
Journey to €10.000 per month

41 posts in this topic

Day 33:

Doing well, I'm in a nice flow of taking daily responsibility and keeping my eyes on the ball. That means I'm not constantly overthinking but I keep going and flowing, one day at a time. I do my gratitude once or twice a day now and it is so helpful. Whenever low emotions like fear or doubt pop up I'm able to see them for what they are and not be trapped by it. 

Love and care:

What I wrote here yesterday was great, however I must combine that 'hard-ass capitalist' view with love and genuine care. Care about my product, care about the customer, care about my work. I don't want to be in a situation where I launch a course, make lots of money, but then have some skeletons in my closet because I did it with questionable ethics. If that were to happen I'd have made the product out of a need for money or success and not with the intention of creating a great product for the customer. 

But yeah, 95% of people don't even finish the courses they buy, so having questionable ethics around this is very tempting. Easy money. But if I'm going to make this course, I want it to be good. Also I want my YT channel and public persona to be genuine. I had one genuine TikTok that got me 50 likes out of 500 views. Then I have less genuine TikToks I made because I thought I 'must make more content' and got no likes but 1500 views. Now these are not real metrics to judge anything on, these people are not even my audience, but to me it's significant just as a personal note. 

This attitude requires greater trust in the universe and that money will come by being consistent, open, loving and creative. 

Funny thing is, I can see that this approach will have so many more benefits in the long run and can actually make me lots more money long-term. Because being genuinely myself in the content is going to set me apart from the competition who don't have strong personalities. Most 'make money' guys are boring af. Blue Ocean strategy. 

Heart chakra:

Not sure what to say about this yet because I'm only dipping my toes in it, but opening the heart seems important in this time for me. The gratitude really helps. Here's the short Tony Robbins version I use before sleep (and the Priming one in the morning):


Edited by Butters

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Day 35:

Something is happening, something where this whole journey of making money turns into a spiritual journey. Some things might flip: the need for money can turn into the need to let go. Idk. There's something to be said for 'just do your best and the universe will take care of it'. Funny how in the most challenging times your true essence might come forward. 

Yesterday was kinda rough. Had slept poorly for some reason, even though I was feeling great the day before, and the whole day was challenging because of negative thoughts. However I stuck to the program and just did less demanding tasks that needed to be done anyway. And those paid off because I made 2 relatively big sales on my Etsy digital store after creating a 50% store-wide discount. But I made those sales only AFTER I did a spiritual cleanse using a YT video, and went to kickboxing class at night. Then the rain literally cleared outside, it was wonderful. 

So there is something much deeper at play here, like my experience is rendered from consciousness. But of course I try to turn my bad financial situation into a real external force that's not within consciousness or not affected by my state, and that's where the duality occurs. Perhaps it doesn't even matter what you do, as long as you stay true to your essence. I've experienced some child-like wonder after doing a throat chakra exercise yesterday. This all sounds like nonsense I know, I can't really point my finger to what I'm trying to say here. 


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Day 36:

Problems can never be solved from the same place they were created. Today I woke up late, not feeling the best, and I was being consumed by my problem thoughts. I recognize now that these thoughts of fear and doubt are created in a certain state of being. It's important to recognize states of being. The Tony Robbins Priming exercise is now my most important daily habit as it really gets me to more awareness, overall this week has been quite magical. 

These past few days I've been more social and more playful, which is an absolute game changer. It opens up the gates towards sharing my gifts with the world, and plucking the fruits of what is out there. Imagine living your whole life in your neurotic thoughts, missing all the beauty that's out there, that'd be a waste of life. 

In the process of reaching my goals I will have to become something different from the old me who created these problems. And that can only be created by being closer to blank canvas and having fewer attachments. 

Note that I'm not just trying to make $10K pm but am also looking to do this in an authentic, fulfilling way. You could say that in addition to strategies I'm also exploring and doing inner work that just happens as a byproduct. 

(there's a different version of this on his Spotify that I recommend where he solo comments on the episode after the original)

Faith and Resistance:

There could be a discrepancy between what I'm divinely guided towards or naturally incline towards and what I've set out towards rationally. Or maybe they're the same, who knows. I have to be open and trusting of the Universe in this process. 


