
UK general election 2024

38 posts in this topic

For those who don't know the overall scope of current British politics:


- The current PM is Rishi Sunak, who has been in office since 2022. He leads the Conservative Party,w which has been the government in some form since 2010. 

- The Conservatives, or Tories, are highly unpopular, mainly due to the various crises that they've caused or mishandled. These include Brexit, the pandemic, and PM Liz Truss's short tenure where her budget was badly received. 

- The opposition party in Parliament, Labour, has a massive opinion poll lead. They haven't been in government since 2010, when PM Gordon Brown lost to the Tories under David Cameron. 


Quite frankly, the Tories deserve to lose. Yes, there have been numerous issues in their time in office, however they as stated have contributed to a lot of the mess resulting. PM Johnson openly flouted the same lockdown rules that he laid down. And PM May couldn't get a viable Brexit deal and had to resign. 

Not many are enthused about the Labour party, as it looks like they will form the next government. However, most are just eager to get the Tories out.


It does not look good for the Conservatives, based on present polling.

In my own opinion, which others may not agree with, Sunak has done the best he can in a bad situation. Economies around the world are down due to the pandemic and Ukraine war's effects. And he hasn't been as sociopathic (IMHO Johnson showed patent signs of such) or reckless and shameless as his immediate two predecessors. Theresa May seemed like her heart was in the right place, but then she dithered over a Brexit deal, and it took Johnson no less than a few months to reach a post-Brexit agreement with the EU. May was in office for three years. 


As for the overall issues debated, immigration will be primary, along with the welfare state, etc. An interesting policy being proposed is national service for young people, which can either be a year in the armed forces or one weekend per month doing local volunteering. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I support it. I believe conscription isn't required right now, even though we're in a new Cold War with Russia, However, I genuinely don't see the harm in it.

Edited by bebotalk

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I believe that conservative governments tend to rule more selfishly, creating policies that have short-term gain but damage a countries long-term prosperity. Often serving corporate interest. That's my idea at least.

On 03/06/2024 at 7:25 PM, bebotalk said:

 An interesting policy being proposed is national service for young people, which can either be a year in the armed forces or one weekend per month doing local volunteering. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I support it. I believe conscription isn't required right now, even though we're in a new Cold War with Russia, However, I genuinely don't see the harm in it.

We have had a draft in Scandinavia for years, but in practice there are enough volunteers that it is rare for anyone to be drafted involuntary. If the UK makes conscription attractive (free college, pay, etc.) then getting the necessary amount of draftees per year shouldn't be a problem. The military prefers their recruits to be motivated and willing.

The benefit of mandatory military service is that you have a bigger pool of trained manpower you can call upon in a time of crisis. I see it as a form of insurance. Like making winter preparations during the summer.

Edited by Basman

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Brexit was an embarrassingly stupid idea. The Tories deserve to loose for such a destructive political stunt and don't deserve power again.


Edited by enchanted

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On 2024-06-03 at 6:25 PM, bebotalk said:

For those who don't know the overall scope of current British politics:


- The current PM is Rishi Sunak, who has been in office since 2022. He leads the Conservative Party,w which has been the government in some form since 2010. 

- The Conservatives, or Tories, are highly unpopular, mainly due to the various crises that they've caused or mishandled. These include Brexit, the pandemic, and PM Liz Truss's short tenure where her budget was badly received. 

- The opposition party in Parliament, Labour, has a massive opinion poll lead. They haven't been in government since 2010, when PM Gordon Brown lost to the Tories under David Cameron. 


Quite frankly, the Tories deserve to lose. Yes, there have been numerous issues in their time in office, however they as stated have contributed to a lot of the mess resulting. PM Johnson openly flouted the same lockdown rules that he laid down. And PM May couldn't get a viable Brexit deal and had to resign. 

Not many are enthused about the Labour party, as it looks like they will form the next government. However, most are just eager to get the Tories out.


It does not look good for the Conservatives, based on present polling.

In my own opinion, which others may not agree with, Sunak has done the best he can in a bad situation. Economies around the world are down due to the pandemic and Ukraine war's effects. And he hasn't been as sociopathic (IMHO Johnson showed patent signs of such) or reckless and shameless as his immediate two predecessors. Theresa May seemed like her heart was in the right place, but then she dithered over a Brexit deal, and it took Johnson no less than a few months to reach a post-Brexit agreement with the EU. May was in office for three years. 


