can

ego always speaks first, it creates the world when you open you eyes; the ego is searching for trouble and strife and enmity everywhere it goes

when you are upset or annoyed or irritated by the world, you need to say i am doing this to myself and i need to resolve this myself

you need to be non reactive and tell yourself i arranged for this to happen and i need to accept it as illusion in order to be free of it

on the level of form of course i can remove myself from that space but on the level of content i smile and know that nothing can harm or disturb me

if i have the chance i then tell them i understand what you are doing and i don't blame you for it; if you need help, encouragement or support with this, let's try to find the best way to make it work; however please know to me you will always be perfect so now go your way and be at peace

in this way my healing leads to their healing leads to my deeper healing

Wow. i don’t feel like I can say words so deep and loving authentically, though. Does it make sense? Am I constructing blocks myself? 

Your message was 🤯

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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The only thing you have to do is open to the now. Open your heart and mind as much as you can to the existence that is being. Forget totally about knowing, knowing is a trap, an addiction. If some knowledge comes, good, interesting, but that's not the work because never would be total, you are just an human, enlightenment is in the heart not in the mind, our mind is limited, the game is bigger than being human, this is just an step that must to be done. 

See this usually translates into you starting to meditate more and more, not because you want to achieve something by doing it but because it is exactly what you want, what you have to do. Then a process start, I don't know how it ends. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The only thing you have to do is open to the now. Open your heart and mind as much as you can to the existence that is being. Forget totally about knowing, knowing is a trap, an addiction. If some knowledge comes, good, interesting, but that's not the work because never would be total, you are just an human, enlightenment is in the heart not in the mind, our mind is limited, the game is bigger than being human, this is just an step that must to be done. 

See this usually translates into you starting to meditate more and more, not because you want to achieve something by doing it but because it is exactly what you want, what you have to do. Then a process start, I don't know how it ends. 

Wow. Feels so true and what I needed to hear now!!!!!!!! 🥰🖤🕊️🌊🤯 thank you. :)

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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16 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Wow. i don’t feel like I can say words so deep and loving authentically, though. Does it make sense? Am I constructing blocks myself? 

Your message was 🤯

it is a process, the extent you love yourself you will be able to share it and join with others

practice on yourself during meditation and then do it with others; i do it with people on the tv, i speak to them and know that i am making an impact

eventually it becomes automatic to do it face to face

and remember to think love towards another is more powerful than to talk love to them

i call this sowing the seeds of love

Edited by gettoefl

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1 minute ago, gettoefl said:

it is a process, the extent you love yourself you will be able to share it and join with others

practice on yourself during meditation and then do it with others; i do it with people on the tv, i speak to them and know that i am making an impact

eventually it becomes automatic to do it face to face

Okay, didn’t expect to understand, but I think I get it at least to some degree. I might not understand the full importance of it, though.  

how did you reach this understanding?

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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1 minute ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Okay, didn’t expect to understand, but I think I get it at least to some degree. I might not understand the full importance of it, though.  

how did you reach this understanding?

glad it is making some sense

love doesn't need understanding

it needs removal of all that stands in the way of love

overlook all illusions

that's the work

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

And what happens if you are not worrying or irritated at all, simply it doesn't care to you absolutely nothing? 

when all is well, then just enjoy all of the beautiful experiences

life isn't meant to be dull

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3 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

when all is well, then just enjoy all of the beautiful experiences

life isn't meant to be dull

I erased because I expressed wrongly . I wanted to say that don't see that it has any relationship with your relationship with other people or with the world, it is your openness to yourself. Other people almost always close, and everything else, any content. the opening is in solitude, in stillness. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I erased because I expressed wrongly . I wanted to say that don't see that it has any relationship with your relationship with other people or with the world, it is your openness to yourself. Other people almost always close, and everything else, any content. the opening is in solitude, in stillness. 

this is more to do with the level of thought, that is where our power lies

if you do it through talk, that works too but is not as effective

it is better to pray they are healed than say they are healed

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31 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

this is more to do with the level of thought, that is where our power lies

if you do it through talk, that works too but is not as effective

it is better to pray they are healed than say they are healed

It is making a change in your structure to allow reality to manifest as deeply and clearly as possible. The thought is irrelevant, it is a fact, not an idea. That's why breaking with psychedelics is necessary at first, then see the obstacles, the identification, and free yourself from them until nothing remains, just the openness 

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