Edited by Butters

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Day 39:

Eureka! I've found it. Thus far, my business had no vision, as it's only purpose was to fuel my comedy lifestyle. That's not a strong enough motivator as selfish motivation is too limited to really work for me. So I've found a solution. I've found a proper vision for the business that's beyond myself. 

So basically I want to share myself with others, and share my work with others. I want a Youtube channel similar to Dan Koe's (thanks again for turning me onto his work @Fountainbleu @CARDOZZO). The idea is that instead of going through this journey myself, I will share it with others as best I can. Similar to doing stand-up where I write at home and then perform, but this time on Youtube and this time without the jokes. 

The key here is honesty. I can't pretend to be some "Etsy Guru" while I'm broke, that just doesn't sit right with me. If I hired an Etsy coach who was going to tell me how to make money on the platform and found out he's broke later I'd be upset. Even though I've made money on Etsy for 4 years full-time, it still doesn't sit right with me. What I do want to create is radically honest videos sharing my knowledge around self actualization and online business. Basically this journal but worked out further into video content. 

That's the vision and I love it, it's bigger than me. So looking at the past 5 years it was just me working on my laptop, in it for myself. Then the next 5 years of entrepreneurship will be me working on my laptop while broadcasting it all to the world. What a difference. So much more meaningful. 


I still have many bills to pay, like I'm drowning in them pretty much. At the moment I have no real income other than my Uber Eats job. That's where I want to focus a bit on freelancing. Between 2014 and 2017 I was traveling and lived in Indonesia for most of the time. To make money I built and sold websites on Flippa.com. 

For the time being, I want to explore freelancing again, but this time offering building websites to local business, basically helping them with anything digital such as content, website, email newsletters, social media etc. But mainly websites I think. This guy does it and makes $60K per month:

"But weren't you going to offer Etsy consulting?" - Yes I was, but I feel a slight ethical barrier there as I explained earlier. I'd rather start an 'honest' freelancing business and document it for my channel and build a following of this honest documentation than to offer myself as an Etsy coach but compromise slightly on transparency, even if it's ever so slightly. 


Don't get it twisted: this isn't a walk in the park and the Universe is really testing me right now. The thing that keeps me going is the gratitude and long-term vision that I have. If I were to just zoom in on my financial problems it would be too crippling to continue any of this. Like I said before, it's all about state. Eat that frog in the morning and trust God will take care of you. Trust that everything happens for a reason. 

Contextualization: "Worried about Bills but there's mothers who lose children to disease or accidents, so contextualize please. Also imagine the future people who would enjoy my stuff but now can't because I got hung up on some dental bill. Insanity."

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Day 41:

I feel like shit. Wednesday was the last day where I actually did some things and I received a payment from an old website that I sold, so that took care of a few bills and released some stress. Thursday woke up late and simply didn't do anything, took a long-ass nap in the afternoon then canceled a comedy show I had at night. Today I am confused about what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to do. 

I'm falling into so many of the traps I mentioned earlier. At least I'm managing my finances daily so doing a better job at that I guess. Right now I'm falling into all of these:

Trap #1: Wriggling

I feel lost. First I said I was going to work on my YT channel(s) and do PoD. Then that became Etsy, then it became Etsy coaching, then it became freelancing. Now I feel lost. 

  • Trap #5: Taking it all too seriously
  • Trap #6: No balance
  • Trap #7: Stress
  • Trap #9: Not doing comedy

Canceled a show last night because I thought it would be more efficient to work from home and wake up early today so I can get this damn money. 

  • Trap #10: The comedy scene

My last show went poorly and I'm still stuck up on that. Also people there weren't nice. 

  • Trap #17: Jumping to conclusion
  • Trap #22: Overeating
  • Trap #25: Supermarkets

Why do I keep falling into trap #1? I feel like I haven't done anything! Not built anything up. First I create that Fiverr gig and Upwork profile, but I haven't even looked at that since. Then I created my own website and I post shorts on socials for Etsy coaching, but then I say that's not good and I have to do something else. 

I have been doing a much better job at my finances lately and have made sure I received that payment last week. I might also get some money back in taxes but not sure. But I really took time these past weeks to try and work on this. But at the same time this pile of debt just creates stress, and it creates this need for quick income, which Youtube doesn't seem to provide. So that's how I got to freelancing, but I don't have any passion for this. Besides, proper freelancing requires me to position myself in the market and actually treat it like a real business, and then it feels like I'm taking YET ANOTHER thing on my plate and it feels like Trap #1 again. 

