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The West attacks Russia? Where is this heading?

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I am in Romania now. Should I leave the country asap, or am I just paranoid?

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The West has allowed Ukraine to hit behind the border regions of Russia, so Russia can't just sit there and shell a city or keep invading repeatedly. TBH, I'd want them to hit every airfield in range, but that's not how this war is being fought; NATO is doing exactly what is required to make a stalemate, and no more than that.

21 hours ago, Bogdan said:

I am in Romania now. Should I leave the country asap, or am I just paranoid?

Romania is no more in danger than it was when Russia started this. NATO will keep Russia at a stalemate, and allow no more or less than is required to do it.

Not to say there is no danger for all of us, but if the war remains in the east of Ukraine, it's a good distance from you. If it reaches the west of Ukraine, then the war, if it continues unchecked, is on your border and in your home. While it is far away, Romania is in little danger of any long-range strikes and is at a good distance from any potential Kaliningrad or Baltic flashpoint.

But still, investing in the military right now is something every European country should be doing; they are just reluctant to do so because it cuts into everything else. - That is part of the reason they want Russia to stay where it is. Otherwise, they'll need to double their military's to defend a large border against a belligerent neighbor.

Edited by BlueOak

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The video is an American speaking about European wars. Speaking to the Colonel, well duh of course leaders fight each other when people try to push them out of their place.

Historically this is what European countries do when a significant European power tries to shift the balance of power inside Europe. They fight. The US is not driving the response; this video should help show you that because 30% of America is pro-Russia, and more like 40% tries to resist further aid. 

We Europeans just haven't had to fight in Europe for a while, but we are heading back to that time, with BRICS pushing for it, and America's reluctance. And Putin frankly keeps threatening everyone, committing cyber attacks, assassinations, etc, so he's getting what he's been pushing for; many European countries are openly hostile to him.

Edited by BlueOak

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