
Integrating Stage Blue and Orange

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I am 19 years old and I feel like I have skipped many aspects of Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue and Orange.

I wasted a lot of time in my youth playing video games, then stopped that and found interest in psychedelics/mysticism/awakening and kinda jumped straight into Stage Green (I had a really big stage green phase) and Yellow without integrating aspects like discipline, order (Stage Blue) or materialism, social interaction and hard work (Stage Orange).

Do you have any recommendations for integrating Blue and Orange Aspects? 

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For Stage Blue dont go to a fundamentalist Church, Just look for sources of Wisdom Around Dicipline, even in Buda 8 fold path Moral Dicipline come first because if you ignore the Moral Code you may become a Zen Devil conflating Absolute to Justify your Wrong Doings, Rigth View, Rigth Speech,Rigth Deeds,Rigth Livinghood. 19? You still have time to Grow a lot 

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I wouldn't worry too much about Blue, I find its more useful as a societal lens than a personal one. Perhaps spend time reflecting on the demographics that are very 'Blue' in your own society and see what value you find in how they operate.

I also wouldn't worry about Orange, the western world is so painfully Orange that you'll be 'Oranged' out up to your eyeballs as you go through life anyway. I find I'm constantly drawn to Orange thinking through work, finances, raising my kids, economics, etc.

Just keep focusing on developing your 'Yellow' style thinking  (mega-threads are great), and you'll continue to understand all the preceding stages more anyway. But remember, the map is not the territory, and Spiral Dynamics is a model, not the ultimate truth. Use it, but don't base your life on it.

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Posted (edited)

Hard work applied to starting a career/biz will kill both those birds with one stone.

You could also apply that strong work ethic to spiritual practice or raising a family or personal development.

Blue is about discipline. Orange is about achievement.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Bhavachakra said:


I am 19 years old and I feel like I have skipped many aspects of Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue and Orange.

I wasted a lot of time in my youth playing video games, then stopped that and found interest in psychedelics/mysticism/awakening and kinda jumped straight into Stage Green (I had a really big stage green phase) and Yellow without integrating aspects like discipline, order (Stage Blue) or materialism, social interaction and hard work (Stage Orange).

Do you have any recommendations for integrating Blue and Orange Aspects? 

Do more basic, worldly things that require the wisdom of Blue and Orange.

For instance you could work at getting a well-paying job. Or raise a family. Or even work towards starting a business of some kind.

Success in these areas will necessitate discipline, personal responsibility, ambition, focus etc.

Also consider studying more basic personal development. Books like 7 Habits of Highly Successful People and Think and Grow Rich are some classics. Leo’s book list has a whole bunch of these.



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I just wrote this about stage orange.

Check it out:


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