When I'm in an energetic high I feel like I can do anything. When I'm at an energetic low it's totally different. 

Let's explore this state further. If I only made posts here when I feel good, I'll have an incomplete documentation. Let's explore this low state and see where it leads me. Being in the low state, what is something I am intrinsically motivated to do? Well, apparently it's this journal; exploring my own thoughts to find truth and direction. I also feel inclined to  make video content, but I hold myself back with rational thoughts (Trap #18: Rational thinking). God I should offer life coaching, I could probably help others boost their state and help them make decisions from there, and identify blockages etc. 

So I guess I'm much more of a soft person. Let's ask ChatGPT what soft person values are:


Soft Person Values:

  • Empathy
  • Kindness
  • Cooperation
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Patience
  • Compassion
  • Flexibility

Hard Person Values:

  • Determination
  • Resilience
  • Assertiveness
  • Competitiveness
  • Discipline
  • Goal orientation
  • Self-reliance

Both sets of values are important and can complement each other. Developing a balance between soft and hard values can help you become more effective in various aspects of life and work.

Hmm, I guess I have some of both, although little to no competitiveness tbh, and also not super flexible. 

Ever since my first NLP seminar in April of last year I wanted to start a coaching business. Why didn't I start yet? I felt it wasn't ready. But it suits me. I should probably do this. 


This is freaky, but literally as I wrote this I checked my inbox and an email appears with the subject "Start your own coaching business" from that company I took the seminar. 

It's really interesting that I went ahead and explored this negative state in this post and came to such an interesting finding. So I didn't fall into Trap #19: Toxic positivism of only wanting to look at things from a High state, but now I explored it from a Low state and I'm still guided in the right direction. 

I feel better now. 

For the sake of it:

Nobody paints because they want to become a famous painter. That is bullshit. People paint because they want to paint. Earlier when I held thought of being an NLP coach or speaker, there was too much ego involved. I envisioned myself on stage for the recognition. Now I'm actually more motivated because I understand people better and through NLP you can elevate people to their higher selves, outside of themselves, and that's really cool. 

Edited by Butters

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Idea: coach young entrepreneurs for free in e-commerce and receive a small cut of the profits. That way I get to coach someone without having to do the business work, just the big picture stuff. That sounds like fun. 


Did you know that if you focus on something, that narrative will start to translate in the 3D world? I see myself as a coach, I see coaching opportunities 😉

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@Butters I'm glad I could be of assistance, and thanks for sending all these videos—they all feel aligned.


You're doing great. My journey resonates deeply with yours. Thanks for the inspiration. I appreciate and understand your queries into the mind. It sounds like you're following your highest excitement, moment to moment, which is a powerful path. Balancing making money with serving your passions, like performing comedy, I think is fine and aligns with a holistic approach to life, in the moment. 


I'm also considering web design. Dan Koe's videos resonate with me, especially his emphasis on writing as a top skill. I've always wanted to dive into it but I'm contemplating how to quickly monetize it in a perceivingly competitive field. I plan on watching the "$15,000 website clients a month" video, thanks for posting it.


You also sparked my interest in an Etsy store. Since reading The 4-Hour Workweek in 2008, I've wanted to start a successful dropshipping business. Recently, I've also considered coaching, but I haven't felt a strong enough pull to start yet. Like you, I don't feel fully qualified yet.


As I mentioned, we're on similar paths, with a lot of 'wriggling'. Bashar's formula of following your excitement resonates with me. From a broader perspective, all this 'wriggling' aligns with the natural flow of life and our evolving paths.

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On 7/14/2024 at 4:24 AM, Fountainbleu said:

@Butters I'm glad I could be of assistance, and thanks for sending all these videos—they all feel aligned.

@Fountainbleu fantastic, so glad to hear it resonates with you and your journey as well. 

Etsy is a great starting point if you're doing PoD. They don't allow straight-up dropshipping but there's workarounds. I sold t-shirts but that market has become more saturated although there's still a high demand. T-shits is also a low-margin product. 

You could start selling some unique products like custom metal signs on Etsy and once you make a few sales bring it over to your own Shopify, that's where you can really scale. But Etsy is great to get started because they'll send you free traffic and sales, it's just hard to scale. 

