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Heaven =Childhood

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Why are Sounds..images..sensations etc that are dull for adults but for children  bring such ecstasy through experience?  Something as simple as climbing a tree..or searching for  objects or chasing flying insects etc successively bring an ambiance that is far beyond comprehension. I can think back to my childhood and remember that i was literally happy for zero fucking reason. i was just "high" on life without needing any drugs .  though as i age things become categorised .. limited..and  formulated  in such a way they can lose potential. Its like everything takes on a repeat . The same routine every day. I'm not happy for no reason .I must stimulate myself with distractions from the present moment because the baseline of the present moment is below zero in its ability to bring me happiness .

Anyone can relate?  Would you guys like to discuss this? 


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Totally agree. 

The human adult software has completely ruined the experience of just Being. 

This why we must go beyond It or keep It at a certain distance from us

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6 words "Loss of a sense of wonder"

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Things become mundane as we grow during childhood because we are slowly adapting to the environment we live in. Developing a sense of self different from the world around us through mimicking others, picking up roles and forming our personality etc. Unfortunately the society we live in has created an environment that is largely unnatural to us from an evolutionary perspective (it is still catching up), furthermore technology has been doing nothing but killing our attention-span.

However it is still possible to rediscover this sense of wonder. Just look at Sadhguru with his crazy beard. The dude's content 24/7!

The initial question is, what are you distracting yourself from in the present moment? (I'd say it is not the present moment that is at fault here, something is blocking you from experiencing it as it is). Fear? Pain? Anxiety?  Take a look at them and see what you find. You can also watch Leo's video on happiness to start with:


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Society is also a sick and toxic place. It prioritizes tech, money, looks, and war rather than happiness.

Sick and jaded adults, brainwashed by the system, mentally beat any joy out of us and raise us to be just like them.

Edited by enchanted

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We are also pitted against each other as kids on who is the smartest, most physically fit, and most charming. 

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I can relate, I really miss my childhood. I was always outside playing in the backyard or playing outside with friends. No kid had technology like smart phones back then in the early 2000s, so we weren't glued to any phone, i was born in 1999. 24 now almost 25.

I have a good family and had a good upbringing even though my parents got divorced, still I wasn't depressed as a kid. I think technology has fucked us all over, people are over using it and now kids today are addicted to their smartphones more than ever, they don't find enjoyment in other things because their so addicted to thier damn phones.

The smartphone for me was the old fat windows computer my dad had i would play old games on it, but I wasn't on it all the fucking time. But to jump into conclusion the short awnser to why we we're we happy as kids? No technology. 







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simple, because when you were a child you followed the natural cycle of being a child, but when you became an adult you were prohibited from doing the things that a human adult should do, which are killing and torturing enemies, stealing women, hunting animals and slaves, and fighting for leadership. and try to exterminate rival tribes. That's how our society is, it represses us and prevents us from doing the funny things.

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@Breakingthewall You think a more primitive part in us still craves that?

You know I thought a bit about making it a LP of mine to give people and adults opportunities to let loose in play so that their more primitive side of them is being stimulated/ integrated.  

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What I wonder is do we loose that happiness naturally by growing up or is it just society making us sick?


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3 hours ago, Brandon L said:

The smartphone for me was the old fat windows computer my dad had i would play old games on it, but I wasn't on it all the fucking time. But to jump into conclusion the short awnser to why we we're we happy as kids? No technology. 

I was ecstatic playing Pokemon on my Nintendo ds as a kid. That aint it at least for me. 

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i am no longer addicted to habits, i am awakened to heaven

mindless habits make a person dead

see the world through innocence and then all around is heaven

you're not heavy you're my brother as the Hollies reminded us

children are at the ignorance stage not innocence although this is better than most

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30 minutes ago, Jannes said:

@Breakingthewall You think a more primitive part in us still craves that?

You know I thought a bit about making it a LP of mine to give people and adults opportunities to let loose in play so that their more primitive side of them is being stimulated/ integrated.  

no, because our life line is absolutely out of that way from the beginning. The problem is that it follows a very narrow arbitrary path in which until very recently the only thing that mattered was deforming the individual to make him a social cog.

Finding a way to channel your energy is very difficult, since there is no beaten path for it, your ancestors from hundreds or thousands of generations of civilization shout at you: neurosis. so you have to trace the path for yourself and for those who come. Nobody said human life was easy.

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

no, because our life line is absolutely out of that way from the beginning. The problem is that it follows a very narrow arbitrary path in which until very recently the only thing that mattered was deforming the individual to make him a social cog.

Do you think the primitive part is not in us anymore or is it repressed?

1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Finding a way to channel your energy is very difficult, since there is no beaten path for it, your ancestors from hundreds or thousands of generations of civilization shout at you: neurosis. so you have to trace the path for yourself and for those who come. Nobody said human life was easy.

Every generation moves a step further. Our generation won't figure everything out and that's okay. 

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Semen Retention + Dopamine Detox + Breatharianism (or at least some lighter raw vegan/frut diet + fasting) + Removing deep sleep from life = Heaven 24/7 is back

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12 minutes ago, Jannes said:

Every generation moves a step further. Our generation won't figure everything out and that's okay. 

For hundreds of thousands of years no generation took any step forward, human reality was static, like that of animals, conditioned by genetics. Look at a bird in a park, they have been doing exactly the same thing for several million years, with hardly any variations.

At a given moment, the human freed himself from the chains of the gene and began the evolution of the immaterial entity called the collective ego. The collective ego grows exponentially. It took a Paleolithic tribe 80 thousand years to invent a new type of tool, this invention was recorded in the collective ego. At one point, agriculture and civilization, and everything accelerates, and now the pace is brutal.

The evolution of the collective human ego in one year is equivalent to hundreds of millions of years of genetic evolution. Adapting to this is obviously a challenge. 

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2 hours ago, Jannes said:

What I wonder is do we loose that happiness naturally by growing up or is it just society making us sick?

Sadhguru is ecstatic, so it's not the age. Hippies looked pretty happy, so they were made illegal.

2 hours ago, Jannes said:

@Breakingthewall You think a more primitive part in us still craves that?

Is there even a part responsible for that? Sounds like a cultural expression of an innately formless aggressive quality that can be channeled any kind of way, an outward thrusting characteristic that creates a positive momentum for extrinsic action and physical expression that can be channeled towards growth and creativity. It needn't be tied to violence, violence itself is an act of separation and bad faith all too easily propagated however, continuing through lineages like an eye for an eye turning the whole world blind until someone is ready to forgive, since from an understanding of Non-Duality everyone is you, if only everyone was aware of that.

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