
Walking As A Method Is So Underrated

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Even if you have no idea how to meditate or self inquiry and you’re completely new to this, walking between 10,000 steps- 20,000 s will get your body to stillness and temporarily rid you of your neuroses.


I found that I cannot sit, meditate, and be still as long as I’m physically full of energy, the more work I do the more my body is gonna wanna be still which is what you need to be able to set and meditate, and really the work itself is also meditation. 

you you’re active and you workout you’ll know what I’m talking about, the more energy you’re spending during the day, the more your body goes to a conservative mode by making you be still so you don’t spend and more energy, and that stillness is what will allow you to be in a state of union, which may lead to an enlightenment or awakening experience.


I haven’t done any psychedelics in 5 years, I’ve had many awakenings just by walking, working, and sitting 🧘🏻‍♂️

If you don’t want do any drugs, this method is for you.


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I totally agree. I walk daily at least a couple of miles. I find walking forces me into a different mental state because my surroundings are constantly changing, and I'm using my body differently. I can then begin to focus outwards instead of inwards and I can be more present and meditative. I've also used walking to shut off my internal dialogue completely when I want to. And there's the obvious health benefits too - win win.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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When I first woke up spiritually ,I just start walking for 7 hours a day down the same straight road for like 4 months.

Edited by Hojo

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i manage 10k steps a day, morning 15 mins afternoon 30 mins evening 15 mins

walking is good though i think sitting is better

sitting gives the taste and walking implements the taste and brings god to your surroundings

walking is inspecting what you created with an amazed gaze and looking on all who pass by with meta and majesty and thankfulness



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