Day 47:

Last post I did a public brainstorm on here and it turned out nicely, so let's do that again. I really want to get into coaching, it's my mission, all the signs are there. I raise my state daily using the Tony Robbins Priming exercise and my energy is fantastic now, I have so much more clarity. There's even moment of 'higher purpose' or a 'purpose greater than myself' popping up, which would be enhanced if I started to work with clients or surround myself with other motivated coaches. 

Too many assets:

So I want to start coaching, but I have multiple ideas can only focus on 1 thing at a time. Let's write down all the ideas I currently have:

Youtube channel: I have this channel and posted 7 shorts + a first longform video after 2 days of editing this week. Here is post about my experience as an Etsy seller and also want to start another PoD store and document my journey to share with my audience. 

PoD Coaching: Ties in with the YT channel. I made a website with the coaching packages and all the socials where I posted shorts; TikTok, YT, Insta. 

New Etsy Store: The idea to start a new Etsy PoD store and document my journey on the YT channel

New Shopify Store: To go along with the new Etsy PoD store. 

Faceless YT channel: Has 1K subs, but I stopped making videos a few months ago

Comedy Instagram: My personal instagram where really I only post my comedy

Comedy Facebook: Only using for comedy

Personal LinkedIn: dormant 

Offline life coaching: I also feel this strong pull to offer life coaching and have IRL coaching sessions so I can really transmute my energy properly onto my client

Offline seminars: Public speaking and do seminars in front of groups. 

I run into a few issues immediately. First, under which name or brand am I going to offer coaching? I do my comedy under a different name than my birth name, which I actually don't use on any social media. Second, which language should my content be in; Dutch or English? If I want to offer 1-on-1 offline coaching it should be in Dutch because I'm in the Netherlands. But if I want to build a 1M sub YT channel then that content should be in English. 

The answer is probably to do what's furthest outside my comfort zone, which would be; Dutch and combine all the online presentations into one. Then focus on offering 1-on-1 coaching. 

I know exactly how to create a funnel, this video came into my feed last night and it's a fucking life saver:

Seriously if you're considering coaching, watch this!

So I understand her funnel, I just need to figure out my offer. 

Passion, Purpose, Skills:

  • Passion: comedy, personal development
  • Purpose: helping others, finding truth
  • Skills: Etsy, PoD, web design, contemplating ideas, NLP, listening, being a mirror to others

"You best serve your younger self" (quote from the video), that's EXACTLY what I was thinking about earlier this week. So what kind of transformations have I gone through that I can help other people with? That's not that easy to put into words, hmmm. 

Personal transformations:

  • I've become more peaceful
  • I have more trust in the process / universe
  • I went from working shitty jobs to working for myself
  • I've identified and acted on a passion of doing stand-up comedy
  • I've gained more social confidence 

Ok but HOW did I do these things? Because it seems that these things sort of just happened along the path, like more maturity just happened overtime. You could say they happened because I was guided by the Divine, but that's not very helpful. But I do feel that if I had a time machine I could help my younger self 100%. So put this into words... 

If I were to sit with a client and he tells me about a bunch of problems, I am certain I could help him. But we're trying to create an offer here, so I have to put this into words on paper. 

I'm gonna have to park this for a moment because I can't figure it out right now. But I'm getting some clarity. Will continue this later. 

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Day 53:

The vision is taking more and more shape which is absolutely fantastic, the vision gets bigger. My vision is to combine multiple areas of my life into a single life's work. Right now I do my stand-up, then I have my online business that is completely separate. Then I also do my personal development, contemplation and spiritual work, which is again separate. 

So what happens when I combine those 3 worlds into one life's work? That's where the real magic happens. That's where I live in purpose full-time. What do I do there? I share content on YT and Instagram and others socials from both my comedy and other content that can help people go from point A to point B in life. So I basically combine my serious side (coaching, self-actualization self) with the comedy self and share it all on my socials. This creates a highly unique product and offer for my audience. 

This requires some serious honesty, because I'll be sharing my entire life with the world, no more separation. This way I could never even release a "scammy course" for example since the business self-help side is also intimately linked to the comedy side now. It's all me, it's all one. In my content I'll have to be as honest as I can be because my ass is on the line here. My intimate circle of comedian friends know every step I take in this journey cause it's all public, all under the same umbrella. 

