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Sadhguru on Ramana Maharishi’s “Who Am I”

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What I like about this talk, Sadhguru is answering a Question from someone its about "Who am I" besides the normal identifications with Body and Mind, he brings about how the inquiry should be addressed, if He gives an Answer then the people listening have only two choices, either to Believe or Disbelieve, either way they will not be any closer to Realizing the Truth of "What am I", unless the question runs so deep that they cannot sleep at night and cannot do anything else but seek the answer to the question, so its a matter of Intensity right...

If Your Intensity is very High, the Truth of Reality will find You! He has said in the past that if Anger is Your thing, then get really really Angry and see where it takes You, he doesn't pretend to prescribe any sort of state to anyone, he just says that with Bliss the path/ride will go a bit smoother that is all..

All of this is a matter of Capability, can You do it right Now! Ramana could sit still, lets his flesh get infected and eaten by insects and still do absolutely Nothing, and find out who he was, can You do that? If not then another way might be needed!!


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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