As for the overall issues debated, immigration will be primary, along with the welfare state, etc. An interesting policy being proposed is national service for young people, which can either be a year in the armed forces or one weekend per month doing local volunteering. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I support it. I believe conscription isn't required right now, even though we're in a new Cold War with Russia, However, I genuinely don't see the harm in it.

1. Yes Rishi Sunak been in office since 2022, and is leader of conservative side.

2. What do you mean that Brexit and Covid-19 pandemic were disasters? Why do you think Brexit began for? Why do you think they cut short PM Liz Truss's short tenure where her budget was badly received? The British people were tired of having to deal with EU policies, EU fishing and trawling British coastlines and fishing areas, and are tired with mass immigration coming from EU.

3. Why are you claiming moral projection, and moral blame, saying the Tories deserve their lose? What have they done so far that they deserve to lose?

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2 hours ago, enchanted said:

Brexit was an embarrassingly stupid idea. The Tories deserve to loose for such a destructive political stunt and don't deserve power again.


 Voting for Labor over apparently a failure from conservative isn't the wisest thing to do when our economy isn't that great. Conservatives can only manage our economy more so than Labor could.

   It's that you must REMEMBER TO VOTE, it's that you should REMEMBER WHO YOU'RE VOTING FOR!

Edited by Danioover9000

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


 Voting for Labor over apparently a failure from conservative isn't the wisest thing to do when our economy isn't that great. Conservatives can only manage our economy more so than Labor could.

   It's that you must REMEMBER TO VOTE, it's that you should REMEMBER WHO YOU'RE VOTING FOR!

Failure is a good reason to vote for the another party, also Brexit was horrible for the UK economy.

Your link is a random angry Tory supporter on Quora. (This is supposed to be CONSCIOUS politics)

Here's a link to a real article about the detriments of Brexit...UK economy is bad because of Brexit. average Briton was nearly,jobs in the capital alone.

Edited by enchanted

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2 hours ago, enchanted said:

Failure is a good reason to vote for the another party, also Brexit was horrible for the UK economy.

Your link is a random angry Tory supporter on Quora. (This is supposed to be CONSCIOUS politics)

Here's a link to a real article about the detriments of Brexit...UK economy is bad because of Brexit. average Briton was nearly,jobs in the capital alone.

   ONE failure is not justification to vote for another party, when the Labor party can't manage the economy with it's borrowing and loaning here and there, far more than tory or the conservative party. Brexit happened because David Cameron failed the general election, and most British people are getting fed up with mass immigration of stage red people coming over funneled by the EU, and the EU trawling along British soil and fishing areas.

   My link is fine as it is, and is from a conservative from Quora voicing their opinion. I don't feel like poisoning the well with your sources, so don't poison mine or I'll poison you. Oh, and WTFC about the Londoners when the other areas of Britain were far more impacted negatively before Brexit? Sorry but the UK/GB doesn't only exist in London, that's why Labor party also sucks because it's mostly representing rich Londoners, not the common Brit here.

Edited by Danioover9000

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2 hours ago, enchanted said:

Failure is a good reason to vote for the another party, also Brexit was horrible for the UK economy.

Your link is a random angry Tory supporter on Quora. (This is supposed to be CONSCIOUS politics)

Here's a link to a real article about the detriments of Brexit...UK economy is bad because of Brexit. average Briton was nearly,jobs in the capital alone.

   Your argument is so bad, it's like when I say Indonesia, most people think Bali, but Bali is not all of Indonesia, it's a place mostly for tourists, when Indonesia has 3.400 Islands around it with diverse cultures and religious demographics. Same with the UK, when anyone says the UK, everyone around the world thinks London. Nope, London is not ALL of GB/UK, it's the capital, and other Brits come from different places.

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I read the Jeremy Corbyn left the party, which is sad because he was quite progressive. It really tells you about the declining state of Labour, and how disappointing they are. 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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17 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I read the Jeremy Corbyn left the party, which is sad because he was quite progressive. It really tells you about the declining state of Labour, and how disappointing they are. 

   He's a sellout in that party!🤣 Main reason he left is because of that whole Israel/Palestinian issue, and that too many infighting. Pandering to too many rich people does that I guess, even for socialist standards he's a bit corrupt. Labor party from today and 40 years ago has been the party of many infighting, that's the legacy they leaving, a bunch of infighting for who's the most morally leftist ever.