Is that scary? Yes! But the upside is too big to just leave it. Joe Rogan, Owen Cook, you look at these guys what do they do? THEY LIFT EVERYBODY AROUND THEM UP WITH THEM! This is crucial, don't overlook this. Listen to any rap lyric, what do they do? THEY LIFT EVERYBODY AROUND THEM UP WITH THEM! They buy they mama a house, everybody around them shines with this beautiful energy of prosperity. By living my dreams and inspiring those around me I will be able to go down a highway of supercharged Godspeed consciousness. 


But I don't have an offer yet. The central question is; what can I help people with? This needs to be a clear offer; take you from point A to point B. I've had an Etsy store so I guess I could teach that to people, but I don't even believe it's that great of a business, especially not today. I'd much rather have a system where I can start any PoD dropshipping Shopify store and take it to a few $K per month within a short time. If I have such a system then I can easily set up multiple of those myself and share on my Youtube channel how to do it. Then I can actually help people escape wage slavery, which is fantastic!

A small portion of those people will want to pay for high-ticket coaching. I'll have such a unique angle for this too, because I never heard of a stand-up comedian who offers that. It will immediately win trust of people who may not usually pay for high-ticket coaching. 

But before this can happen I need to have a system in place and a clear offer. So I need to start dropshipping myself first to make this happen, which is exactly what I talked about in the beginning of this thread. 

Sex Transmutation:

Went on a date this past weekend which was nice. Being with a woman just motivates me more to take risks. Life is all about risk, I wouldn't be here without having taken big risks in the past. And if I want to reach exceptional heights, I'll have to continue to take big risks. Serious, big fucking risks. 

Knowing that consciousness cannot go anywhere and I will always be fine, I can safely take these risks because I trust God enough. 

Ego motivation:

This was lacking before and it gets stronger and stronger which is cool af. I am now motivated because I want to be loved and adored and complimented, I am motivated because I want more female attention, I am motivated because I want to have money to spend on bullshit. THIS PART WAS MISSING BEFORE AND MADE ME DOCILE. 

I am now ready to swing my cock and stick it in society's pussy. 

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Day 55:

There's light at the end of the tunnel but I'm still in financial hell. I am grateful every day and my vision keeps sharpening, and I am sharp. This year has been very interesting so far, but we're a long way from financial freedom. But that's okay. Every day is a blessing, and my bigger-picture goals become more clear every week and month. 


I am for real hustling now and that mentality was lacking before. If you want success then you've got to be willing to hustle, and I was just unwilling to do anything before, like a spoiled little princess. I didn't want to work for a boss, and only wanted to run my own business once it was 'perfect', well that's not gonna work. The hustle mindset was missing. 

The problem with hustle mindset is that it's almost anti-spiritual and that's the cost. Eye for an eye, dog-eat-dog world. There is of course a classy way to do it, and that's by lifting everyone around you up with you (said this in my last post). That's a real classy way to handle stage Orange and my growth through this phase. 

I'm going to become really successful, and I have many of the right elements in me, but this phase right now is about hustling and sharpening the vision. Tomorrow I have an online workshop about creating your coaching offer. 

That being said I do notice that this hustling mindset is problematic because today during my Uber Eats work I was not nice to a few people who didn't deserve that and I regret this. Like seriously feel bad about it, this can be such a trap 😢😭 

When I fall into this trap my ego rises out of control. So let's try to find balance here and grow towards success while being kind. This is almost a paradox since by going for exceptional success you must at some level see yourself as more deserving of that success than the 99% who don't reach it. Can you see how paradoxical this is? But still, let's find balance here between taking big risks, not giving into fear and hustling while simultaneously being kind and expanding spiritually. 

Edited by Butters

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Day 56:

So much going through my head right now. I feel like earlier this week I had struck the perfect balance between masculine and feminine energy. I had just been with a girl this weekend which made me want to hustle harder and take more risks. I realized that taking risks is what got me so far in life so now is not the time to play it safe. 

But I took this too far. Now I'm in the streets almost looking for fights and that's just not me. I took the masculine energy and hustle mentality overboard and turned it into something nasty. There's an additional trap inside of hustle mentality which is the 'I'll be happy when' trap. Hustling makes me look at what I don't have instead of keeping my eyes on the goal and living in the moment. 

Let's find a balance. 


