
150 Mcg of AL-LAD is not potent enough. Increase dose? AL LAD + modafinil dangerous?

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My purpose is clarity in my life and trauma release. I'm not interested in deeper exploration of consciousness at the moment 

150mcg doesn't give me any visuals and my thinking is just slightly deeper. It makes me feel tipsy but doesn't lower my consciousness. My sourcing is a " trusted" online lab known by the community . I have not used a  test kit on it.

I did cause me a ( manageable ) anxiety attack because of thinking a lot about negative aspect of my past, present and future life.  Normally that wouldn't happen to me ( without a substance ) so I had some insights but nothing groundbreaking 

A few years ago, when I took almost 3g of dry mushrooms , they also barely made an effect on me


I'm considering either to increasing my dose to 1 and half blotter ( 225mcg ) or doing one blotter ( 150 Mcg ) + 50 MG of modafinil 

From what I know combining substances is a terrible decision, but nevertheless I'm asking for opinions

Edited by mmKay

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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It's not common practice to throw modafinil in the mix, but anecdotally people appear to be having decent results with that, for more clarity during the experience and better recollection afterwards. I'm gonna add some armodafinil to my next disso trip and see how that goes. Combining stuff is just fine as long as you don't go completely overboard or something stupid like coke with opis. AL-LAD is rather weak, so I don't think adding only 75ug more will produce a particularly noticeable difference. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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 Try adding MDMA for that purpose, this combo helped me release huge amount of trauma energy. 

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Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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Just now, Yimpa said:

That link just showed an empty screen 

Weird, it's working for me. Well here's an image that graphically lays it all out.


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Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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yeah im not mixing these two. Modafinil is a Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor but also indirectly affects Serotonin. We know psychedelics + SSRIs are deadly so this is a gamble.

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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