Edited by Danioover9000

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   ONE failure is not justification to vote for another party, when the Labor party can't manage the economy with it's borrowing and loaning here and there, far more than tory or the conservative party. Brexit happened because David Cameron failed the general election, and most British people are getting fed up with mass immigration of stage red people coming over funneled by the EU, and the EU trawling along British soil and fishing areas.

   My link is fine as it is, and is from a conservative from Quora voicing their opinion. I don't feel like poisoning the well with your sources, so don't poison mine or I'll poison you. Oh, and WTFC about the Londoners when the other areas of Britain were far more impacted negatively before Brexit? Sorry but the UK/GB doesn't only exist in London, that's why Labor party also sucks because it's mostly representing rich Londoners, not the common Brit here.

I worry for your mental health, you really don't seem well.....if you really want to help society focus on yourself first. 

Edited by enchanted

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I've started a broad-spectrum data/video thread here and mentioned this as the debate/discussion thread.

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15 hours ago, enchanted said:

I worry for your mental health, you really don't seem well.....if you really want to help society focus on yourself first. 

   Deflecting into character assassinations and insults isn't an argument. You have yet to justify why 1 failure from Tories and conservatives justifies voting for the labor party? And which labor party am I voting for exactly? The wealthy rich leftists or the green party, which is much closer to working class peoples than the Londoners majority of Labor party represents???

   Sorry, but your argument is not persuasive enough to convince me to betray conservative party for labor party, which already is becoming more and more divided as a movement. 

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8 hours ago, BlueOak said:

I've started a broad-spectrum data/video thread here and mentioned this as the debate/discussion thread.

   Be careful of starting duplicate threads covering the same topics.

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Be careful of starting duplicate threads covering the same topics.

To be frank I put a lot of effort into that. It's not the same thread; its purpose is video coverage, statistics data, and polling information. How many threads are you going to see on the US election or various wars? Dozens, all from different angles and perspectives.

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1 hour ago, BlueOak said:

To be frank I put a lot of effort into that. It's not the same thread; its purpose is video coverage, statistics data, and polling information. How many threads are you going to see on the US election or various wars? Dozens, all from different angles and perspectives.

   That's fine, but I'm just giving you a heads up if that thread is reported to be a duplicate thread and you're warned about it. Just saying.😊 I'll be checking out that thread though!

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23 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   ONE failure is not justification to vote for another party, when the Labor party can't manage the economy with it's borrowing and loaning here and there, far more than tory or the conservative party. Brexit happened because David Cameron failed the general election, and most British people are getting fed up with mass immigration of stage red people coming over funneled by the EU, and the EU trawling along British soil and fishing areas.

   My link is fine as it is, and is from a conservative from Quora voicing their opinion. I don't feel like poisoning the well with your sources, so don't poison mine or I'll poison you. Oh, and WTFC about the Londoners when the other areas of Britain were far more impacted negatively before Brexit? Sorry but the UK/GB doesn't only exist in London, that's why Labor party also sucks because it's mostly representing rich Londoners, not the common Brit here.

Ahahaha one failure.... Name one area where they got it right?



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Edited by josemar

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3 hours ago, josemar said:

Ahahaha one failure.... Name one area where they got it right?



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   And under Tony Blair and the Labor party they screwed up the economy. And more other failures that should make you rethink ever voting labor. If you really hate the UK, you'd vote labor. That's the quickest way to ruin the country.

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On 05/06/2024 at 2:54 PM, Danioover9000 said:


1. Yes Rishi Sunak been in office since 2022, and is leader of conservative side.

2. What do you mean that Brexit and Covid-19 pandemic were disasters? Why do you think Brexit began for? Why do you think they cut short PM Liz Truss's short tenure where her budget was badly received? The British people were tired of having to deal with EU policies, EU fishing and trawling British coastlines and fishing areas, and are tired with mass immigration coming from EU.

3. Why are you claiming moral projection, and moral blame, saying the Tories deserve their lose? What have they done so far that they deserve to lose?

With respect, are you British? 

The Tories' unpopularity is just self-evident, and for the reasons I've stated. Even the most ardent Tory voters would agree, and expect to lose. It's about "moral projection", just a reality of matters on the ground. Nothing I said was that out of place. Maybe ask British people, and might well concur with my points. 

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