I just finished the coaching seminar and it made my vision even more clear. He talked about finding your target audience but it was all about professions. For example "I help middle managers in IT become more confident" and I thought "I don't give a fuck". So then I thought of who my audience is and they are people who want to chase their dreams and reach real freedom in their lives. Digital nomads, entrepreneurs, artists. 

My ideal life is me traveling the world while making $10k pm passive income and helping others do the same. In order for me to inspire and help others I need to become my ideal self first. I can't sit here in my broke home on my broke phone talking about how to live your dreams. Even though I've done plenty of inner work, I need to get results so I can hook other people in. Once they're hooked in I can teach them Actualization lessons, and help them get the best out of life. 

This is a big vision and I accept it will take years, so it's really a 5 to 10 year vision. 

Edited by Butters

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Day 58:

I think I've gained some insight into why I was feeling shitty last week, let's dive right in:

Pussy corrupts:

Just had this insight; pussy corrupts! As I was looking at some deer inside a tiny reservation near my home, I realized; they're playing a simple game. Their game is to have babies and eat grass. That's it. One male deer impregnates all 20 females inside the reservation, then they just hang out in a group until they're grown up. This made me realize; we're doing the exact same thing. We are nothing but animals in a giant zoo called Society. Instagram models, fast cars, high-status brands, it's all just chasing pussy, it's all survival-based nonsense. 

I had a date last weekend and this week I felt shitty. But why? It's because my internal focus shifted from higher ideals to mostly hustle. Why hustle? To get more pussy. Guys will dedicate their entire lives to 'hustle' (making money for the sake of making money) in order to take an extra vacation or buy a nicer car. Why? To get pussy. All this is motivated on some level to get pussy, directly or indirectly. That includes starting an impressive company or starting a family. Starting a family is equally 'Survival Matrix', no better or worse than chasing pussy. 

But that's not all. We had this date and it was fine, we had sex and we had a connection. At the very end of the date she said "I enjoyed this but next time I'd like to go for dinner". So I thought "girls like to enjoy getting ready and going on dates like that" so now I'm thinking "I need to hustle harder so I can take her out on a date". Before you know it, I'm hustling just for the sake of money, putting my higher ideals off into the future. And THAT'S how pussy corrupts. I also don't really like this kind of manipulative behavior that happens when a female finds out I'm not just good looking but also have a heart and soul, so she pushes me into the provider frame, which ultimately becomes manipulative because all of a sudden there's like stakes and strings attached. Why would you decide already that I take you out to eat next time? Now I'm not taking her out at all for this bullshit lol. But really the truth is I just don't want a serious relationship and she already caught feelings after sex so I have to cut this off. 

So that sums up the problem with pussy and money. Also if you 'hustle' it implies you work hard on something you're not passionate about so you can relax cause you got a tiny bit more money than the next guy. It doesn't get more Matrix than that. 

Artful money making:

But there is good news! There has to be a way to make money in the short term that is aligned with my higher goals. Hell, I'm going to spend the next 30 years of my life working so might as well work on something worthwhile from now on. My goal now is to grow myself as an influencer and help others while I travel the world and do stand-up. It all ties in together, so my Instagram with have my comedy on it as well as more 'actualization' content (whatever the word is). 

These are currently my 5-year goals: 

Screenshot 2024-07-29 104934.png

(confusing I know but Green on the August goals = done, red = not done yet ... on anything other than August goals the colors don't mean anything)

My natural inclination is to put this off into the future. I thought I should build another dropshipping store first for the money, then teach others how to do the same on my YT, and begin coaching from there. That's not a bad thought, but why not start with the coaching business today? What if my financial problems are also solved by doing my higher purpose business? What if I could get 2 high-ticket coaching clients this month? 


Now, be extremely careful making assumptions. When I think of starting coaching today, I immediately make assumptions like 

  • I'm not good enough to coach people yet
  • I don't have anything valuable to offer because I'm broke
  • Making money with my passion just takes longer than quick hustle 

I must be conscious of the fact that these are assumptions and not truth. But when you trust an assumption to be true, then it becomes truth. I speak the word into existence, so to speak. 

So I took this coaching seminar on Saturday, I will now continue to work out my coaching offer and see how I can help others. 


I must be careful not to judge too harshly, since my date last weekend did give me some insights into my financial situation. I can become too dreamy and unrealistic in life, so being with this girl who was almost a pessimist was nice. 

Another upside of hustle is I now refuse to borrow money from my dad because I'd rather hustle than go through the embarrassment of that ordeal again. To be clear he's broke too, but it just toxifies the relationship for no good reason. 

Edited by Butters

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Day 66:

I'm getting some more clarity about my life and trajectory, finally. These past 2 - 3 weeks were kinda rough with lots of brainfog, doubt, worry and fear in spite of my efforts to do things right. 

Million dollar idea:

And yesterday morning I finally had my million dollar idea. I started reading this book:

image (1).png

And while I was feeling worried about my situation the million dollar idea came the next day. It is quite simple:

  • Step 1: Create a new Etsy PoD store, this time using lesser known suppliers selling high margin products
  • Step 2: Explain to people how to do the same in Youtube videos
  • Step 3: Offer to create the same for them for a fee
  • Step 4: Also create a course 
  • Step 5: Remove step 3 and instead of that create my own PoD platform with exclusive products. The platform has a sign-up fee to keep it exclusive and we take a cut on top of that from each sale. This last step would be the real big money and if I were to take this route I'd partner with a crazy entrepreneur who's willing to put in the sweat equity and the hours. Then I'd be happy to take a below 50% stake in this only in exchange for promo and getting the people to sign up. 

So there you have it, million dollar idea. I can go "yes but" all day long but here it is, a literal million dollar idea, by which I mean it has the potential to create at least $1 million in profit over the next 5 years, but potentially a lot more. It taps right into my knowledge and skills, while also helping other people accomplish something useful; making money on Etsy. I don't see how this isn't a huge win for everyone. 

Next step is to accept that this it THE plan, and just go. Eyes closed jump off that bridge and enjoy the hell out of it. No turning back, no other options, this is what I'll be working on the next five years. Also this has both short and long term money potential which is why it's so awesome. I could literally get people buying my coaching packages after only releasing one or two videos. 

Reiki Session August:

Went to my Reiki lady yesterday which was great. It's funny how I texted her the night before and I was still in this contracted space, but the next morning I woke up and I already had this million dollar idea and felt great before the session. So perhaps the mere planning of the session lifted my spirits, or it's just how the universe aligned things. Mercury is in retrograde, whatever that means. 

Lessons from the session:

  • I attach things to stuff. Like I attach happiness to (getting out of) debt. I make life so conditional. But things are already perfect. 
  • Money is energy. Money is not everything. You have a right to bliss, a right to smile, a right to be grateful. Without money. You have all that already. 
  • Be patient. I am very impatient with this. When I have an idea, I want that to be real instantly. But I must act confidently and be trusting of the universe. You cannot change the speed at which the seasons go by, be patient. Thing will happen on the Universe's clock. 
  • She told me I'm on a path towards bliss. This was very interesting.. I always thought my progress was me going towards something material like more social confidence, earthly success, money, leadership. But never thought of it this way. 
  • Look at my debt and my situation from a place of presence, bliss and confidence, detachment. Attach the heart to my goals and go towards that bliss. But don't attach yourself to the debt. 

Cosmic joke: after she told me this whole thing about money isn't everything she asked me to pay for the session, which I gladly did. But I couldn't help but notice a slight discomfort coming from her, as if her asking for the payment somehow discredited her speech about money not being that important. I interpreted this as a little cosmic joke, as if to say; contradictions can be true, and also YOU are dreaming this up, don't give authority away to your Reiki lady cause clearly I'm seeing something here that she's not. 

So what she said about money is true, but at the same time you must be able to hold the paradoxical thought that money IS actually important. After all why does she charge me? 

Next steps:

I feel like I've finally been pulled out of this rut and I'm ready to just take steps each day towards success. I have clarity now. 

  • Find suppliers
  • Make content about this
  • Start new Etsy shop
  • Make more content
Edited by Butters

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Day 68:

The clarity I'm feeling feels so amazing! I feel so happy and grateful, so secure in the universe, so safe, I could cry. I feel like I've gone beyond mere 'belief' and am now in KNOWING, meaning I KNOW as absolute fact that I will succeed. I know what I'm doing, I know how it all ties in together, there is no failure possible because I know I will succeed. 

I have so much to say about this but not now. 

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Day 71:

The curious thing is that the state I got into last week faded. But why? Am I doing something wrong or is life just peaks and troughs? So I got into a state of abundance somewhere around Wednesday and it faded slowly and now I wake up late again with heavy thoughts of worry, like what if I don't make the money?

The whole problem with this manifestation stuff is that it is so heavily inwardly focused, whereas successful people have an outward focus. If I want success I just need to ask: how can I help? I've already wrote the outline for a few video scripts and created + uploaded 2 new videos for my spiritual channel this month. Just need patience and presence. \

This just popped in my feed "slow down on the things that are important to you":


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Sorry for being intrusive, and feel free to tell me to fuck off if I’m overstepping.

But seriously, just focus on selling a solid product and drop this armchair-entrepreneur stuff. It took me 6 months to get good enough to pull in 10k a month just by working the phone.

This will teach you real, valuable skills. You’d be surprised how in demand good sales hunters are.

If you get good at this, you can work from anywhere - just you, your phone, and your skills. Plus, your charisma will skyrocket, which will only boost your comedy game.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Day 80:

I'm really getting into flow states now which is fantastic. I've shifted from a worrying mindset to a mindset of abundance. Instead of focusing on lack, I've been focusing on what I do want and this has shifted my energy into a completely new paradigm. I feel sensitivity in my heart region sometimes (loving feeling), I feel tingling in my body and I feel more present. 

From this state is has been much easier to work on my business, because there is almost no doubt and instant action. So I've been joyfully working on my business this past week. In that natural flow I've shot and uploaded several videos. I'm now running my Etsy channel as well as a personal channel where I talk about manifesting. And I also still run that spiritual AI channel so technically 3. But it all just ties in together. 

All the business models and ideas I have now perfectly tie in with my expertise and knowledge I've accumulated over the past 15 - 20 years. Everything ties in with who I am. 

"when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"

A new higher goal of mine now is to teach people directly from source energy. I don't think I can do this yet, but this is something I can see in the future. 

Had a date last week, sucked. Ended up texting the same girl from a few weeks ago and she's nice, we have a connection and she's also quite spiritual. So if I apply the same fearless and trusting attitude to other areas of my life then I should also be open to that relationship. I do feel lonely sometimes and one of my new goals is to create a social circle of people who vibrate at the same frequency as me. I don't seem to find these people in regular settings. 

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Day 82:

Very nice, in a good flow of things. The idea that I'm educating others along the way is such a big motivator! Whereas before I didn't give a fuck about dropshipping, now I care because I can teach other people. It's a total game changer for me. 

I don't have much else to say until I start making money. Instead let me share some recent influences here: 

Book I'm currently reading: 

image (1).png

And guess what? It shows up in this guy's videos (not this one though). I mean wtf Universe... 

This girl is AMAZING (manifesting):

Unrelated nerd shit, but inspirational. To be honest I find most of Youtube very inspirational for my own channels, I can learn something from almost any video even if it's just entertainment:

More random entertainment that I geeked out on:

More nerd shit: 

Any of these Abraham Hicks videos (related to the book I'm reading):

Dunno why I went on such a geek spree, I'm not even a programmer but I guess I like the problem solving side of these videos:

Theo Von is king: 


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Day 83:

THIS WILL BE MY LAST POST UNTIL I START MAKING MONEY AND POST INCOME REPORTS!  Otherwise it feels like I'm stealing time away from you guys. 

And other than that, I don't have much to say. I'm in an amazing daily flow where I no longer overthink stuff but simply GO. Hobbies and work all mix together into a continuing flow. I am all by myself at home alone with my laptop and I love it. No loneliness, just ever higher states of being, moving closer to my goals every day. 


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Day 219:

Even though I feel quite embarrassed by these small numbers, I promised to post when I had some profit so here we go. 

Notes: This is on a brand new Etsy shop selling PoD candles. I had another shop where I started selling ornaments in October but it got banned right away. If that hadn't happened the numbers would be much higher. Also if I wasn't so stupid to have my old Etsy shop banned I wouldn't even be in this situation but whatever. 

December 2024:

  • Etsy sales: $5309.42 
  • Amazon sales: $115.84
  • Ebay sales: $22.99

Cost of goods: $3521.81

Ad costs: $495

Etsy fees: $673.08

December Profit: $758

November 2024:

Etsy sales: $2216.55

Cost of goods: $1463

Etsy ads: $157

Etsy fees: $273

November Profit: $323.55



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